Market News

Descending pessimism in the U.S. manufacturing industry, increasing savings

In April, the U.S. household savings willingness increased, in May, the value of ISM Institute's purchasing managers index of manufacturing increased from 40.1 points to 42.8 points. The ISM index...

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The crisis in the European manufacturing industry is softening

Eurozone's manufacturing purchasing managers index in rose from April's 36.8 points to 40.7 points in May, slightly above the preliminary estimates. Increasing is indicated by the value over 50 points,...

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Descending beer consumption in the last two years

The economic crisis has reached the Hungarian brewing industry, the total sales of the brewers decresed by 7 percent compared to the results of previous year. According to the informations...

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The number of late loan repayers has been significantly increased

At the end of March 24 thousand companies had their credibility in late, compared to the same period of last year's , 18 thousand – reports MTI. The rate of...

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Marketing against the crisis

Not only the big but also the small and medium-sized companies are also interested in building out and developing its own customer database. The widely used marketing tools can extend...

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Thee decline in the Hungarian food retail market has been stopped

According to Nielsen market research company's analysis of twenty European countries, the Hungarian food retail sales volume of goods remained stable in the first quarter of the year compared to...

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The Hungarian economy has been increased in May

According to the common indicator of Világgazdaság and Ecostat – called the speed-up guide (GYIA) – after the decline of April, the economy increased by 0.33 percent in May. It...

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No need to re-authorize the cash registers

The shops do not need to re-authorize the cash registers because of the increase in VAT and excise tax. A simple parameter modification is enough – stated the fiscal business-leader...

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Dry weather is bad for agriculture

Despite the rain falls of the recent days, 200 millimeters are still missing from the usual amount of precipitation. The dry weather can cause more than 100 billion HUF losses...

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Consumer confidence in the United States is improving

The confidence indicator of Conference Board's the leading market research group increased to 54.9 points in May after April’s 40.8 points. The prior expectation was only 42.3 points. By the...

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Save and invest rather than taking up loans

The economic crisis did not change the financial habits of people, however changed the usage of financial products – states the study of GfK Hungária market Researc Institute. The financial...

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Bank guarantee program to help food processors

The Food Industry Bank Guarantee Program of Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) provides a total of 37.5 billion HUF working capital loan for helping out the businesses. With the 90 percent...

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One of the big loser of the crisis is the meat industry

According to the datas of Optem Company Information Service by mid-May, winding-up proceedings has been started against 73 animal husbandry, meat trading or meat-processing companies, so meat industry is the...

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Decreasing prices at Slovakian retailers

After the chains in Slovakia are already advertised products that are cheaper than in Hungary, the Slovak retailers also began to decrease its prices. In the first quarter of 2009...

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Good news from France: In April private consumption has been increased

Contrary to the analyst expectations the French private consumption increased by 0.7 percent in April. The consumption growth surprised analysts who previously predicted 0.3 percent decline. The growth in April...

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Green spices bringing diversity into Hungarian cuisine

Diversity in the use of spices is growing but this does not mean the end of red paprika. In fact it is still producing growth in spite of a substantial...

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Waiting for the grilling season

International trends in the poultry and garden product markets are monitored by AKI. According to analysts working for USDA, turkey production and consumption is expected to drop in 2009. In...

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(HU) Több fűszerkeveréket vásárolnak

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Drop in conjuncture index stopping in April

Following a nine month continuous drop, the value of the GKI conjuncture index finally stabilised in April. According to a survey by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. conducted with the support of...

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Concentration decreasing in sales of ice tea

Retail sales of ice tea were up by 3 percent in the April 2008-March 2009 period, exceeding HUF 14 billion, while sales in terms of quantity were down by 4...

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Proportion of people following a healthy diet stable

According to the latest survey conducted by GfK Hungária about eating habits, practically all foods are consumed less frequently. Traditional dishes and flavours continue to remain dominant. The proportion of...

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Stores can do a lot to boost sales of ice tea

Experts are looking forward to this year’s ice tea season with cautious optimism in spite of the recession. The market of ice tea is still dominated by traditional lemon and...

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Hungarian origin increasingly important

The freshness and good quality of products continue to remain the primary considerations for consumers, while price remains the second most important. According to the GfK Hungária Shopping Monitor and...

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Lemon ice tea becoming even more popular

According to the GfK Hungária ConsumerScan, growth of the ice tea market continued both in terms of quantity and value in the first quarter of 2009. The market was still...

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Fewer guests in the beginning of the year

The number of foreign guests served by commercial accommodation providers was down by 19 percent in January-March, compared to the same period in 2008, while the same number for domestic...

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Annual sales approaching HUF 40 billion

Retail sales of household paper products were up by 8 percent in terms of value in the March 2008-February 2009 period, compared to the previous year. Retail sales totalled more...

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Price rise in the food industry

Domestic industrial prices were down by 0.7 percent in February 2009, compared to January and up by 4.6 percent, compared to March 2008. Industrial export prices were up by 12.2...

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Innovation apart from price might also be a guarantee of the future

Paper tissue has been the most dynamically growing segment in the domestic market of household paper products in recent years. Dry tissue is used for removing wet and greasy stains...

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Food retail still dropping

Retail sales were down by 3.2 percent in February 2009, compared to the same month in 2008 and by 0.5 percent, compared to January. Retail sales totalled HUF 958 billion...

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Who is going to have the biggest slice?

Postal service providers are going to fight hard for control of the under 50 gram segment from 2013. We want to take advantage of our exceptionally wide range of services...

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