Market News

Industry and government experts in logistics also call for improved competitiveness

To improve the competitiveness of the logistics sector and counteracting market protection measures of the Western European countries are essential for Hungarian players in the sector to retain their market...

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You can save significant amounts with optimized crop drying

Farmers can save up to 10 to 40 percent of their costs by optimizing grain drying with the precision method – Speiser Ferenc, Chief Executive Officer of the RS Kereskedelemi...

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Czechs are unbeatable in beer drinking

When it comes to beer drinking, the Czechs are unbeatable. A new study explored how much beer is consumed by people in each country in 2017. Last year an average...

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The new 1,000 HUF bank note comes from March

The National Bank of Hungary started the renewal of the forint banknotes in 2014. Within the framework of the program, four of the six denominations have been renewed in recent...

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Consumer confidence increased in Germany

Experts expected stagnaton, but the German consumer confidence has risen, according to a survey published by GfK on Thursday. The Nuremberg Market Research Institute’s consumer mood index in February was...

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Magazine: Private labels are working hard to offer high quality

Private label products can now be found in basically all categories, from fresh and frozen foods to cosmetics and cleaning products. In Hungary the increase in real wages had a positive...

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The Future Store returns at the SIRHA trade show – join us!

Trade magazine – the market leading trade magazine of the FMCG sector – is the official journal of the SIRHA Budapest 2018 trade fair. Trade magazine is always present at...

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KSH: Retail sales increased even higher than previously indicated

In November last year, retail sales were 6.7 percent higher than in the previous year, according to both the raw and calendar adjusted data, according to a second estimate of...

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(HU) GKI: Az „elmúlt 8 év” és a „majdnem elmúlt 8 év”

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Equilor: 3.5 percent GDP growth is expected for 2018 and 3.3 percent for 2019

The Hungarian economy is still in a good state and the factors supporting GDP growth provide a favorable environment, so the analysts of the Equilor Investment Ltd. expect a 3.5...

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The Hangya wants a more favorable environment for agrarian associations

The Hangya Co-operatives Cooperation (Hangya) initiates the creation of a more favorable business environment for the agricultural cooperatives at the government. Last December, Patay Vilmos, the president of the organization,...

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Only half of the Hungarian SMEs are active digitally

Only half of Hungarian SMEs are active digitally. Only every second business has its own website, and nearly every third company tries to survive without marketing – was said at...

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FM: The Hungarian food exports to Brazil are expanding

Twenty-one beef and pork processing companies and dairy farms have acquired export licenses to Brazil, and six other Hungarian companies can send more products to Brazil. According to a statement...

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The Agricultural Marketing Centre and the Hungarian Precision Industry Management Association have signed a cooperation agreement

Daróczi László, Managing Director of the Agricultural Marketing Centre (AMC) and Milics Gábor, Chairman of the Hungarian Precision Economy Management Association (PMGE), signed a cooperation agreement on the opening day...

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Record braking performances in the euro area

The most dynamic performance increase of the past 12 years occured in the euro area’s economy in January, according to the preliminary survey of the IHS Markit Economics Institute, published...

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Eurostat: the Union’s tourism continued to grow in 2017

The number of guest nights spent in hotels in European Union member states continued to grow in 2017, exceeding 3.2 billion, which is an increase of 5.1 percent compared to...

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Magazine: Nectar consumption grew the fastest

In 2016 the per capita consumption of 100-percent fruit juices was 4 litres/year, nectar consumption was at 1.2 litres and annual fruit drink consumption was 20 litres per person –...

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The dairy sector calls for VAT reduction and increased controls

By the end of last year, the domestic dairy market has stabilized. The buying-in price of raw milk per kilogram exceeded 100 HUF, and developments have started at several processors....

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The spread of smartphone use and the dishwasher tablet are at the forefront in Hungary

But who would have thought that the sewing machine was ranked second in Hungary and the third is a board game the settlers of Catan? – Mall Group’s regional purchasing...

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There is still a reserve in Hungarian sunflower

Although the volume of sunflower decreased by 2 million tonnes to 45 million tonnes globally last year, there is still a strong demand for the plants. Hungarian farmers also performed...

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The IMF has improved its global economic growth forecast for 2018 and 2019

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) upgraded its global economic growth forecast for this and the next year in its update of the World Economic Outlook (WEO), which was published on...

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Hungarian fruit types are planted by MKSZN in Ukraine

As early as autumn this year, the export of Hungarian fruit types – saplings, cultivation technology and expertise – will start to Ukraine, according to a bilateral agreement signed by...

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Four thousand of 160 companies already have a Hungarian Product trademark

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) continues to cooperate with the Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft., whose trademarks can be found on about four thousand products of almost 160 companies already. According...

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Traditional foods have to be produced with the most modern technology

Hungary insists on traditional foods, but these foods have to be produced with the latest technologies – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture said on Saturday in Berlin at the Global...

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A safe dietary supplement program starts

The safe dietary supplement program will be launched in the pharmacies from February, so in the pharmacies with the trademark of the safe dietary supplement program the consumers can buy...

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Nébih: African swine fever has appeared near the Ukrainian-Hungarian border again

African swine fever virus has been reported by the Ukrainian veterinary authority. The virus was found in a wild boar, shot in the Beregszász district. The animal was shot 8...

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Compared to its year end peak, GKI’s economic sentiment index improved slightly in January

Compared to its historical peak at the end of 2017, GKI’s economic sentiment index advanced in January within the statistical margin of error. According to the empirical survey conducted by...

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The results of the 2017 Winter Seasonal Food Chain Check has improved

Regarding the main irregularities, the 2017 seasonal food chain monitoring results improved compared to the previous years. Last year 1.9 percent of the products tested had to be withdrawn from...

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FM: 2017 was a record year in the Hungarian-German agricultural trade

The Hungarian-German agricultural trade is expected to rise again in 2017 after 2016 – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) announced on Friday, on the occasion of the beginning of the...

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New European countries have committed themselves to cultivating GMO-free soybeans

The European Soy Declaration was signed by the Agriculture Ministers of four new countries (Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova and Montenegro) on Friday. The European Soy Declaration was launched with a Hungarian-German-Austrian...

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