News and articles

Trade marketing in 10 years from now

Once again it was in the building of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry where the year’s last Trade Marketing Club meeting took place in November. One of the...

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Poultry should be kept indoors throughout the country

The national chief veterinarian has ordered poultry to be kept indoors throughout Hungary in order to further reduce the chance of contact with wild birds and thus the risk of...

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Beekeeping Association: agriculture will collapse without beekeepers

Without beekeepers, agriculture will collapse, so the European Union must provide them fair market conditions – the president of the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association told M1 news channel on Wednesday....

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In 2019, SPAR spent nearly 155 million HUF on social affairs

SPAR has been calling for collaboration for those who live in difficult circumstances since its enter to the domestic market 29 years ago. The company provides a helping hand in...

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Syngenta: innovations for sustainable, successful farm management

The temperature anomalies ot the past ten years, extreme precipitation conditions, new pathogens and pests, and the problems we face, all carry similar problems. We can tackle them with common...

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FuturAqua is planning acquisitions

FuturAqua has signed a letter of intent with Wellshare Ltd. to acquire ownership of seven water wells and their properties. Details of the deal were not disclosed, but similar talks...

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Thirteen thousand children received a gift package from the Food Bank

Thirteen thousand needy children received a gift package during the holidays at the charity program of the Hungarian Food Bank Association – the organizers told MTI. According to the announcement,...

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Last year the sales of electric cars in Hungary increased by more than 40 percent

Last year, dealers sold 1,803 new electric cars in Hungary, which is a record. It is a 41 percent increase over the same period of last year. The majority of...

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Amazon is the most valuable brand according to Brand Finance

Amazon is the most valuable brand in the world according to the 2020 Global 500 Ranking of the UK’s Brand Finance market research and business consulting firm. According to the...

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Sainsbury’s saves on management positions

Sainsbury’s has recently announced that it would save 500 million pounds on structural changes and eliminate hundreds of management positions. The changes are also needed to accelerate integration with Argos,...

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Souvenirs depicting the princely couple have been discounted

British shopkeepers have responded with an unprecedented drop in prices to make sure Prince Harry and Meghan Markle break the royal court almost permanently and begin to become independent, thus...

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Modernization and expansion at McDonald’s in Hungary

With the first opening of the year, McDonald’s arrived to Gödöllő with a two-lane drive-in restaurant. Not only the location but also the appearance is new; Scheer Sándor owner of...

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Hair nourishing at the highest level

According to a survey made by L’Oréal Magyarország, sales in the hair care category augmented by 3.7 percent in value but dropped 4.4 percent in volume in 2019. The company...

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Magazine: The whole world in a mug

According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations, global tea production and consumption will grow in the next 10 years. Csilla Solti, commercial manager of Mediline...

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Domestic mineral water and soft drink manufacturers are launching a plastic recycling revolution

The Hungarian mineral water and soft drink manufacturers were the first of the Hungarian food production sectors to make sustainability commitments. The Members of the Hungarian Mineral Water, Fruit Juice...

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New resources can help modernize livestock farms

By the end of March, the Ministry of Agriculture will reopen its rural development program tenders to support the modernization of livestock farms, and the ministry expects the measure to...

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About a hundred wineries can be found on the website of Hungarian Wine

The data of about a hundred wineries can be found on the official website of the Hungarian Wine (, which started in December – the wine marketing expert of the...

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ZEW’s economic sentiment in Germany and the euro area improved significantly in January

Unexpectedly, investor sentiment in Germany and the euro area has improved dramatically, far from expectations, according to a survey released Tuesday by the ZEW Economic Research Institute in Mannheim. The...

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More than 4 million HUF raised at OMV filling stations to operate play buses

A total of 2.04 million HUF was raised at OMV refueling stations during the last two months of the year, supplemented by the same amount, so the company will eventually...

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The EU Trade Commissioner said that trade relations between Washington and the European Union could be resumed

Trade relations between Washington and the European Union can be restarted – Phil Hogan, European Union (EU) Trade Commissioner said in Washington, to reporters. Phil Hogan said at a press...

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Online retail sales in Germany reached another peak

Internet and mail order retail sales in Germany reached another peak and reached close to 100 billion euros last year, according to a report released on Tuesday by the BEVH...

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At Amazon, we will soon be able to use our palm as a credit card

Amazon’s technology division is currently working to allow customers to connect their bank card details to their palms to pay for in-store purchases – origo wrote after CNBC. While Amazon’s...

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US pork exports to China could accelerate

Just one day after the US and China signed the first-round trade agreement, the US Department of Agriculture released a report that said US farmers could benefit particularly from the...

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IKEA understands Prince Harry and Princess Meghan

Ikea posted an ad on Instagram in response to the decision of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry – origo wrote after Ikea, clearly the winner of the Millennium, posted...

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‘Only one thing is constant in life: change’

Detki Keksz, the biggest Hungarian-owned biscuit company in the country sells more than 10,000 tons of products to millions of households every year. Our magazine asked managing director Péter Koósa...

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Magazine: Which trade shows to choose in 2020?

Szilvia Máté, managing director of BD-Expo Kft. recommends the following trade shows: EuroShop – 16-20 February 2020, Düsseldorf EuroShop is the No.1 retail trade show in the world, it is...

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Half a million children receive fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products in school programs this year

Hundreds of thousands of children will receive fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products through school milk, school fruit and school vegetables programs. The government will spend a total of 7.81...

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Hungary awaits the visitors to the Berlin International Green Week with artisanal delicacies and heritage preservation programs

The International Green Week in Berlin is not only one of the largest agricultural, food and horticultural consumer fairs in Europe, but also a major agricultural policy meeting place –...

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Tesco customers can vote for 40 million HUF support

The “You Choose We Help” program starts in the Tesco stores on 20 January. The supermarket chain has announced a tender program for local communities, which Tesco customers can now...

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Bisnode: the number of Hungarian companies reduced further last year

More than 5 percent more companies were founded and 3.6 percent fewer companies were lost last year, but that was not enough to reverse the decline in the number of...

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