Market News

European standards

On 12 June 2015 the government issued decree 1387/2015 (VI. 12.) on the usage of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for annual reporting purposes in Hungary. The standards will be...

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The retail real estate market is becoming more expensive in Budapest

The retail real estate market is becoming more expensive in Budapest – the latest analysis of the CBRE global real estate consultant was published by The supply of new...

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MNB: the spread of the touch cards increases the number of transactions

In the second quarter of the year, the use of electronic payment devices continued to increase primarily due to the significant expansion of the payment card infrastructure. The number of...

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The Hungarian honeys are also promoted at the Milan Expo

The Hungarikum Week started on Monday. The most popular, high-quality Hungarian honeys will also be showcased in the Hungarian Pavilion at the Expo in Milan with the professional guidance of...

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The best white wines were chosen

From the more than half thousand white wines 265 items got into the White Wine Excellence, which will also appear in the forthcoming wine book of excellences – the

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Bisnode: The sales revenue of the Hungarian companies increased by 1.47 percent in 2014

The sales revenue of the Hungarian companies grew by 1.47 percent in 2014. The companies produced a total of 82,000 billion HUF revenue on the basis of more than 384...

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Hungary worsened the World Economic Forum's competitiveness list

Hungary is ranked 63rd on the competitiveness list of the World Economic Forum, on the basis of the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI). In last year’s survey Hungary was the 60th...

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Organic-coal instead of synthetic fertilizers

A European Union funded project led by Hungarian experts developed a technology aims to produce organic-coal that can replace conventional fertilizers. In the survey 14 partner companies and 10 European...

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The services and vending machines can be also wired to the NAV

The use of Online Cash Registers can be required in the service sector for additional businesses – the Világgazdaság Online quotes Varga Mihály. According to the Minister of Finances, the...

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The infectious jaundice also appeared in the vineyards of Somogy County

The infectious jaundice also appeared in the vineyards of Somogy County. The experts detected the infection in the vicinity of Karád around. A quarantine has been ordered within a one...

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Modifications in the competition law

Hungary’s Competition Act (Act 57 of 1996) is being amended in order to enforce competition law requirements with greater efficiency by improving the Hungarian Competition Authority’s (GVH) procedures and to...

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Modifications in the competition law

Hungary’s Competition Act (Act 57 of 1996) is being amended in order to enforce competition law requirements with greater efficiency by improving the Hungarian Competition Authority’s (GVH) procedures and to...

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Magazine: Tobacco products from a single distributor

Tabán Trafik Zrt.’s consortium has been given the rights for operating the new central tobacco product supply system in controversial circumstances. This story may continue in Brussels, but at the...

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The egg association also calls for VAT reduction

The Hungarian Egg Association would like to include the eggs into the circle of food products that are in the reduced, 5 percent value added tax (VAT) category – the...

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The Market Hall and Event Center in Újpest will be built from five billion HUF

The winner of the tender for the design and construction works of the market hall and event center announced by the UV Újpesti Vagyonkezelő Zrt. became the Hídépítő – Soletanche...

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The speeding up of the internet development results in a competitive advantage

The government has therefore decided that the building out of the domestic broadband network should be ready in 2018, two years before the EU requests it. Solymár Károly Balázs, Deputy...

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KSH: the number of employed continued to increase

The average number of employees increased to 4 million 251 thousand in the June-August period. It is 27 thousand more than in the previous three-month period and 134 thousand more,...

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Improved consumer confidence in the world's largest economy

Instead of the expected decline, the Conference Board’s consumer confidence index moderately increased in the United States in September. The consumer confidence index of the Conference Board nonprofit economic research...

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Grocery stores in Israel were emptied for the holidays

The shelves of grocery stores were emptied for the autumn Jewish holidays – the Israeli media reported. According to the website of the Ynet, Jediot Ahronot newspaper the customers are...

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New services in audience measurement

DKT-Gemius subscribers can now get daily updates of mobile website, network and application traffic data at In addition to this, Gemius continues preparing for multiplatform measurement, e.g. in the...

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Soft drink consumption habits in various regions

A 187-country survey conducted by Tufts University examined soft drink, fruit juice and milk consumption habits in various parts of the world. The study found that the least is consumed...

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Location-based offers

T-Systems International started its location-based mobile marketing service last autumn. Head of communications at IT services Zsuzsanna Sümegi told our magazine that in addition to major retail chains, recently they...

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Food stored safely under LED light

LEDs emitting blue light have an antibacterial effect. A university in Singapore has already examined how the technology could be used to lengthen the shelf life of food in stores....

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A marketing program to promote the consumption of Hungarian pork

The Livestock and Meat Marketing Board and Interprofessional Organization (VHT) launches a marketing program to promote the consumption of Hungarian pork – was said at the 77th National Agricultural and...

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Nielsen: Much more Hungarian consumers trust in advertising than the European average

Eight out of ten Hungarian consumers consider those advertisings the most authentic that came from their acquaintances or from people whom they trust (81%). This rate is one percentage point...

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GKI: economy is slowing, risks are strengthening

According to the GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. (GKI Economic Research Plc.), the Hungarian economy is on a slowing path and the risks are strengthening. The GKI Economic Research Plc. forecasts that...

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The strengthening of the primary producer organizations is a sectoral priority

The strengthening of the primary producer organizations is a sectoral priority. The government plans an important role to the producers' co-operation in the revitalization of the agricultural sector – the...

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A training to increase the export of the Hungarian SMEs

The Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) launches an export development training series for the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The Export Academy helps the companies' export activities with practical knowledge....

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Spanish dairy farmers receive extraordinary grants

Those Spanish dairy farmers, who are hit by the milk crisis in Europe most seriously and their livelihoods are in threat will be given exceptional support – the Spanish Minister...

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We can submit a complaint on foreign companies at the European Consumer Centre

The Hungarian complainants can turn to the European Consumer Centre in order to settle consumer complaints on foreign companies – the European Consumer Centre told MTI on Monday. According to...

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