Market News

Specialised and convenience focused innovations

Sales of household chemical and body care products can be boosted substantially by the introduction of innovative products. Specialised detergents are in high demand, for example. According to research by...

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Expensive problems for retailers

According to Mike Tallent, director of Pricewaterhouse Coopers, no company is immune to theft and fraud committed by employees. As one of their recent surveys shows, 60 per cent of...

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Modern thirst quencher in modern stores

Sport and energy drinks are among the most dynamically growing food categories. According to the Retail Index of Nielsen, retail sales have grown by 53 per cent in terms of...

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Recharged continuously

Buying batteries has become an everyday necessity. There has been a shift in the battery market towards rechargeable batteries, as these are much more economical to use. – The market...

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Hungarian findings

The most important findings of the survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers regarding Hungary are: • 25 per cent of the companies participating have become victims in the past two years. • Fraud,...

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Energy for everybody!

Energy drinks have lost their exclusivity, but this isn’t bad news for retailers, as quantities have been boosted. – Things have changed completely – says László Boros, sales director of...

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Shrinking sizes, combined types

Powder or gel? Manufacturers often use combined packaging to spare us the trouble of having to choose between the two. Washing liquids also exist to tackle special challenges. Washing powder...

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London, you dear one!

Though London is no longer the centre of the world, but it is undeniably still one of the most important business and cultural centres and it is developing at an...

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Sales of chocolate bars rising again

After some stagnation, sales of chocolate bars again showed growth of 11 per cent in terms of value, between June 2006–May 2007. Total sales have exceeded HUF 25 billion. Average...

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Friendly softeners – inside stores as well

Most softeners on the market are coloured, scented , even aroma therapeutic. New methods, such as fragrance marketing are playing an increasing role in trade marketing. The owners of leading...

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From store to store in Shanghai – Metro

Shopping tour in Shanghai. Our destinations: Metro, Lianhua (Chinese-owned supermarket chain) and Tesco. Our first stop is Metro, not only a temple but also a school of consumption here. The...

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Chocolate bars recovering

Life is not very easy for chocolate bars nowadays. Healthy competition however, has resulted in growth not only for private labels, but also for brands successful in innovation, leading to...

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Eight out of ten households using softeners

According to data from GfK Hungária ConsumerScan, eight out of ten households use softeners. Those living with children or in a household of 3-4 persons buy softeners more frequently than...

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Hungarian consumers changing

Hungarian consumers have changed as much in the past 15-20 years as average European consumers have in 50 years- said Ákos Kozák, director of GfK Hungária Piackutató Intézet at the...

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Strong brands among fruit yoghurts

Fruit yoghurt is one of the largest food categories. According to data from the Retail Index of Nielsen, retail sales were up 7 per cent by April 2007 compared to...

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Discreet hiss, discreet fragrance

Conventional aerosol cans still account for a half of total sales in the market of air fragrances, though battery operated products show the most dynamic development. This segment receives substantial...

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Warm vodka and sweating women

Using conventional consumer surveys, Univer had failed to increase its sales in the Russian market as expected. They have however, found another method which can help to form a realistic...

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Reliability, quality

The significance of excellent quality and reliability cannot be over-emphasised. The long term prospects of enterprises in the food business depend on these factors. Our ability to adapt to changing...

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Excellent health among yoghurts

Manufacturers have succeeded in linking yoghurts with the concept of health in the minds of consumers. Health-focused sub-brands are evidence of this success. Market data from Nielsen reveals favourable trends...

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HUF 1 400 per year for air fragrances

According to data from GfK Hungária ConsumerScan , nearly half of Hungarian households bought some type of air fragrance in 2006. Regarding household income, those with at least a medium...

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Customers as accomplices

If you have purchased a branded piece of clothing in the Italian black market lately, you are probably aware of the risk you have taken. Nowadays, it is not only...

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Channel and chain specific domestic trade marketing

According to research and analysis by Nielsen, price discounts are not sufficient by themselves to promote sales. Discounts also need to be advertised inside and outside the stores. The ScanTrack...

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Meat products pulling prices up

Consumer prices rose by 0,4 per cent in June 2007 and were 8,6 per cent up compared to June 2006. Prices were on average 8,6 per cent higher in the...

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More companies insolvent

According to a recent survey by Coface Hungary, 29 per cent more companies became insolvent in the first half of this year than a year earlier. The number of liquidations...

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International perspective

According to data compiled by Nielsen for 69 countries, including Hungary, retail sales of body care products grew by 5 per cent world-wide last year. One of the reasons for...

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Russian poultry, Italian lamb

Agricultural Business Research Institute (AKI) monitors and regularly publishes trends in the world market of meat and poultry. The Market Price Information System of KSH and AKI can provide useful...

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From a love for wine to knowing consumers

There is no question about; the international wine sector has gone through the most revolutionary periods its history. The same has happened to the Hungarian wine sector for different reasons....

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Everything the mouth needs

Ever more innovative POS solutions and promotions are used by manufacturers to expand the mouth care category. Adequate impulse is very important in this category, as Hungarian consumers buy toothpaste...

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External balance improving as well

According to the latest forecast prepared by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. with the help of Erste Bank, both the external and internal balance of payments is expected to show substantial improvement....

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International wine developments

During the Hungarian privatization, the international wine sector and market have gone through its revolutionary period what has resulted in a change we have never experienced before. The Hungarian wine...

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