Market News

Raspberry production may cease in Hungary

Hungarian raspberry may disappear from the market, because according to the producers it is less and less worth to deal with the large labor-intensive manual activity – Magyar idők wrote...

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Analysts: the better than expected GDP data can improve the economic performance of the entire year

The growth of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter was significantly higher than the expectations of the analysts, so the average performance of this year can be...

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Summer harvested crops reached yields records

Winter wheat, barley and canola reached record yields this year – Nagy István Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said on Friday in Hajdúböszörmény at the press...

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Special tax could hit the Sunday afternoon opening hours

Népszabadság informs that the Sunday opening hours would be regulated by the law – wtote. If a shop would remain open longer it would receive a special tax. The...

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Russia extends the destruction of embargoed food by the end of next year

The Russian government extended the destruction period of imported embargoed food until 31 December 2017 – according to a government decree released on Friday. In August 2014, Russia introduced an...

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Chamber of Agriculture: happy farmers after the harvest

After the completion of this year's harvest, farmers are satisfied with the crop, yield and quality – Süle Katalin, the spokeswoman for the National Bureau of Agricultural Economics Association (NAK)...

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Many wild and ornamental plants have more nutritional value than their cultivated counterparts

Many wild and ornamental plants have more nutritional value than their cultivated counterparts, Meredith said. “For example, wild spinach [also called lamb’s quarters] is a common garden weed with more...

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Good results for the German economy

The German economy’s performance expanded at a higher pace in the second quarter than it was expected by experts. In quarterly adjusted terms, Europe's largest economy and economic powerhouse grew...

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Stagnant retail sales in the US

U.S. retail sales were stagnant in July, neither gaining much nor losing much, according to the Census Bureau on Friday. Without the sales of cars—which have been an important driver...

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Food products were the most frequently advertised in May

In May 2016 television commercials for groceries reached the most 18-49 year old viewers, as their GRP was 30,813 points, 6 percent higher than in last May. The GRP shows...

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OKSZ: the tightening of rules would cause significant increase in costs

According to the National Retail Federation (OKSZ), if the proposals on Sunday working would be realized, that would cause significant increase in costs. The National Retail Federation (OKSZ) told that...

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FM: 40 billion HUF support for wine investments

The government decided about the opening of a 40 billion HUF wine investment support frame within the rural development program for wine investments. Gál Péter, Deputy Minister of State of...

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The delivery of Hungarian beef to Hong Kong can begin

The delivery of Hungarian beef to Hong Kong can begin, after the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) has successfully agreed with the Hong Kong Food Inspection Authority – the ministry said...

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This year hail caused less damages than last year in agriculture

The number of hail-stricken farmlands and claims also fell slightly compared to last year, but compensation claims due to the hail were still announced for 44 703 hectares. This year,...

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Hungarian cattle are allowed to enter Turkey again

Hungary can export live cattle to Turkey again. What is more, the conditions for transporting live cattle through Austria to Italy will also improve. More products of animal origin will...

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YuMi, the cooperating robot

Zoltán Paplógó, the director of ABB’s robotics business line told Trade magazin that in Hungary it is the automotive industry that shapes the development of robotics. The director is of...

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FM: consumers are getting more conscious

The customers have become more conscious, paying more attention to where and what kind of service and food they buy – Zsigó Róbert, Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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NGM: moderate inflation in Hungary

A moderate inflation environment can be found in Hungary for two and a half years. This helps in the conservation of wages and pensions values – the Deputy Minister of...

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Sunday store closure will not be restored

The fact that the regulation of retail work will be submitted during the autumn parliamentary session period, does not mean that the Sunday store closure will be restored – Fidesz...

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Beer nuts reloaded

We can not speak about summer, gastronomic revolution without beer nuts. Vásárhelyi István gastronomer believes that beer nuts do not need to be greasy or difficult to prepare. The Association...

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Opten: company establish mood reduced in July

In July, 1844 a new companies were established in Hungary, which is 13 percent less, compared to the same period of the previous year. Compared to June it represents a...

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HNT: the vineyard farmers shall deliver the crop estimate by the end of August

The damage assessment of July’s hail has not yet completed at several wine regions, so the vineyard farmers shall deliver the crop estimate by 25 August, which will give a...

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The VAT regulation on vouchers will change positively

The Council of the European Union brings the VAT regulation of single vouchers and voucher systems under control. Because of the impending changes, for the sellers it is worth to...

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Where a dozen eggs cost 42 thousand forints

Such high inflation as in Venezuela cannot be found in the world and the situation is getting worse – wrote. Due to the depreciation of the exchange rates prices...

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Another two billion forints for the academy’s new agricultural innovation centre

The government gives another HUF 2 billion for building the new agricultural innovation centre in Martonvásár. With the new building of the Agricultural Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of...

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Romanian groceries in Romanian shops

The Romanian parliament’s lower house gave the green light to the proposal that in supermarkets and hypermarkets 51 percent of grocery products must be Romanian-made. According to the Romanian competition...

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16 million HUF fines in the summer food chain checks

Nearly 16 million HUF fines were imposed during the summer food chain controls in July, by the National Food Chain Safety Office’s (NÉBIH) staff – the Minister of State of...

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Experts: medium or poor apple crop is expected

After last year's 520 thousand tons of apple crop- mainly due to frost damages – medium or poor apple crop is expected – according to the survey of the North-East...

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Uncertainty in wine production

We do not know the amount of this year’s harvest, but so far it seems that the results of this year's vintage will be very diverse – Légli Ottó told...

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The peak office to be terminated

For the reorganization of the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) the enire staff of 1,800 people is needed – Gyuricza Csaba, president of MVH told agrá According to the...

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