Market News

The impetus of consumer confidence has broken

According to the September survey of Nielsen market research company; After the summer improvement, consumer confidence fell in September. Domestic employment opportunities continue to be the least favorable, in the...

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Dairy producers will get support from October

It is expected that dairy producers will be given the extra additional fundings of 15-16 billion HUF in mid-October – stated Gőgös Zoltán, the Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture....

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The most of the resources of agriculture are from the EU

After the EU accession the financing of agriculture had to placed primarily market driven, because the EU prohibits direct state intervention – said Gőgös Zoltán secretary of the Ministry of...

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The expansion of the economy stopped after two months

The joint acceleration index (GYIA) of Világgazdaság and Ecostat, declined by 0.36 percent in September, so after the increase of the past two months, the expansion of the real economy...

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German retail: this was not the expected data

The German retail sales fell in August much larger, than it was expected. The German Federal Statistics Office announced, that 2009 year August retail sales decreased by 1.5 percent. On...

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Far less grain grown in Ukraine compared to last year

Ukraine grain harvest of this year is expected to be less, than in last year. In 2008 53.3 million tonnes grew, but only 47 million tonnes expected this year. According...

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GKI: Hungarians are more optimistic than in last November

GKI’s economic index improves for five month in September. The index summarizing the results of the survey is somewhat higher than the value in November last year. However, within the...

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Simpler licensing procedure in trade

Due to the result of the June 2009 amendment of the Trade Act; the opening of a business will be more simple. The dealer can choose the form of trading...

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KSH: last year Hungary's GDP has increased, due to agriculture

According to the Central Statistical Office (KSH); Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) was 26 543 billion HUF in 2008. This – calculated at constant prices – is a 0.6 percent...

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Gene manipulated bread from Canada

Gene manipulated foods, containing not yet approved linseed in the European Union, has transported into many EU member states, from Canada – announced the European Commission in Brussels. It is...

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The Competition Authority (GVH) proposes new product food law

President László Sólyom sent back the new product food law for consideration to the Parliament. According to news releases; new legislation will be made, therefore, the Competition Authority (GVH) made...

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Széchenyi Card: 700-billion loan outplacement

The Széchenyi Card (SZK)became even more attractive during the crisis. Although the number of requests has increased significantly, the allocations are not, because the strict bank filter. So far, overall,...

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Eurozone’s confidence index reached its annual peak

The euro-zone business confidence index, rose to its 12-month peak in September, to 82.8 points, from the 80.8 points of August. The increase may indicate that the region's economy can...

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Economic Competition Authority investigates retail chains again

The Competition Authority launched a re-investigation at several chains of stores, to make sure whether they have complied their previous commitments The Economic Competition Authority among other things, investigated the...

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EU agriculture support: 12 million euros “return to the sender”

According to the European Commission’s decision; Due to monitoring and recording deficiencies Hungary has to pay back 12 million euros. The government asks for installments. The farmers do not have...

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The sale of agricultural products, has been frozen

The market of agri products is stagnating, purchasing price is very low. The situation is similar to the case of fruits. The farmers have no money, even for fertilizer. A...

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So far, only one company got food bank guarantee

The Hungarian Development Bank approved only one application in the course of the program, that was made to help out viable food companies, that are only in trouble because of...

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The retail purchasing power is higher in the western region

According to the survey of GfK Hungária Market Research Institute; in the general and retail purchasing power ranking, Budapest is in the first place and Tiszabő of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County is...

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Hungarians have huge account debts, but showing a decreasing tendency

According to the data of the domestic financial supervision, the Hungarian households bank overdrafts decreased, compared to the end of 2008, exceeding 325 billion HUF, in July this year. The...

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Product fee can be terminated from 2010

According to the plans of the Ministry of Environment, the shops wouldn’t be burdened by the product fee, imposed on packagings and environmental fee should also be paid, after the...

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Gráf does not wait for the EU

The Hungarian agriculture government fed up with the inefficiency of the EU and brings forward the payment of the dairy farmers and even provide further assistance. This, can meant 22-24...

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The EU would tighten the rules on invoicing

The European Union plans the tightening of the rule system of invoices, that would be mandatory to all member states. The changes would standardize the rules of 27 EU Member...

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Hungarians do not visit Slovakia

There is a lack of Hungarian tourists in the Slovak hotels. According to the datas of the Slovakian Statistical Office; the number of Hungarian tourists decreased by almost 40 percent,...

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China launches anti-dumping process due to the U.S. chicken imports

China initiate proceedings against anti-dumping and not allowed subsidies in the case of U.S. imported chicken meat – announced Chinese Ministry of Commerce. The United States is China's largest chicken...

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Triple beer taxes in Russia

Next year, tax on beer will be the threefold of the current level. Consumption tax will increase to 9 rubles per liter (about 55 HUF) in Russia – announced Alexei...

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Energy drink consumption increased spectacularly in Hungary

According to Nielsen market research company; retail sales of energy drink increased by 24 percent, between the 2008 September and 2009 August period, exceeding 11 billion HUF. Because of the...

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Ministry of Finance would correct the spoilt of the cafeteria-regulation

The government has to correct its tax proposal, voted summer 2009. Under the current rules not 25, but 58 percent would afflict the fringe benefits. In the case of the...

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The companies of the region do not expect recovery

Deloitte prepared its first regional economic sentiment survey. In the summer 190 heads of large companies were asked about the prospects of the next 6-12 months. Hungary, Romania, Poland, Croatia,...

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Salient optimism at the Germans

According to the GfK market research institute on the basis of the October survey, the GfK consumer confidence index produced the highest value of the last 16 months in Germany....

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This year’s grape harvest worth a little

Midway through the harvest, it can be seen, that the yield will be less than the expected 3.5 million hektoliters, because of the hot summer. But despite the fewer amount...

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