News and articles

Ikea’s revenue increased by 14 percent

Ikea’s revenue grew to 61 billion forints in the fiscal year ended September last year, which is 14 percent higher than in the previous year – the Swedish-owned chain announced...

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The export of agricultural products increased by one-third

The export of agricultural products increased by one-third over the past 7-8 years, of which 83 percent is aimed to the European Union’s (EU) member states – Fazekas Sándor Minister...

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More and more vending machines out of order

It is quite certain that Magyar Posta will not be able to do the wiring of the twenty-two-thousand- vending machines to the National Tax and Customs Office with automated control...

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The Hungarian agriculture is ready for the digital switchover

The digitization of Hungarian agriculture has its foundations, and the sector is ready to the digital switchover – Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Minister of State, responsible forAgriculture said at the opening...

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Growth is slowing in Hungarian online retail

Growth is slowing down in the Hungarian online retail market, while the domestic online market revenue has risen by almost 18 percent in 2017, compared to the previous year, so...

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Chamber of Agriculture: the farmers would expand the size of the irrigable area to fivefold

Instead of the current 80,000 hectares, the farmers would irrigate on 377,000 hectares in the future – according to the results of the irrigation water demand survey of the National...

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Analysts: real wage growth may continue at a more moderate pace

The real wage growth may continue this year at a more moderate pace, compared to last year – market analysts told MTI, after the Central Statistical Office (KSH) released its...

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The market for pet foods increased dynamically last year

The market for pet foods increased dynamically between February 2017 and January 2018. Hungarians spent 7 percent more on dog food, while 10 percent more on cat food – according...

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The products of the Tihany Selection and Karaván brands are available in a new packaging

Product photos have become more accentuated than ever before, and thanks to the new colors the packagings of the Tihany Selection (Tihany Válogatás) and Karaván cheeses provide a clearer picture....

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The Rubin Kft. develops paprika grist from over 100 million HUF

The Rubin Szegedi Fűszerpaprika Feldolgozó Kft. has announced that it will produce a stable red pepper powder from more than 100 million HUF. About 78 million HUF is non-reimbursable EU...

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The Hungarian mergers and acquisition market has fallen significantly over the past year

In Hungary, the mergers and acquisition (M & A) market fell sharply according to the recent survey of the Allen & Overy International Law Firm. Lengyel Zoltán, Allen & Overy’s...

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136 billion USD in sales at Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart had a weaker performance than expected in the fourth quarter of its fiscal year ended at the end of January – wrote. Profit from the period lagged behind...

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New treatment was used to prevent nut allergies

It was possible to prevent nut allergies within a study involved a large number of patients. Within the research, sick children took a nut flour capsule each day for half...

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NGM: the number of employees in Hungary is increasing for more than five years

The number of employees in Hungary is increasing for 64 months, ie for more than five years – Cseresnyés Péter, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM)...

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Online packages from China can arrive faster

The Magyar Posta Zrt. establishes a Chinese-Hungarian joint venture company jointly with two Chinese logistics companies with a share capital of 3 million euros (900 million forints). The agreement was...

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European Commission: The EU is characterized by vigorous economic activity and high employment rates

At the beginning of the 2018 European economic semester of the budgetary and social policy management, there is a strong economic activity, employment indicators are peaking, and declining unemployment has...

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Magazine: Anyone can afford having a bank card terminal

According to Ágnes Hornung, secretary of state at the Ministry for National Economy (NGM), in Hungary the proportion of electronic transactions is still much smaller than the European average. The bank...

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The poultry stock declined

Because of the bird flu, the Hungarian poultry in live weight decreased by 5.2 percent and its number decreased by 4.3 percent last year, compared to the previous year –...

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Milk sales at the supermarket chains

According to Világgazdaság, the Nielsen reported that the milk category within the sales of the chain of stores reached a turnover of 38.5 billion forints in the hypermarkets and supermarkets...

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KSH: 12.9 percent increase in average earnings last year

The gross average earnings were 327,700 forints in December last year, 13.5 percent more than a year before. In January-December 2017, the gross average earnings were 297,000 forints and net...

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Fazekas: The EU must support family farms

The new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) should represent the interests of the small and medium-sized family farms and the present level of support can not be reduced – Fazekas Sándor,...

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Households’ money assets increased in 2017

The net financial assets of households grew by 3262 billion forints in the past year, and its value of 39,287 billion HUF slightly exceeded the amount of the annual gross...

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The plant of HELL in Szikszó to be expanded with a unique filling line

On 22 January, the HELL ENERGY Magyarország Kft. started the installation of its newest metal box filling line. With the investment totaled at 5 billion HUF, domestic energy brand –...

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The Hőgyészi Agrokémiai Kft. plans a huge growth

This year, the Hőgyészi Agrokémiai Kft., which mainly sells agrochemicals and seeds, plans to increase this year’s sales revenue significantly. Last year the revenue growth was about 10 percent. The...

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Nébih has withdrawn more than 5 tons of food from the market

The authority prohibited the placing of more than 5 tonnes of raw materials and semi-prepared meals on the market and ordered its destruction after the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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The shadowy side of the Dutch dairy industry

The Netherlands has one of the most successful dairy industry in the global market, but according to The Guardian, the size of the Dutch livestock is so large that the...

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European metropolises joined their forces for organic farming

The “Organic Cities Network Europe” was established ceremonially in Paris as an initiative to promote environmentally friendly farming. Vienna is also among the founding members – wrote. The cities...

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Retail sales increased in Russia

According to the official figures, the unemployment in Russia grew in January, while retail sales increased. The Russian statistical office announced on Monday that unemployment in January grew to 5.2...

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The Germans continue to be confident

The economic mood index of the ZEW (Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH) in February decreased by 2.6 points to 17.8 points, compared to the previous month, but it surpassed the...

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