News and articles

Tesco and Nestlé are helping together again

Between 26 September and 9 October Nestlé and Tesco teamed up once again to fight food waste. In this period Nestlé donated 1 percent from the price of each product...

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Special new chewing gums from Chocco Garden

Chocco Garden Kft. launches a functional chewing gum product line.  Central Europe’s only chewing gum producer will put 4 types of Prevent functional chewing gums on the market at the end...

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Már elnyerhető a Kiváló Termék és az ÖKOlogikus jelölés

A termékek kiválóságát és a környezetbarátságát tanúsító új védjegyeket hozott létre a hazai eredetet igazoló legismertebb védjegyrendszert működtető Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft.   Benedek Eszter ügyvezető a szeptember végi sajtótájékoztatón...

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New products in the Tesco Organic line

In September Tesco added 6 new organic products to its private label selection, which now also features, chia seeds, quinoa, goji berries, linseeds, coconut flour and coconut flower sugar.  Customers...

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Fido Dido is back

Fido Dido, the iconic cartoon character of the 1990s has returned. 7UP was 90 years old in July and celebrated the occasion by bringing back the popular Fido Dido. He is...

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Coop executives decorated with Order of Merit

On 20 August László Pekó, chairman of the board of directors at Co-op Hungary Zrt. and CEO of Nyírzem Zrt., and László Tóth, CEO of Unió Coop Zrt. and member of the...

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Ceres wins silver medal at the 17th Euroregional Bread Festival

Dunakapu Square in Győr was the place where the 17th Euroregional Bread Festival took place on 8 September. Ceres Zrt.’s Ceres Rhodes Loaf finished 2nd in the bread category and was...

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Alföldi Tej opens cheese production plant

Dairy company Alföldi Tej Kft. has built a cheese production facility from HUF 15 billion in Debrecen. First only Trappist but later also Gouda cheese will be made in the new...

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Nestlé reduces greenhouse gas emission faster

Nestlé has announced that it will reduce its greenhouse gas emission to zero by 2050. The company wants to achieve this goal by putting several products on the market –...

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Bulldog Gin pushes forward in Hungary too

One of the world’s most popular and famous premium gins is now also available in Hungarian bars and shops: Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország launched Bulldog Gin at the end of August....

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790,000 cans of food for people in need

Bonduelle Central Europe Kft. and the Hungarian Food Bank Association donated 790,000 canned food products in the value of HUF 246 million to people in need.  The 221 tons of food...

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Coca-Cola HBC Europe continues to lead the way in sustainability

According to the 2019 Dow Jones Sustainability Index, Coca-Cola HBC is the No.1 sustainably ran soft drink company in Europe. This is the sixth time in the last 7 years that...

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Unilever switches to renewable energy

Unilever has announced that the company is now only using renewable energy in all factories, warehouses, offices and research centres on all five continents. This achievement is the result of the...

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Costa Coffee to be launched in Hungary next year

Coca-Cola HBC plans to roll out its Costa Coffee product in at last 10 countries in 2020 – and one of these markets is Hungary. Zoran Bogdanovic, CEO of Coca-Cola HBC...

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Intermarché’s expansion in Portugal

France-based Les Mousquetaires has announced a large-scale expansion plan for its Intermarché stores in Portugal. The retailer plans to invest EUR 200 million in opening 105 stores by 2023. EUR...

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7-Eleven introduces mobile checkout

After testing mobile self-checkout with employees at its own store, 7-Eleven launched the service in several Dallas locations in 2018 to get customer feedback for further fine-tuning. Customers at 7-Eleven in New...

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Target and Disney partner for a special in-store experience

Target will open about 65 in-store Disney stores in the next two years as part of a new partnership between the two companies. The first 25 of the shop-in-shop concepts will...

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No-checkout store concept arrives in Switzerland

Swiss company Valora and Migrolino follow the path of Amazon Go, testing a new store concept in Switzerland. This spring Valora opened its automated mini-store at the main train station...

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In the service of value and quality – for the second time

The Value and Quality Awards were presented to those products, companies and services that want to be ‘the best among the good ones’. Currently the Value and Quality Award is...

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Sixty applicants won the Value and Quality Award in 2019

On 10 September the award ceremony of the Value and Quality Award took place in the building of the Hungarian Parliament for the second time. This year 67 entries by...

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Coop Rally visited food companies in East Hungary this year

This year the Coop Rally’s more than 300 participants visited 8 destinations (meat and dairy plants, a soft drink company, a winery, COOP stores and a fresh product logistics centre)...

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A gluten-free life for 80 billion forints a year

Gluten-free groceries had a 4-percent share in total grocery sales between July 2018 and June 2019. Gluten-free foods were sold in the value of almost HUF 80 billion. Dóra Hajnal,...

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Europe is slowing down, but we aren’t

Like-for-like retail sales augmented by 3.4 percent in Europe in the 2nd quarter of 2019. The sales growth in this period was 7.7 percent in Hungary – this was the...

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Changing loyalty programmes in retail

On average two thirds of European household participate in some kind of loyalty programme operated by a retailer. There are big differences between the countries, though, as in Belgium every...

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Mobile payment is ahead of a breakthrough in Hungary

About five years ago Apple Pay and Android Pay broke new ground in contactless mobile payment, especially in Western Europe. However, it is still early days in Hungary in this...

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Instant payment to be launched in Hungary next spring

The Central Bank of Hungary (MNB) has recently postponed the introduction of the instant payment system in Hungary – the new date is now 2 March 2020. By using the...

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Mobile payment with QR code can be the key to fewer cash payments

In the instant payment system mobile payment with QR code has become popular in those countries where the market regulator and market players developed an open-source standard, or where banks...

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A community food stand opens on thousand square meters

The Agricultural Marketing Center has been promoting Hungarian food in the form of community appearance at countless foreign exhibitions for decades. As this year’s OMÉK focuses on the food industry...

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The Ministry of Agriculture helps the competitiveness of Hungarian livestock farmers with subsidies

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) also provides subsidies to Hungarian livestock farmers to help the sector cope with strong international competition – the Ministry announced on Friday. According to the...

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MNB: card payments ratio continued to expand in the second quarter

The infrastructure of card payments and the rate of card payments also expanded in the second quarter of this year -the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) announced on its website...

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