Market News

Magazine: New regulation brings improvement

In August 2017 the new Hungarian Food Book entered into force, which specifies the minimum meat and mechanically deboned meat contents of meat products – in the wiener/frankfurter category the...

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The Savings Bank raised its growth forecast to 4.1 percent next year

The Savings Bank (Takarékbank) confirmed its 4.6 percent forecast for the growth of the Hungarian economy this year, basically based on the boom in investment. However in 2019, the GDP...

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Minister of Agriculture: cooperation is needed in domestic apple production

In order to solve the problems of the domestic apple farming, a common proposal, agreement and the cooperation of farmers are needed – the Minister of Agriculture said on Thursday...

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The aim is to prevent the spread of swine fever

The two most important veterinary tasks of the next period are the most effective limitation of the spread of African swine fever (ASP) and the prevention of cross-contamination into domestic...

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ITM: nő az egyszer használatos műanyagok termékdíja

A termékdíjtörvény módosításával várhatóan nő az egyszer használatos műanyag poharak, edények termékdíja, és a kör várhatóan tovább bővül az egyszer használatos műanyag evőeszközökkel, köztük a keverőpálcával és a szívószállal –...

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Emlékeztetőt írtak alá visegrádi országok az EU következő keretköltségvetésének finanszírozásáról

Rendkívüli jelentőségűnek minősítette Peter Kazimír szlovák pénzügyminiszter azt az emlékeztetőt, amit az Európai Unió következő keretköltségvetésének bevételi oldaláról írt alá a négy visegrádi ország pénzügyminisztere pénteken Csorbatóban (Strbské Pleso). A...

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Több kukorica és napraforgó termett az idén Zala megyében

Kukoricából és napraforgóból is több termett az idén Zala megyében, mint az elmúlt évben. A kukorica hektáronkénti átlaghozama 8,7 tonna lett, napraforgóból pedig átlagosan 2,9 tonna termést takarítottak be hektáronként...

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New whisky record at Bonhams auction

A bottle of the extremely rare The Macallan Valerio Adami 1926 whisky was sold at Bonhams Whisky Sale in Edinburgh on 3 October setting a new world record of 848,750...

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The EU supports the introduction of new customs rules in Africa

The European Union supports the work of the African authorities for the introduction of global customs rules and facilitating trade by 5 million euros (about 1.6 billion forints) – the...

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Analysts: the increase in retail turnover exceeded expectations

The growth in retail trade in August was higher than the market expectations. It could be a good signal for the third quarter of GDP as well – market analysts...

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The plum season was average

In the average season, about 60-65 thousand tons of plums can be harvested by the farmers – wrote. Hunyadi István, the director of the Vegetable-Fruit Interprofessional Organization and Product...

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The Top 100 Hungarian Wines of 2018 publication was published

The Top 100 Hungarian Wines of 2018 publication was published with a new concept this year. The 2018 issue of the magazine, which has been published for more than 10...

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ITM: the number of complaints about product presentations reduced significantly

Due to government measures, the number of complaints received by the Consumer Protection Authority due to fraudulent product presentations has been reduced to less to a tenth – the Ministry...

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The European Parliament would maximize the upper VAT rate at 25 percent

The European Parliament (EP) would maximize the upper VAT rate of the Member States at 25 percent – the EU Parliament’s press service said. The purpose of the overall Value...

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Nébih withdrew dietary supplements

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) withdrew food supplements with non-authorized ingredients and drug, the organization told MTI on Thursday. According to the statement, the agency took a sample...

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Twelve thousand boxes of smuggled cigarettes were seized in Szabolcs

Twelve thousand boxes of smuggled cigarettes worth 16 million forints, were found by police and tax officials in the area of Tiszakerecseny – the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Police Headquarters announced on...

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Retail sales continue to increase

In August, retail sales grew 6.3 percent. Calendar effects adjusted the growth was 6.8 percent, compared to the prevous year – according to the first estimate of the Central Statistical...

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Growth in 2017 was driven by consumption and investment

Last year, household consumption and investments pushed the economy’s growth, while net exports detracted performance – Németh Dávid senior analyst at K & H Bank commented the latest economic growth...

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Romania’s retail sales increased

According to the raw data, Romanian retail sales grew 5.7 percent in the first eight months of this year, compared to the same period of last year the Romanian National...

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Czech economic growth slowed down in the second quarter

In the second quarter, Czech economic growth declined to 2.4 percent from the 4.1 percent of the first quarter of the year in an annual comparision – the Czech Statistical...

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IATA: passengers want more information and self-service airport systems

Air passengers want to receive more information about flights, security checks and luggage, and require more self-service airport systems, according to the latest annual poll conducted by the International Air...

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Magazine: Fierce competition between banks

The switch to digital processes in customer management is continuous in Hungarian banks. This creates great challenges for them. András Fischer, OTP Bank’s head of innovation – retail banking told our...

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Bread Alliance: the baking industry sells white and half-brown bread below real prices

The bakeries sell their three products, the white, the half-brown bread, as well as water- roll below real prices Septe József, President of the Hungarian Baker’s Association tolMTI on Tuesday....

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KSH: export and import showed a double-digit growth

In July, exports in euro were 11.4 percent higher than in the previous year and imports increased by 10.8 percent. Foreign trade surplus was 362 million euros, 80 million euros...

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ITM: 40,000 people swiched from public employment to the competitive sphere this year

In Hungary this year, 40,000 people switched from public employment to the competitive sector and 30 to 50,000 from the current 110 to 120 thousand can go to the primary...

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Nébih: only a fraction of the notifications in the EU alert system concerned Hungarian products

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) published on its website, referring to the annual summaries of the European Commission that only 0.7 percent of the almost four thousand notifications...

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Producer prices in the euro area have risen more than expected

The EU’s Statistical Office the Eurostat announced on Tuesday that producer prices in August increased by 0.3 percent in the 19 member states of the euro area, compared to the...

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MNB: Október 31-ig lehet fizetni a régi 1000 forintos bankjegyekkel

Már csak egy hónapig, október 31-ig lehet használni a készpénzes vásárlásoknál a régi – 2017 előtt kibocsátott – 1000 forintos bankjegyeket, mert október végén a Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) bevonja...

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US consumer sentiment improved in September

The mood of US consumers has improved significantly in September, according to the regular monthly survey of the Michigan University. The consumer sentiment index increased to 100.1 points from the...

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Promising digitalisation level of Hungarian SMEs with a high business potential

According to the results of UniCredit Bank and Inspira Research’s Business Potential study, Hungarian SMEs with a high business potential are of the opinion that only new technology-based solutions qualify...

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