Market News

EKÁER: the MLSZKSZ requires a further two months grace period

The Association of the Hungarian Logistics Service Centers (MLSZKSZ) and the Hungarian Freighting and Logistics Service Providers Association (MSZSZ) summarized the practical experiences of the road freight electronic control system...

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MNKSZ: the calculations of VOSZ are not proper

According to the Hungarian National Trade Association (MNKSZ), the Tuesday statement of the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) is unfounded in connection with the Sunday store closure and...

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The rate of wage growth slowed in November

The average gross wage growth slowed in November, compared to the same period of the previous year, but in terms of regular gross earnings the trend remained positive, according to...

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Inflation may be lower, due to the persistently low oil prices

If the price of oil remain low in 2015 on the international markets, the annual inflation may be lower than the Ministry of National Economy’s (NGM) forecast of 1.8 percent...

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The AMC welcomes the Hungarian initiative on GMOs

The Agricultural Marketing Centre (AMC) General Directorate of the Hungarian National Tourist Office welcomes Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture's announcement that Hungary initiated a cooperation for countries that are against...

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Hungarian Product partners meeting

HUNGARIAN PRODUCT Nonprofit Kft. organised an informal partners meeting on 7 November, where participants were also playing games connected to the theme of the traditional Hungarian pig slaughter. Managing director...

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Nielsen: the buying mood of the Hungarian consumers is still huge

The buying mood of the Hungarian consumers continues to be huge – on the basis of the trends of the recent twelve-months. The retail sales of food products increased by...

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Economists: economic growth should be made sustainable

2014 was a successful year in the Hungarian economy, but it was also due to external factors, and Hungary in terms of innovation, and poverty is lagging behind the European...

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Demján: 200-250 billion HUF will fall out of the budget due to the Sunday store closure

According to the executive Chairman of the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ), it is expected that 200-250 billion HUF less revenue will flow into the budget due to...

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3.4 billion HUF was paid out for the school milk program last year

Last year, approximately one billion HUF more support was given to the School Fruit Scheme – the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (MVH) told MTI on Monday. According to the...

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2,100 billion HUF EU fundings have to be to be drawn down

To close the 2007-2013 EU budget cycle Hungary has to drawn down 2,100 billion HUF EU fundings, without any losses – Rákossy Balázs, Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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Processed meat products without permission were seized in Zala county

A meat wholesaler company dealt with meat processing without a license in Zala county. At the premises of the company four tonnes of meat products were seized – the Directorate...

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More young farmers will receive starting support

About eight hundred more young farmers will receive start-up fundings from the contest announced this year for the fourth time. The 103-points limit has been reduced to 90 points, because...

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The weak forint stimulates shopping tourism

As the result of the weak forint shopping tourism to Hungary accelerated again in the settlements near the border. Shopping tourists come to Hungary mainly from Slovakia, while near the...

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Cashier Service: default penalty may be even one million HUF

The mandatory annual review of the cash registers will come soon – the experts warn. Under the legislation, the online cash registers should be reviewed each year. After the first...

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Hungary would turn the EU into a GMO-free zone

Hungary initiated to form an alliance wioth the participation of those countries that are rejecting the agricultural use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), with the goal to turn the entire...

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The online daily deals market has roughly increased to 16.5 billion HUF

The aggregate turnover of the online daily deals market offering coupons and discounts Increased to 16.5 billion HUF in Hungary last year – the report of the eNet Internet Research...

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Approximately 12.4 billion euros can be spent on the agricultural sector until 2020

Approximately 12.4 billion euros European Union support is available for the development of the agricultural sector until 2020, 1.9 billion euros more than in the previous period – Czerván György...

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An amendment to decrease the excise guarantee on alcohol products to twenty million HUF

Lázár János Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office and L. Simon László Minister of State would reduce the excise guarantee on alcohol products to twenty million HUF. The two MPs...

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3.4 billion HUF was paid out for the school milk program last year

The Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (MVH) paid 3.4 billion HUF support to the suppliers and institution maintainers last year in the school milk program, 1 billion HUF more than...

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The Russian recession also threatens our region

The Russian economy is likely to sink into a deeper recession this year, than it was previously expected, primarily due to the low oil prices that were halved in the...

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The customs autorities seized twenty tons of meat products of dubious origin in Rijeka

The Croatian custom autorities seized twenty tons of Chinese meat products that were frozen six years ago and were labeled as soya in the port of Rijeka – the Croatian...

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Visitors from the government

Last week experts from the consumer protection department of the Ministry for National Development visited SPAR’s meat processing plant in Bicske. The guests were guided around the REGNUM meat plant...

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The food retail market is oversaturated

According to the analysis of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK), the food retail market is oversaturated in Hungary, so an average of more than 50 business closes...

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Positive experiences during the winter food inspections

5045 tests, 6.2 tons of withdrawn products, 69 warnings, 21.6 million HUF fines in 145 cases are the results of this winter’s seasonal controls. The control series were coordinated by...

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Agricultural grant applications are expected to be submitted from 1 April

It is expected that the farmers can submit their grant applications from 1 April to the Agriculture and Rural Development Office (MVH). The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) will publish regulations...

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The Labour force rental may increase by one-fifth in trade

The Labour force rental companies expect a significant, 10-15 percent increase in traffic in Hungary in 2015. The proportion of atypical employment in the trade can grow by 20 percent...

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Consumer prices fell in the EU in December

Consumer prices fell by 0.1 percent on an annual level last December in the European Union (EU) after the 0.3 percent increase in November – the EU's statistical office the...

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Joining Forces to strengthen the household farms

The four-party Memorandum of Understanding, which was signed in Veszprém on Friday aims to strengthen the household farming. The cooperation also aims to the whitening of the sector as well...

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One from three children has no breakfast in the morning

The Hungarian Dietetic Association (MDOSZ) and Nestlé conducted a survey which revealed that one third of children between the ages of 4 and 10 leave home in the morning without...

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