News and articles

Travis Pastrana and the Nitro Circus

“Breathtaking show with the exciting technical tricks of the world's craziest and most courageous sportsmen.” The Nitro Circus visits Hungary for the first time this summer. The performance promises a...

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Dangerous obesity is spreading as an epidemic

The European experts dealing with obesity published a joint statement, in which they call for the attention of the European governments, health ministries, institutions, policy-makers and decision-makers' to start immediate...

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Credit card-sized mobiles to come

Credit card-sized mobiles will arrive to Hungary soon. The credit card-sized mobiles were not only made for young people, but for those who need a second phone. Within a few...

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Changes at Coca-Cola Hungary


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Pick focuses on mothers and children

A joint survey by Pick Szeged and strategy and development specialist Conness revealed that for mothers the number one thing is the goodnight kiss when it comes to caring about...

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Weakening currencies

In early 2015 the Swiss National Bank lifted the 1.20 Swiss francs per euro cap. As a result of this, the Swiss franc strengthened against the forint, the euro and...

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The new list is out: Hungary’s TOP RETAILERS 2014

It is June once again so the new ranking – which is based on last year’s performance – of FMCG retailers is being published. Trade magazin, Hungary’s market leader b2b...

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KSH: 0.5 percent inflation, food prices increased by more than 1 percent

In May, consumer prices were an average 0.5 percent higher than a year before. Compared to April consumer prices rose by 0.7 percent – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported...

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The holidays can cause problems for the shops near the Lake Balaton

There was no commercial chaos during the first Sunday of the real summer weekend at the Lake Balaton – shopkeepers and advocacy organizations near the lake told Világgazdaság. The question...

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The MNB Increases the security of internet payments

As the internet payments are increasing significantly, the Hungarian National Bank considers it important to increase the security. The Hungarian National Bank (MNB) has started the transposition of the relevant...

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Analysts were surprised by the rise in consumer prices

Analysts interviewed by MTI called it surprising that the consumer price index in May became positive in Hungary. According to the K&H Bank and the Savings Bank (Takarékbank) the average...

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Opten: the rising trend of company terminations is broken

Compared with April, almost 400 fewer companies, a total of 4245 companies were terminated in the Hungarian economy in May, breaking the trend of increasing company terminations – according to...

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The GDP of the EU and the Euro Zone grew by 0.4 percent in the first quarter

The seasonally adjusted gross domestic product (GDP) both rose by 0.4 percent in the European Union's 28 member states and in the Euro Zone’s 19 countries in the first quarter,...

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Manpower: the Hungarian employers plan workforce expansion

The recruitment mood of the the Hungarian employers has dropped, compared to the previous quarter. According to the latest Manpower prediction, 11 percent of the companies are planning workforce expansion...

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Winemakers have to prepare for the impacts of the climate change

Áder János President stressed the importance of preparing for the effects of the climate change on Tuesday in Villány. Áder János President (r) is talking with Bock József, winemaker and...

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Hungarian foods debuted in Brussels

Dozens of Hungarian food products were introduced in Brussels, primarily for the players of the Belgian retail sector. The Hungarian food days began on Tuesday at the Hungarian embassy in...

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Wine and marijuana pairings in Denver

From now tasting marijuana with wine is also possible in the US – wrote, after The owner of a winery in Denver believes that some forms of cannabis...

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One fifth of SMEs plan to recruit new employees

A survey conducted by GfK Hungária for Budapest Bank found that 80 percent of Hungarian SMEs’ managing directors believe there is huge potential in their enterprises. 30 percent of small...

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After virtual stores Google opens physical ones

On 12 March Google announced the opening of physical stores. The new concept premiered in Currys PC World on Tottenham Court Road in London. Smartphones, tablet computers, Chrombook laptops, Chromcast...

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Communication is important in every field of life and finding a partner is no exception. I have had a 40-year-old client called Kálmán, a handsome and confident businessmen. He met...

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KSH: the export surplus in the first quarter is above three billion euros

In the first four months of the year, teh trade surplus was 3.020 billion euros, 552 million more than in the same period of last year. In January-April, exports increased...

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Analysts: favorable outlook for foreign trade

According to analysts interviewed by MTI, the dynamics of foreign trade remains favorable. According to the first estimate of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) released on Monday, the value of...

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Thousands of tourists complaining due to the Sunday store closure at the Lake Balaton

Chaotic conditions occured on the first Sunday of the Hot Summer Season at the Lake Balaton: thousands of angry tourists were in fret, because of the closed shops – the...

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Hungarian Food Bank Association: 100 kilos of food is thrown out per household per year

In Hungary an average of 100 kilogrammes of food is thrown out each year per household – the president of the Hungarian Food Bank Association told M1 news channel on...

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These will be the supermarkets of the future

The supermarket of the future was presented at the World Fair Trade, which was held recently in Milan. Photo Source: In the modern shopping mall several technology solutions will...

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Egypt's president led the business delegation in Budapest on Friday

The Hungarian-Egyptian Business Forum was surrounded by high interest on Friday in Budapest. More than 200 domestic SMEs attended the event in which the participants were informed about business opportunities...

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Collective redundancies at the Surjány-Hús Kft.

Collective redundancies were announced at the Törökszentmiklós-based Surjány-Hús Kft. The decision affects more than 200 workers – the former managing director of the company and current advisor told MTI. Tóth...

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A Frenchman won the World's Best Cheesemonger contest

Fabien Degoulet won the title at the second edition of the International Best Cheesemonger Competition which was held in the French city of Tours on Sunday. The 31-year-old Degoulet, who...

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Central and Eastern European investment and trade exhibition was held for the first time in China

The expo organized in the city of Ningbo was opened on Monday. More than two dozen Hungarian companies are also involved in the expo. Szabó László, Parliamentary Minister of State...

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