Market News

Polish retail trade accelerates

In Poland, unemployment fell in April, compared to the previous month, while retail sales jumped in April, grewing by nearly 19 percent compared to the same month of last year...

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GfK: Hungarian young people are the least committed towards their jobs

The lack commitment towards workspaces is general among the young employees worldwide. Above all, they feel pressure at work, which causes long-term retention and management problems for the companies and...

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Consumer confidence further deteriorated in Europe's largets economy

In Germany, the consumer confidence deteriorated further in June. The forward-looking, sentiment index became 5.5 points, weaker than the predicted 5.7 points of May. The assessment of the current situation...

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The apricots of Gönc received EU protection

The European Union classified the apricots of Gönc as protected geographical indication products – announced the European Commission in Brussels on Tuesday. With the protection, the special Hungarian fruit became...

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Community shopping sites: everybody wins

The secret of the popularity of community shopping systems lies in the win-win-win model ensuring that all actors involved in the business will win. The first community shopping sites appeared...

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CSR planning in Hungary

Although in core business practice most leaders are aware of the fact that information needs to be acquired from a wide range of sources, decision makers in corporate enterprises seem...

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Moet Hennessy starts a new venture in China: sparkling wine

French luxury giant LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton embarks on a new venture in China — produce and sell high-end sparkling wine under its Chandon label. Moet Hennessy, the wine...

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Retail and agriculture have entered the danger zone

In the first quarter of 2011 the number of insolvency procedures grew by 27 percent. This rate is higher than forecasted and Coface Hungary’s opinion is that it is because...

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OKSZ calls for the reduction of VAT

According to the National Trade Association (OKSZ); the higher inflation is the main, that domestic consumption has not followed the growth of GDP in the first-quarter of 2011. The OKSZ...

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Retail still in trouble

The retail sales in March shrank, compared to both the previous month, and the same period of last year. The flash report of the Central Statistical Office shows: the new...

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Ranking of competitiveness may improve

“According to an international ranking of competitiveness published last week Hungary has a worse ranking than it did this time last year. Even though there is no possibility to face...

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The consumption of cheese specialties is concentrated to Budapest

According to Gfk Hungária’s ConsumerScan, the more special a type of cheese is, the more Budapest-centred its consumption is; small towns and villages are strong in processed cheese consumption. Practically...

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Flexible working hours should be reflected by income

This report identifies the three Vs: Virtual, adVantage and Value that will define the benefits of agile working as it emerges over the next decade. As the concept of ‘virtuality’...

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Star of Eger: A new brand in the Eger wine region

The Bull's Blood (Egri Bikavér) is one of the best-known brand name: As one hear the name of the the bulky spicy red cuvée wine, it reminds everyone to Gárdonyi,...

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Tender for the disabled-friendly workspace

Employers may apply continuously for the disabled-friendly workspace title, awarded by the Ministry of National Resources, and non-governmental organizations. Who wants to receive the title already in 2011 should certify...

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Consumer confidence deteriorated

GKI's combined monthly gauge of business and consumer confidence prepared jointly with Erste Bank fell again in May as an April improvement proved only temporary. The index, prepared with European...

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The Agri Széchenyi Card to be launched

The ministerial order over the introduction of the Agri Széchenyi Card has been published. The program will offer help to small producers hit by the economic crisis or damages caused...

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Increasingly stringent corporate lending

Corporate lendings tightened since February, and the banks can not promise substantial loosening in the next period. According to the survey of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB); some major players...

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Night of the thousand lanterns: lost children on milk cases

The picture of four children, missing for years can be seen on 400 thousand milk boxes and 10 thousand other product packagings from Thursday. In the unique action, which is...

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Hungarian wines during the Polish EU presidency

Hungarian wines will be served during the Polish EU presidency, that will last in the second half of 2011. Bakos Piroska EU spokesperson announced via Twitter, that the Hungarian wines...

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GfK Hungaria: Hungarian costumers are getting more conscious and price sensitive

The Hungarian costumers have become more conscious and price sensitive, due to the economic crisis, and the shopping occasions became even more planned – shows the research of GfK Hungária....

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The farmers of Rábaköz cooperate to build a sugar factory

The farmers of Rábaköz want to produce for the domestic market and for non-EU countries, and also considering the construction of a factory. Before the EU accession  dozens of factories...

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Hungary slipped back five places on the competitiveness list

The Swiss IMD Institute's 2011 world competitiveness ranking has been published. Hungary slipped back five places on the competitiveness list standing in the 47th position. Hungary stood in the ranking...

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The Hungarian walnut harvest may double

The Hungarian walnut is popular in the world market, because of its good quality. Last year 1,000 tons of it was exported – said Bognár Károly, ambassador of the International...

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Tough price competition in the advertising industry

Only a few tenders, cutthroat price competition, and if there is an order, it is mostly an ad hoc order, not a long-term brand building campaign. Because of the shrinking...

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The European Commission would get rid of the plastic bags

The European Commission calls upon the public's opinion, how to get rid of the plastic bags. The issues include, whether they should prohibit their use. The Commission will collect the...

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Manufacturer brands dominate the hair spray market

Retail sales of the best-selling hair care categories were stable in terms of value in the March 2010-February 2011 period. Manufacturer brands were in a relatively good position with an...

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The greenest project launched in Hungary

The basis of the greenest officebuilding of the city centre has been laid today. Ambassador of Sweden Cecilia Björner, mayor of the 13th district Dr József Tóth and vice-president of...

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Retro 6: ruled and graph exercise books

I remember when I was a child, every autumn I was really excited about how many ruled and graph exercise I would have in the new school year. Lines and...

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National products in Europe

In Hungary the transformation of new or old brands is usually carried out by large multinational companies as the costs of innovation and advertising are high. Experience is that domestic...

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