News and articles
Ezért megfizetünk! – de legalább gyorsan és kényelmesen
Date: 2023-09-15 12:55:05
A retailtechnológia területén több olyan fejlesztési irány is körvonalazódik, amelyek külön-külön is forradalmasíthatják a szektort. Ezek jelentős része a kasszazónát érinti. A legtöbb szó mostanság ezen a téren is a...
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The 17th Coop Rally was a success
Date: 2023-09-15 12:48:34
The team of Polus Sütő Kft. won the 17th Coop Rally, the final award ceremony of which took place on Thursday evening in Zalakaros. As part of the professional program...
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Mérséklődik a nyers tej ára
Date: 2023-09-15 12:15:43
Az AKI PÁIR adatai szerint Magyarországon a nyers tej országos termelői átlagára 161,96 forint/kilogramm volt 2023 júniusában. A fehérjetartalom 0,1%-pontos, a zsírtartalom 0,05%-pontos romlása, valamint az alapár 4%-os csökkenése mellett...
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Eurostat: 6,3%-kal csökkentette az aszály az Európai Unióban a nyári gyümölcsök mennyiségét
Date: 2023-09-15 12:10:51
Az Eurostat kimutatása szerint az aszályos 2022. évben összesen 8,6 millió tonnányi nyári gyümölcs, azaz dinnyefélék, szamóca, valamint őszibarack és nektarin termett, ami 6,3%-kal kevesebb a 2021-es 9,2 millió tonnás volumennél....
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The number of domestic tourist visitors fell sharply
Date: 2023-09-15 11:55:00
While domestic tourism is decreasing, there is no sign of a decline in Hungarians’ trips abroad: the number of trips increased by a fifth and the time spent abroad by...
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TOP 50 marketing and PR professionals: here are the rankings
Date: 2023-09-15 11:50:11
Twice, the Marketing&Média communication magazine presented the most successful Hungarian communication professionals in a top 50 list. Attila Béla Szabó, the communications director of Magyar Telekom, finished at the top...
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FAO: the UN World Food Day challenge is here
Date: 2023-09-15 11:48:53
Water is food, development, energy and life. Yet nowadays, too many people lack it, while others take the availability of water for sure. Therefore, the central theme of World Food...
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MTÜ: This year, domestic restaurants received 11 Michelin stars and 59 recommendations
Date: 2023-09-15 11:46:36
Hungarian restaurants retained their Michelin stars and ratings, and even new ones joined last year’s recognition. In the new Hungarian edition of the MICHELIN Guide, we can still find two...
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Shell expanded its filling station network in Szentgotthárd
Date: 2023-09-15 11:20:41
Today Shell Hungary zRt opened a new filling station along main road 8 in Szentgotthárd. The 196th well is easily accessible in line and, in addition to fuel sales, the...
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Hollandiában tervez disztribúciós központot nyitni az Amazon
Date: 2023-09-15 11:15:15
Az Amazon 100 000 négyzetméteres elosztóközpontot tervez nyitni Hollandiában. Az e-kereskedelmi óriás 2015 óta működik az országban, és 2020 óta van holland online áruháza. Jelenleg a legtöbb rendelést a Schiphol repülőtéren...
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The IKEA Design Studio in Pécs has opened
Date: 2023-09-15 11:04:20
In the spirit of affordability and accessibility, IKEA is constantly improving its services. In the Design Studio opened in Pécs, IKEA employees support the design processes with advice at pre-arranged...
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It is worth choosing domestic products
Date: 2023-09-15 11:00:58
Nébih initiated proceedings against one of the foreign store chains present in our country due to salmonella-infected German pork. The case also pointed out that it is worthwhile to choose Hungarian...
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Sustainability is not yet a central issue for family companies
Date: 2023-09-15 10:48:12
Companies with a minimum of 250 employees have two years to incorporate ESG aspects into their business processes. According to the sustainability index of K&H family companies, this is currently...
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Wine distillation support helps wineries
Date: 2023-09-15 10:45:21
The Ministry of Agriculture provides a HUF 1.6 billion subsidy to wineries for the distillation of rosé or red wines of protected origin in order to deal with difficulties on...
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Land sales by auction will continue
Date: 2023-09-15 10:30:28
Another parcel of land exceeding 10 hectares may be given to the farmers. With the measure, the Ministry of Agriculture supports small and medium-sized farmers and local producers in getting land....
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Hűségkedvezményt kínál a Walmart az állami támogatásban részesülőknek
Date: 2023-09-15 10:19:33
A Walmart megfizethetőbbé teszi a hűségprogramtagságát azok számára is, akik állami támogatásban részesülnek. A 2020 szeptemberében bevezetett Walmart+ 35 dolláros vagy annál nagyobb összegű rendelések esetén korlátlan ingyenes házhozszállítást, a...
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Bill Gates buys Anheuser-Busch shares during Bud Light slump
Date: 2023-09-15 10:18:59
Bill Gates has made a US$95 million bet on AB InBev after buying Anheuser-Busch shares amid the business’s troubles with its Bud Light brand. According to reports highlighting details from...
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Hungarian farmers demand decisive action from Brussels! Extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain by the EU!
Date: 2023-09-15 10:00:39
Organized by the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Unions and Farmers’ Cooperatives (MAGOSZ) and the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK), a farmers’ demonstration was held at the Záhony border crossing...
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The quality of the wine grapes harvested so far in the Villány wine region is excellent
Date: 2023-09-15 09:45:10
The harvest of typical blue grape varieties harvested so far in the Villány wine region, where the harvest until the end of October is currently in full swing, is average...
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Agrometeorology: canola needs precipitation
Date: 2023-09-15 09:30:13
The dry, warm weather of the past few days was ideal for the maturing rapeseed plants, but at the same time it significantly dried out the soil layer near the...
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Euromonitor International: China’s Alibaba the leading retailer and Indonesia’s GoTo the fastest growing retailer in Asia-Pacific
Date: 2023-09-15 09:02:28
Kína zéró-Covid politikája az offline kiskereskedelmi forgalomban dollárban kifejezve 4%-os forgalomcsökkenést eredményezett és az üzleteken belüli vásárlóforgalom visszaesése komoly kihívás elé állítja a kiskereskedelmet. Az olyan piacok ugyanakkor, mint India,...
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Our country extends and extends the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain
Date: 2023-09-15 09:00:01
We protect the interests of farmers, so after Brussels decided not to maintain the ban on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products, our country will do so under its national...
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Zott Jogobella birthday edition yoghurts 130 g
Date: 2023-09-15 08:32:55
We are happy to announce that the Jogobella brand is celebrating its 25th anniversary in the countries of Central Europe in 2023.We are commemorating the Jogobella anniversary by launching new products,...
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GALLIO Sült és füstízű pulykacombsonkam
Date: 2023-09-15 08:15:28
Megtartva eddigi lendületét, tovább bővül a Gallicoop vállalat új termékcsaládja, a GALLIO. A gyorspácolt prémium sonka 80% pulykacombhúst tartalmaz, kiváló alapot teremtve minden szendvicsnek. A magas fehérjetartalmú pulykahús rendkívül gazdag ásványi anyagokban, szelénben,...
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Alexandra Szentkirályi: the government will extend the mandatory campaign until the end of December
Date: 2023-09-14 14:49:14
The government will extend the mandatory actions from the original deadline of the end of September to the end of the year, government spokeswoman Alexandra Szentkirályi said in the current...
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(HU) Rendhagyó vitafórumokkal érkezik a JVSZ 12. Makro Konferenciája új, EXKLUZÍV formátumban
Date: 2023-09-14 14:08:19
Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....
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BCG: Brands should pay more attention to the 50-70 age group
Date: 2023-09-14 14:07:55
According to the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) research “Don’t Overlook Your Mature Consumers”, members of the 50-70 age group, contrary to popular belief, have a much greater influence on the...
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Megállíthatja az élelmiszerboltok forgalmának csökkenését a SZÉP-kártyás vásárlás
Date: 2023-09-14 13:05:18
A SZÉP-kártya-felhasználók, az élelmiszerüzletek, de még a munkáltatók számára is kedvező változást jelenthet, hogy augusztustól ismét lehetővé válik a hidegélelmiszer-vásárlás és az éves kedvezményes keret is emelkedik. Tavaly ugyanis a február–június...
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The 30-year-old Rossmann celebrated with a festival of 1,500 people
Date: 2023-09-14 12:24:58
Rossmann has been present in Hungary for 30 years this year, and to celebrate this significant milestone, it organized a grandiose festival for its colleagues on the second Sunday of...
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PENNY facilitates the start of school for three hundred needy children with the help of the Hungarian Red Cross
Date: 2023-09-14 12:17:07
PENNY and the Hungarian Red Cross have teamed up again: this time they help disadvantaged children and their families start school. Thanks to the store chain and with the cooperation...
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