News and articles
McDonald’s has renewed its burgers after decades
Date: 2023-08-31 12:32:30
Guests of the restaurant chain were first able to taste the Cheeseburger and Big Mac sandwiches in the United States in 1967, and in Hungary 35 years ago, when the...
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A termékek „valós árát” bemutató kampányt indít a Penny
Date: 2023-08-31 12:13:31
A német Penny kiskereskedelmi lánc a Nürnbergi Műszaki Egyetemmel és a Greifswaldi Egyetemmel együttműködésben egyhetes kampányt indít, amelyben a termékek „valós árát” kívánja megmutatni. Július 31. és augusztus 5. között...
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Magyar Termék védjegyes termék is bekerült az idei Hungaricool győztesei közé
Date: 2023-08-31 12:09:55
A globális kereskedelembe való betagozódás közel sem zökkenőmentes a kisebb gyártóknak. A 2023-as SPAR és a K&H közös szervezésében létrejött Hungaricool termékverseny egyik győztes vállalkozása a Magyar Termék védjegy használat mellett...
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The number of champagne wineries in Hungary has tripled
Date: 2023-08-31 11:45:50
The number of wineries producing champagne tripled in 5 years and last year already exceeded 120 wineries, thanks to the growing consumer demand for special, high-quality champagnes and the bureaucratic...
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dm Beauty bus: they bring make-up and relaxation to your home!
Date: 2023-08-31 11:27:23
dm brings beauty care to your home in the autumn: the drugstore’s Beauty Bus is available to the public at 20 locations, popular festivals and dm events. Those interested can...
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Nincs karácsony bejgli nélkül! De miből és hogyan?
Date: 2023-08-31 11:23:04
Az elmúlt időszak gazdasági eseményei a karácsonyi sütés-főzés elengedhetetlen alapanyagait is kíméletlenül érintették. Az orosz–ukrán háború és annak következményei teljesen felborították a gabona-termékpályákat. A drasztikus energiaköltségek az egekbe lőtték az inputanyagok...
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German retail sales decreased in July
Date: 2023-08-31 11:22:35
In Germany, retail sales decreased in July both monthly and year-on-year. The German statistical office, Destatis, announced on Thursday that retail sales fell by 0.8 percent in July compared to...
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Nincs megállás a logisztika szektorban
Date: 2023-08-31 11:20:22
A hazai logisztikai piac növekedési pályán van. Mivel a költségek az elmúlt időszakban radikálisan emelkedtek, ezért a fejlesztések fókuszában elsősorban az energiahatékonysági szempontok, illetve egyéb, a költséghatékonyságot növelő tényezők állnak....
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Skilled labor is one of the foundations of the strength of the countryside
Date: 2023-08-31 11:00:17
Skilled labor is one of the foundations of the strength of the countryside, as modern education ensures a good livelihood and helps the rural population stay in place and mitigates...
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Fenntarthatóság: elmélet és gyakorlat
Date: 2023-08-31 10:59:20
A környezet védelme, a fenntarthatóság elérése mindannyiunk közös ügye, és a kutatási eredmények azt mutatják, hogy szerencsére ezzel a magyar lakosság is egyetért. Amellett, hogy a vállalatoktól is elvárja, hogy...
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Syngenta’s knowledge base opens up new horizons in farming
Date: 2023-08-31 10:37:20
Syngenta presented its latest sunflower and corn-related offerings and solutions, as well as the company’s new knowledge base, at the first organized crop-EX event in Hajdúböszörmény. The participating farmers were...
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Agrometeorology: the soil in the Great Plain is too dry in many places
Date: 2023-08-31 10:15:12
Sunflowers and corn no longer require additional rain, but the soil in the Great Plain is too dry to sow rapeseed, the National Meteorological Service announced in its agrometeorological analysis...
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Birth control pills – without a prescription
Date: 2023-08-31 10:06:23
In July 2023, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the marketing of the first US over-the-counter oral contraceptive pill. This could significantly expand access to contraception in the...
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The focus is on local products
Date: 2023-08-31 10:00:13
The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Hungarian National Rural Network (MNVH) are holding a “Local product” event in four more cities. After the spring four in autumn –...
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Irish Grocery Spending Up By 13% In 2023, Says HelloFresh
Date: 2023-08-31 09:59:09
The average weekly grocery spend in Ireland has increased by 13%, from €91.38 in 2022 to €105.85 in 2023, a new survey from HelloFresh has found. This adds up to €752...
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„Új lehetőség minden csészében”: Új NESCAFÉ® kommunikáció
Date: 2023-08-31 09:54:09
A Nestlé legnagyobb kávémárkája, a NESCAFÉ® életében a fenntarthatóság mindig is fontos szerepet játszott. A NESCAFÉ® Európa-szerte új kampány keretein belül mutatja be fenntarthatósági törekvéseit a kávétermesztő farmerektől egészen a...
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The average yield of wheat increased by 36 percent compared to last year
Date: 2023-08-31 09:30:47
The harvest of grain cereals was almost completed by August 13, 2023, and the harvest was completed on 1 million 602 thousand hectares of the planned 1 million 619 thousand...
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The Hungarian traffic safety campaign has also conquered Asia
Date: 2023-08-31 09:11:38
The “You are not alone on the roads” created for Lounge Group HUMDA was awarded with a crystal award. its traffic safety campaign at one of the most prestigious international...
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Anora To Distribute AB InBev Brands In Finland, Norway
Date: 2023-08-31 09:10:00
Nordic drinks firm Anora has announced the signing of a partnership with AB InBev, under which it will distribute beer brands including Corona, Stella Artois and Budweiser in the on-trade...
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REMA 1000 Gets The Nod To Acquire Aldi Stores In Denmark
Date: 2023-08-31 09:07:06
Danish competition authorities have approved REMA 1000’s acquisition of 114 Aldi stores in Denmark from the German discounter. The deal will give REMA 1000 Denmark access to locations that are...
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Gergely Gulyás: our country has made great progress in the field of quality champagne production
Date: 2023-08-31 09:00:44
Compared to the situation a decade or two ago, our country has made great strides in the production of quality champagne, the minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office...
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The lastest issue of Trade magazin is out now!
Date: 2023-08-30 19:53:18
This year’s big sustainability supplement was published on about 50 pages of the digital version in its 220-page expanded form, in which more and more companies are joining in addition...
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Here is the shopping list! The new function is now available in the Price Monitor
Date: 2023-08-30 14:32:33
The online Price Monitor operated by the Economic Competition Authority (GVH) has been expanded with a multi-functional, freely compiled and shareable shopping list – this was announced by Balázs Csaba...
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Sustainability with reservations
Date: 2023-08-30 13:50:15
This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/8-9. The Hungarian Food Bank Association has been helping people in need for 18 years “For the first time, this year...
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Visitors to the Downtown Beer Festival can meet quality craft beers
Date: 2023-08-30 12:33:00
The Belvárosi Sörfesztivál awaits visitors with more than 250 types of beer, the craft specialties of the best Hungarian brews and masterpieces of international brands for six days, between August...
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Nem került vákuumba a szalámi és a kolbász
Date: 2023-08-30 12:07:04
Nincs nagy visszaesés a szalámik és kolbászok eladásaiban, de azért a márkáknak reagálniuk kell a spórolósabb vásárlási kedvre. Míg termékújdonságokkal főként a stabilabb lábakon álló prémium szegmensben találkozunk, új promóciós...
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Consumer sentiment in the United States worsened in August
Date: 2023-08-30 11:58:49
In August, after two consecutive monthly improvements, consumer confidence in the United States worsened due to the renewed intensification of inflation concerns, according to a survey published by the Conference...
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KSH: The service foreign trade surplus was 2.7 billion euros in the second quarter
Date: 2023-08-30 11:54:02
In the second quarter, exports of services calculated in euros increased by 6.7 percent and imports by 0.8 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The asset...
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Small Christmas? Big Christmas!
Date: 2023-08-30 11:51:14
It was a big question before last year’s end-of-year season how much families would tighten their belts when buying sweets for Saint Nicholas Feast Day and Christmas. The answer turned...
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REGIO Játék opens a new store in Sopron
Date: 2023-08-30 11:46:12
On September 1, REGIO JÁTÉK will expand its physical store network with a new 335 square meter unit. The total value of the investment is HUF 140 million. REGIO JÁTÉK...
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