Market News

The Conference Board’s overall U.S. economic index rose in June

The value of the Conference Board Economic Research Institute’s comprehensive U.S. economic indicator rose in June, but less than in previous months. According to a report released by the institute...

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(HU) Húskészítményeket hív vissza a forgalomból a Metro

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AM: From Monday you can apply for support for precision development

From Monday, aid applications can be submitted in the framework of the call for proposals entitled Support for precision developments related to the digital transition of agriculture, the Ministry of...

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Mihály Varga: the value of the Weekly Economic Index has been positive for 18 weeks

The Weekly Economic Index (HGI) has been positive for 18 weeks, showing an extra 8.8 percent between July 11 and 18, 1.6 percentage points higher than the previous week’s figure,...

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About the retailer ranking – while wearing a face mask

Face mask wearing has been mandatory for customers and shop assistants for a year – I think this fact tells everything about 2020. There were ups and downs in the...

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GKI: The forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. for 2021

GKI raised its growth forecast for this year very significantly to 7 per cent from 4.3 per cent in March. This is based on a faster-than-expected recovery from the crisis,...

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There are more and more patents associated with female inventors

Internationally, the gender gap in the proportion of patent applications is narrowing, and according to the data of the National Office of Intellectual Property (SZTNH), the Hungarian results are also...

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Consumer confidence deteriorated in July in the eurozone and the EU

Consumer confidence in the eurozone and the European Union deteriorated in July, according to a preliminary flash estimate released by the European Commission on Thursday. In the eurozone, the consumer...

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Cell-based chocolate may come

Origo reports after Storeinsider, that researchers at the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich were using a bioreactor to create “laboratory chocolate.” Based on the current outlook, the growth in...

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No escape, massive inflation remains, MNB expects nothing else

From a certain point of view, it is a good sign that inflation has soared in Hungary because it indicates that economic growth has started, says the MNB’s senior official....

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U.S. economy cools a bit after rocketing higher in second quarter, IHS Markit PMI data show

Just like Jeff Bezos’ 11 minute trip to space earlier this week, the U.S. economy rocketed higher in the second quarter but is now coming back down to earth, according...

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(HU) A hekken és a lángoson túl: könnyed ételek a nyárra

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Fitch Ratings confirmed Hungary’s sovereign debt rating with a stable outlook

Fitch Ratings confirmed Hungary’s foreign currency-denominated long-term public debt obligations at the “BBB” level, with an investment recommendation, with an unchanged stable outlook. Among other things, the international credit rating...

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Six new maize hybrids have been certified by the state and added to the EU’s common variety list

Six candidates of the maize breeding department of the Agricultural Breeding Department of the Agricultural Research Center of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH) (ATK MGI) received a state qualification...

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(HU) Csúcsokat dönt a felvásárlási láz világszerte – nemzetközi elemzés

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The grape, from which a single bunch is worth a thousand dollars

The special grape variety is grown in only one place in the world. You have to pay a price for pepper for a special quality, a single cluster can be...

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Pandemic brings the eco-trend to a halt

According to Yvette Krubl, Procter&Gamble’s communications PR manager in Central Europe, there has been no major transformation in the laundry detergent and fabric softener market if the changes generated by...

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Soaring prices in the vegetable market

Heavy rains are unlikely to fundamentally change this year’s vegetable season, which is mostly about soaring prices for consumers, Világgazdaság Online wrote. So far, there is no precise information on...

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2.5 billion tons of food go to waste every year, according to a new global report

According to a new global report, 2.5 billion tonnes of food is dumped in agriculture each year, about 1.2 billion tonnes more than the previously estimated 1.3 billion tonnes. About...

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K&H: most SMEs no longer expects a serious pandemic

For the rest of the year, 76 percent of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises expect a milder pandemic situation than in the spring, and a third do not expect a...

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AM: the protection of pollinators and the conservation of biodiversity has a paramount importance

The protection of pollinators contributes not only to the preservation of biodiversity, but also to the maintenance of the quantity and quality of agricultural production, Minister of Agriculture Nagy István...

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(HU) Social engineering: megszemélyesítés, avagy a vezérigazgató bőrébe bújt hacker

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Magazine: They will even know what we are thinking

According to a Deloitte study on the future of retailers, there are four fields where the rules are likely to be rewritten: 1. differentiating between digital investments, 2. connecting supply...

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Századvég: only the households’ economic sentiment improved

Households’ sentiment improved slightly, as in the previous month (on a scale of minus 100 to plus 100) from -6.2 to -5.7 points; meanwhile, the Századvég Economic Researcher told MTI...

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Analysts expect U.S. economic growth to slow

U.S. economic growth is likely to peak in the spring, and while the pace will remain strong for the rest of the year and next year, it will gradually slow,...

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ADB has worsened this year’s growth forecast for developing Asian countries

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has slightly worsened its forecast for economic growth in emerging Asia-Pacific economies this year as another wave of the coronavirus pandemic has slowed recovery in...

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German producer inflation at record levels in June

The pace of annual increases in producer prices in Germany was higher than expected in June, which could further reinforce inflation concerns. Germany’s federal statistics office (Destatis) said on Tuesday...

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Visa: 5+1 things about card payment security

Hungary is also a world-prominent in contactless payments. Hungarian consumers can experience the convenience of contactless transactions in their daily lives, they can pay quickly and easily at the points...

Read more Are the webshops afraid of malls?

On the morning of july 3rd, we were able to throw away the last mask before shopping, at which point the fair is free. It is understandable that in the...

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