News and articles

Poland would raise a fence on its eastern border due to African swine pest

The Polish government would build a fence along Poland’s eastern borders to prevent further spread of African swine pest (ASP) – Krzysztof Jurgiel Polish Minister announced at Press Conference in...

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Eurostat: half of the unemployed young people would leave their their homes if they could find jobs elsewhere

In the European Union (EU), about half of the unemployed between the ages of 20 and 34 would leave their homes if they were able to work elsewhere, while the...

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HENT: fake perfumes can be dangerous

Fake perfumes can be dangerous. They can cause serious allergic reactions and infectious diseases – the National Anti-Counterfeit Agency (HENT) warned in its statement sent to MTI on Tuesday. According...

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Magazine: I like the system!

According to Wolfgang Wallisch, member of the board of directors at BENU Magyarország, the franchise system is already widely used in Hungary. Typically the franchise system targets small businesses, but the...

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Hungarians spent 22 billion HUF on detergents

The Hungarians’ desire to clean up is growing: Between March 2017 and February 2018, we spent more than 33 billion HUF for detergents and cleaning products – according to Nielsen’s...

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Századvég: inflation can be 2.6 percent this year

The Századvég foundation predicts that inflation will be 2.6 percent this year – Regős Gábor, the analyst of the foundation told M1 news channel on Saturday. The analyst said that...

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We eat less import salads

Hungary’s salad imports decreased significantly last year – Magyar Idők Online wrote. According to the data of the Central Statistical Office, last year a total of 1367 tonnes, 37 percent...

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Fazekas Sándor: net average earnings in agriculture increased to one and a half times higher

In the seven years since 2010, 72,000 new jobs have been created, net average earnings in agriculture increased to one and a half times higher, and the sector is on...

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Lamb exports may decrease due to the early Easter and the change in Italian demand

Lamb exports may be 10-15 percent less this year, (compared to 2017, when lamb exports amounted to 120 thousand) because the weight of the lambs were low, due to the...

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More than 1300 kilograms of products were withdrawn from the market by Nébih

More than 1,300 kilograms of products were seized and withdrawn from circulation by the National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) during investigations in commercial units in Kállósemjén and Nagykálló. According...

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The world needs science. Science needs women

On 11 Feburary 2016, the first International Day of Women and Girls in Science, UNESCO marked women’s participation in fields that, in many countries, is dominated by men. More than...

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The Aventics Hungary Kft. achieved a significant increase in revenues last year

The Aventics Hungary Kft. in 2017 increased its revenue by nearly 16 percent and the number of its employees by more than one tenth – the Managing Director of the...

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There is no threat of bluetongue disease currently

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) announced the seasonal vector-free season for the whole of Hungary in connection with the bluetongue disease – wrote. Measures taken since the...

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Magazine: When buying ham, shoppers prefer branded products

In March-April 2017 combined volume sales of the ‘smoked meat’ and ‘smoked-cooked meat’ categories amounted to 3,944 tons, 6.7 percent more than in the same period of 2016 – reported...

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(HU) Márciusban a csúcshoz képest kissé csökkent a GKI konjunktúraindexe

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(HU) Az MNKSZ-hez igazolt a Reál

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Manufacturers of sweets are expecting the same amount of traffic as last year

The Association of the Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers (MÉSZ) expects a similar Easter traffic as in last year, Sánta Sándor, chairman of the association told MTI. The association referred to the...

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The Pénzügykutató Zrt. improved its growth forecast this year to 3.9 percent

The Pénzügykutató Zrt. improved its growth forecast this year to 3.9 percent from the previously predicted 3.7 percent, and the momentum, albeit with a moderating dynamics will remain in 2019,...

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NGM: retail sales are growing steadily for 55 months

Retail turnover has been growing steadily for 55 months – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told M1 news channel, commenting on the latest...

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Media Council: the channels are repeating the advertisements more often

The trend observed earlier continues. Less advertisements are repeated more often by the channels, according to a survey of the media council on new advertising spots published in the second...

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A strategic agreement was signed between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Beekeepers’ Association

A strategic agreement was signed between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Beekeepers’ Association. The document on the cooperation of the further development of the sector was signed on Friday...

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HEINEKEN Hungária announces a student competition

HEINEKEN Hungária is waiting ideas for the further reduction of its ecological footprint from students and college students who are committed to sustainability. The company that launches a student competition...

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Modern pig slaughter and processing plant from three billion HUF in Sárrétudvari

In its category it will be the most modern cutting and processing plant in Central Europe – the Minister of State responsible for Agricultural Rural Development announced at the foundation...

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Danone: comprehensive health protection program again

The special screening truck of Hungary’s comprehensive health protection program will start a country trip again in 2018. Danone joins to the largest national screening program as its highlighted strategic...

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Hungary’s original wine map is being prepared in Szerencs

The staff of the wine laboratory of Szerencsi Diagnosticum Zrt. are preparing the country’s original wine map. To the 1.7 billion HUF laboratory development and the production of the wine...

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Trademarked producers

Nearly a thousand food products, hotels and restaurants, a handicraft product have a national park trademark in Hungary – the Minister of Agriculture said in Miskolc on Saturday. Fazekas Sándor...

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This year, a 2012 vintage became the best red wine in Szekszárd

This year, the best red wine became a 2012 vintage at the wine competition in Szekszárd. This time the wine of the Bodri Cellar won the prize. This year, 19...

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Bureaucracy may be reduced in crop production

The National Arable Crop Production and Supply Industrial Board of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) was established. Petőházi Tamás has become the chairman who is also the deputy chairman...

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(HU) Tejtermékek az Év Termékei között

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KSH: retail sales have increased even more than previously announced

In January, retail sales volume grew by 7.8 percent year-over-year, according to the raw and calendar effect adjusted data, according to the second estimate published by the Central Statistical Office...

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