Market News

The Nébih has prepared a guide to reduce food waste

The National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) compiled a guide to help prevent and reduce food waste. According to a statement, the guides can be downloaded for free for the...

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German GDP decreased in the second quarter

German gross domestic product declined in the second quarter compared to the previous quarter – according to a communication released on Tuesday by Destatis, the German Federal Bureau of Statistics....

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The euro area economic sentiment index improved in August

Economic sentiment in the euro area improved in August, but worsened in the European Union, according to a report released by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Economic and Financial...

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Agricultural output reached 2,720 billion HUF last year

Agricultural production has grown spectacularly in recent years, with output of the sector reaching 2,720 billion HUF in 2018 and only 1,686 billion HUF in 2010, making Hungary the strongest...

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Nagy István: Digital Agriculture Strategy means a change of era in agriculture

The development of Hungary’s Digital Agricultural Strategy (DAS) will mark a turning point, and the measures contained therein will promote the digitalisation of Hungarian agriculture and increase its competitiveness –...

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The number of employees continued to increase

During the three-month period of May-July, the average number of employees was 4 million 518 thousand, 34 thousand, or 0.8 percent more than a year before. The employment rate of...

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A sustainable water future depends on saving water and reducing water pollution

The Earth’s population is growing drastically while we have been use the same amount of water since the planet was created. Therefore, in addition to sparing water use, it is...

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GfK’s German consumer sentiment index stagnated

Instead of the expected decline, the Nuremberg-based GfK Economics Research Institute’s consumer sentiment index stagnated in September in Germany, while consumer income and economic expectations declined and willingness to buy...

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Consumer confidence in the United States weakened slightly in August

Consumer confidence weakened slightly in August in the United States. The Conference Board nonprofit Economic Research Institute announced on Tuesday that the consumer confidence index has dropped from the 135.8...

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More than two thirds of the Czechs are satisfied with their standard of living

More than two-thirds, 68 percent, of the Czech population are more or less satisfied with their current standard of living, according to a July poll released in Prague on Wednesday....

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Worldwide smartphone traffic has declined

Global smartphone sales decreased in the second quarter, according to the Gartner market research firm. According to Gartner’s records, global smartphone sales decreased by 1.7 percent in the second quarter...

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Blurred lines between physical and digital shopping experiences

Global non-profit trade association SHOP! prepared a study on the most important retail trends of 2016. According to them, there are five important trends which shape the retail market today:...

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Pigeon grey is trendy

Bedrock Kft. distributes hair care product lines and among these we find Joanna – one of the biggest Polish cosmetics brands. Sales of the Joanna Naturia Color hair dye augmented...

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A survey will begin on our wine consumption habits

The Borháló Borkereskedés (Wine Net Wine Shop) launches a comprehensive online survey on wine the purchasing and wine consumption habits of the Hungarian buyers called WE DRINK WINE TOGETHER 2019...

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This year the sweet corn crop may be lower than average

Due to extreme weather this year, sweet corn production may fall slightly short of the 500,000 tonne average of the recent years, while purchase prices are rising – according to...

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73 percent of working youth expect a pay raise in the next year, according to a survey

73 percent of working youth expect a salary increase next year. Their majority, 54 percent of them expect a rise under inflation and 19 percent a rise above inflation -according...

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NAV can block food vending machines if someone does not pay the surveillance fee

The tax authority can block the automatic monitoring unit (AFE) of food dispensers, the monitoring service of which is terminated by Magyar Posta – the National Tax and Customs Administration...

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Beekeepers’ Association: beekeepers can apply for the support of the ministry by the end of August

By the end of August, beekeepers will be able to apply for 600 million worth of support from the agricultural ministry – the president of the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association...

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Employment Service: the number of jobseekers drop annually in July

The number of jobseekers declined by 3.7 percent in July compared to the same period of the previous year, and by 0.2 percent, compared to June. At the end of...

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All about lactose sensitivity

Have you ever felt uncomfortable drinking a large mug of milk coffee or eating a bowl of milk custard? You’re not alone! “In Hungary nearly the third of the adult...

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Climate change provides both tasks and opportunities for the economy

Climate change gives not only an additional task, but also opportunities for businesses and the economy in general – OTP Bank says in an analysis based on research by the...

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The Ecumenical Aid Organization delivers educational packages to the needy

The Ecumenical Aid Organization has begun delivering school kits to those in need – the organization said on Tuesday. The Aid Organization’s Let’s Start Scool Together! charity campaign aims to...

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A smartphone app helps the apple growers

Small farmers cannot afford agricultural advice in Serbia yet, so they rely on ancient observations in apple growing – origo wrote. Five young people decided to help them with the...

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Gundel awards will be held at Restaurant Gundel

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Pork prices may increase through the next four to five years

The domestic meat industry has never bought pork so expensive from abroad, the import price per kilo is close to 600 HUF – wrote. The rise in prices was...

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Researchers are working on vaccines against swine fever

African swine fever (ASF) is predominantly devastating in Asia, where it causes serious economic damage and rising food prices. Researchers are working to develop a vaccine against swine fever that...

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Half a billion illegal cigarettes were sold in Hungary last year

Last year, the share of illegal cigarettes was 6.5 percent, with about 530 million cigarettes causing a budget tax loss of about 23 billion HUF. In Hungary, the share of...

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More than 500 million bees have died in Brazil

More than 500 million bees have died in Brazil over the past three months – the BBC website reported. In the federal state of Rio Grande do Sul alone, 400...

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The largest cow farms

One of the German agricultural portals has gathered the world’s largest farms – origo wrote. These farms breed hundreds of thousands of cows and have millions of hectares of land....

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The ifo German business sentiment index decreased to a seven-year low in August

The German business sentiment index of the Ifo Economic Research Institute fell more than expected, to a nearly seven-year low, in August as another sign of a deepening trade debate...

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