Market News

Magazine: E-commerce: Everything is about pleasing customers

The pandemic accelerated the development of e-commerce. In part because masses of new customers turned up in the online channel, and also because those who had already been shopping online...

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KSH: the rise in agricultural producer prices accelerated further

In August, the rise in agricultural purchase prices accelerated for the fourth month in a row, from 21.3 percent in July to 24.1 percent. The rise was driven by plant...

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Ministry of Agriculture should increase Hungarian agricultural exports

Hungarian agricultural and food exports need to be increased, which requires both traditional and new markets, the Deputy State Secretary for International Relations of the Ministry of Agriculture said in...

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Organic farmers receive higher support

In the case of the call for proposals related to organic farming announced in 2018, the amount of support for the more than 2,000 farmers participating in the program will...

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Inflation at nearly 30-year highs in in Germany

Consumer prices also rose in Germany in September, reaching their highest level since December 1993. The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) said on Wednesday that consumer prices rose 4.1 percent...

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Fabulous gift for customers has also joined the Hungarian Product Month programme: between 11 and 24 August every Hungarian Product trademark bearing product participated in the online retailer’s promotion campaign (from those available...

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Climate change could wash away the profits of polluting domestic animals

The profits of hungarian air polluting companies may evaporate due to the seemingly unstoppable price increase in carbon quotas, EY points out. For sustainable operation, it is crucial that companies...

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The competition industry pays attention to Hungary for three days

Today, the Conference of the International Competition Network (ICN), a grouping of the world’s competition authorities, will be presented, which will be hosted in virtual form this year by the...

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Investing in the future – how can we get young people to self-care?

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Magazine: Food below zero

2020 was a tough year for frozen food manufacturers. The outbreak of the pandemic upset the balance in the ingredient, product use, retail channel and other fields, so market players...

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At the initiative of Hungary, the origin marking regulations for honey mixtures may be tightened

Efforts over the past two years have paid off, with the European Commission pledging to review the origin marking requirement for honey mixtures at Monday’s EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council,...

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Ministry of Agriculture: pig farmers to be in trouble

Along with several member states, Hungary has called on the European Commission to use its mandate and take immediate market measures to prevent the crisis in pig farmers from deepening...

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A new measure has been introduced for responsible nutrient management

Biomass has an important role to play in preserving the nutrient content of soils, which must be kept in mind when using waste and residues from agricultural areas, Juhász Anikó,...

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ZEW’s German economic sentiment index in October has been the lowest since the low point of last year’s crisis

The German economic sentiment index of the ZEW Economic Research Institute deteriorated further than market expectations in October and reached its lowest level since the low point of last year’s...

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Sushi and ice cream are also transported by Israeli drones during a test

Sushi, ice cream and blood products will also be transported by air in Israel during testing of a system to control the traffic of commercial and medical drones, the news...

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K&H: four out of five agricultural SMEs expect more profits

Agricultural micro, small and medium-sized enterprises are facing a fruitful period in their own view. The K&H agricultural index shows that almost all of them expect rising revenue and profits...

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E-commerce: The sky is the limit

Artificial intelligence, grown social media influence, portable purchase – these are only a few features which define the e-commerce trends of 2021. Never has it grown so stable than now....

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Job vacancies have risen by 70 per cent since last year

As of April, with the lifting of epidemiological restrictions, several sectors were restarted, and companies dared to plan more boldly, resulting in a strong labour shortage in the market. Competition...

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Analysts had expected inflation to soar in September and continue to rise

Inflation could have been expected to pick up in September, and analysts interviewed by MTI are wondering whether the central bank’s monetary policy will react to the tightening by the...

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(HU) K&H: Új alkalmazottak felvételét tervezi a nagyvállalati szektor

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Many Hungarian farmers use outdated solutions to store their crops

Harvesting in the fields ends slowly and the crop can be dried and stored. However, the storage of cereals and fodder is an area where Hungarian producers still have something...

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The government supports measures to improve the local quality of life in small settlements with twenty billion forints

More than one thousand three hundred small settlements won support in the Hungarian Village Program’s 20 billion HUF tender supporting local quality of life measures, the government commissioner responsible for...

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In developed countries, one third of the food produced becomes waste

In developed countries, one third of the processed food produced does not end up on the consumer’s table and thus becomes waste, said President Áder János in his Blue Planet...

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Pig shortage in Romania

It has become a huge question where this year the Romanian consumer will get the pork for Christmas. The measures aimed at reducing the swine fever epidemic have practically eliminated...

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Artisan methods combined with the expertise of a large firm

Kaposvár-based KOMETA 99 Zrt. exports products to more than 40 countries. Managing director Giacomo Pedranzini told that the whole production process takes place in Kaposvár and the company is a...

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The future starts in the present: Future Trade conference

Early September Budapest was the host of the Future Trade e-commerce conference. There were nearly 50 speakers and a dozen exhibitors at the trade event. Márk Kocsis, managing director of...

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England is on the verge of breaking down because of brexit

No one should be surprised by the negative economic and social impact of Britain’s exit from the EU. It was clear that the country would have a worse economic performance...

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KSH: inflation was 5.5 percent in September

In September, consumer prices were on average 5.5 percent higher than a year earlier, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) said on Friday. The rise is in line with analysts ’preliminary...

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Kopint-Tárki expects much higher GDP growth, compared to its previous forecast

Kopint-Tárki expects a much higher GDP growth of 6.8 percent this year, instead of the 5-5.5 percent indicated in the summer, CEO Palócz Éva presented the research institute’s latest economic...

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NMHH: the advertising market is still below the pre-pandemic levels

Compared to last year, fewer product placings were launched in the first half of the year, compared to last year, and the market is still weaker than in previous years,...

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