Market News

Igitur ad astra… it all began with the white Astras!

How should we choose? We calculate costs. Fringe benefit or tool? It all began with the white Astras and continued with APEH inspections. Financing is also different nowadays. Leasing or...

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Chicken in the grey zone

Though the price of Hungarian poultry is rising, the sector is in danger. Prices might rise by as much as 30-40 per cent in the next two years, which might...

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Dish washing liquids for sensitive skin increasingly popular

According to data from the ConsumerScan of Gfk Hungária, an average Hungarian household consumes 4.4 litres of dish washing liquid per year. Sales dropped in terms of quantity last year....

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Consumer expectations deteriorating

Consumer expectations showed detectable deterioration in March, while business expectations were also somewhat more pessimistic than before, according to a survey by GKI: Within the competitive sphere, expectations of the...

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Considerations in choosing a fleet of passenger cars

It takes a lot of careful thinking to choose the best vehicles for use as company cars. Essential conditions need to be given priority and those which are desirable, but...

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Turkey days in Debrecen

The Debrecen Turkey day are to be held for the sixth time on 6-7. June. Competitions for professional and amateur cooks, waiters, and confectioners will be included in the program....

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More sun lotions sold in warmer climate

Demand for sun lotions is growing as a result of climate change. According to data from the Key Account Index of Nielsen, retail sales have expanded by 12 per cent...

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Prices of agricultural products up by a third

The prices of agricultural products were up by 33.9 per cent on average in February 2008, compared to February 2007. The prices of plant products were up by 46.9, while...

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When customers ask for time

This is the sixth occasion that we discuss the role of specific categories in specific retail units. This time, we’ll take a look at convenience products, which generally account for...

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New section established by agencies

Trough the Line (TTL) is the name of the new section established within the Hungarian Advertising Association by László Vekkel (HPS Group), Zsolt Urbán (HD Group) and Tamás Tóth (Special...

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Spending on safe sunbathing

Choosing the right sun lotion is extremely important and people are willing to pay more for sunbathing in safety than before. Unlike other cosmetic categories, the sales of more expensive...

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Food industry lagging behind

Industrial production rose by 9.8 per cent in the February 2007 – February 2008 period. Industrial export was up by 15.5 per cent in February 2008, compared to the previous...

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Modelling: reduces risk, boosts chances of success

How many customers am I going to lose by raising my price? How will a reduction in my competitor’s price effect my sales? Which promotional tool generates the biggest sales?...

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Largest Marché opening in Austria

Marché Schwechat was opened at the end of April, on the Vienna external ring. Construction work has taken 14 months and cost EUR 3,5 billion. This facility is the largest...

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What’s inside Hungarian warehouses?

We can easily find warehouses of European standard in Hungary at present, especially if we want it to be bear Budapest. – According to estimates, over a hundred thousand square...

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Still in recession

Retail sales were down by 2.5 per cent in February 2008, compared to February 2007. According to the latest KSH report, retail sales were down by 0.2 per cent in...

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Packaging in three stages – part 1: colour

Our sense of colours is a prehistoric heritage, related to our deepest reproductive drives. The use of colours is so ancient and universal, that even flowers know everything about it…...

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STI group to expand its international organisation

A Turkish partner and a new Polish production facility have been added to the STI group. Dasa and Milas Ambalaj based in Istanbul is a manufacturer of premium category packaging...

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Tough challenges for designers

The main driving force behind innovation in the market of commercial vehicles is EU environmental policy. As a result of increasingly strict EU emission standards, environmental considerations are the current...

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Less grain for export

Exports were up by 19 per cent in January 2008, while imports were 15 per cent higher than a year earlier. Total exports amounted to HUF 1,529 million in the...

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POP materials popular among customers

Emotions are playing an increasing role in influencing in-store activities. According to a presenter at the EuroShop exhibition held in Düsseldorf, providing joy and an exciting experience for customers is...

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Private labels strong in discounts

Private label products are 40 per cent cheaper than brand products on average in Hungary. The market share of PL products has been rising for years, but the rate of...

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Top model slower than IFA

There are two ways for commercial vehicles to meet Euro V standards. One is the recycling of emission gases (EGR), while the other is based on selective catalytic reduction (SCR),...

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More optimistic households

The complex Consumer Confidence Index of Gfk Hungária and Corvinus University improved by four per cent in the first quarter of 2008. Expectations regarding financial position next year were up...

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JÓFEJ-campaign for the fourth time

A campaign against drunk driving is to be organised by the Association of Hungarian Breweries for the fourth time in 2008. The JÓFEJ campaign to be conducted in the summer...

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Mobile refrigerator boxes with GPS

Today, it is possible not only to monitor where our vehicles are and what they are doing, but we can also check the temperature in the storage space and whether...

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Strong concentration, soft discount stores in Norway

The retail of food shows and exceptional degree of concentration in Norway. There were 442 modern stores for each 1 million people in 2006. Knut Gartland, head of marketing and...

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Beauty contest for Wukis

Results from the 1st Wukiland Beauty Contest organised by EVM Zrt were announced in April. The three competitors found to be most beautiful by the Wukiland community received valuable prizes....

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Increasingly strict standards for food safety

EU legislation pertaining to food safety has been changing since 2000. A new approach called “from farm to fork” has been adopted, which emphasises that all elements of the food...

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Aldi assortment tailored to Hungarians

1,085 items have been recorded by Nielsen in the Debrecen Aldi store. The widest assortment of products is that of groceries, with 285 items. The price of the few branded...

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