Company and Personal News

Tetra Pak in Pilis

Tetra Pak has become the chief sponsor of the forest management project implemented by Pilisi Parkerdő and WWF Magyarország in the Budai hills. Tetra Pak signed a three year agreement...

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Penny carries on

The first domestic food discount store chain is still expanding. Every settlement with a population of over 6,000 is a potential location for them. Penny stocks over one thousand basic...

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Chio Crackings

The spot is a follow up to the popular Chio Crackings mouse story. It is replayed in the first part how the lead character mouse got hold of Sajtos Chio...

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Fütyülõs help for Mali

In addition to many other presents, the Fütyülős ATV competing in the Budapest-Bamako Rally is also taking 1,000 T-shirts for children in Mali. Budapest-Bamako Rally is charity rally where competitors...

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Auchan: three years of development in sight

Though Auchan did not open any new stores last year, it is possible that they will open two this year. They spent 2007 preparing their workforce for the period of...

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Award for EUROPARK

EUROPARK Salzburg operated by SPAR European Shopping Centers received two ISCS-awards at the end of 2007. One was given for architectural solutions and design, while the other was in recognition...

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CBA unity – beyond borders as well

It was more than 15 years ago that ten private retailers joined forces in order to be able to buy 17 stores which had originally belonged to the state owned....

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There will be sugar

I have good news for the readers of TM. There will continue to be enough sugar on the shelves in the future. However, it is bad news for me, that...

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Bomba at Sió-Eckes

Sió-Eckes Kft and Büki Üdítő Kft, the manufacturer of Bomba! energy drink have entered into strategic co-operation. In January 2008, Sió-Eckes Kft. is to become the exclusive domestic distributor of...

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Coop united and strong

Last year, the Coop group succeeded in executing the major points of its medium term strategy accepted in 2006. The IT system was modernised, many new franchise partners joined the...

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Opening with a wheelbarrow

The second BAUHAUS store with an assortment of 120,000 items was opened in Szigetszentmiklós on 27 December. Customers who had arrived with a wheelbarrow received a coupon for the prize...

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Zwack awards for suppliers

Zwack Kecskeméti Pálinka Manufaktúra held a partner meeting for over 30 fruit producers on 14. December. Guests took a one and a half hour palinka tour....

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Match with a distinctive strategy

In recent years, Match did not show rapid expansion. In fact, the number of their stores dropped. However, as results began to improve, the owners approved of opening new stores...

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Guilds for a common objective

An agreement on co-operation has been signed by the representatives of Pannon Bormíves Céh Egyesület and Pálinka Céh Egyesület at the St. Martin’s day celebrations held in Pannonhalma. Both NGO-s...

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If Milli, then it’s Debrecen

The new curd production plant of Friesland Hungária zRt. was opened on 22 November. The EUR 2 billion investment is part of their regional strategy to consolidate their activities in...

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Wider assortment for dm

OTC pharmaceuticals, homeopathic products and Alnatura bio-products are all recent additions to the dm assortment. The fiscal year ended on 30. September for dm Magyarország Kft. and results were excellent....

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24 million for 12 foundations

A total of HUF 24 million has been donated by Reál Hungária Élelmiszer Zrt. in 2007 for 12 children’s foundations. Regional member companies have been free to decide which foundations...

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New HR director for SIÓ-ECKES

Marianna Bartos was appointed the new HR director of SIÓ-ECKES Kft. on 1. January. Previously, she had worked for Johnson&Johnson Kft. and has 15 years experience in the FMCG sector....

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Interfruct United

Interfruct stores use standardised assortment, prices and promotions and also operate as independent logistic centres. The chain is going to contuniue expanding its RIA network. According to István Bránát, managing...

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Grand Prix for dm

dm drogerie markt received a Hungarian Trade Grand Prix from VOSZ on the European Day of Commerce....

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LLP in the elite club of Microsoft

LLP has become a member of President’s Club, a the circle made up of the best Microsoft partners. These companies represent the top five per cent of Microsoft partners in...

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Prettier METRO

METRO changed its market strategy two years ago and has remodelled half of its stores since then. The result is spectacular. METRO Cash & Carry focused on remodelling 4 existing...

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Cryovac launches printable top web for vacuum packaging

The new Darfresh TP100 allows manufacturers to use high quality printing to differentiate their products.The new Darfresh TP100 top web film is printed on the surface using flexography in up...

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Ferroro to Built chocolate plant in Russia

The 200 million euro factory will produce 25,000 tons of its Raffaello and Kinder Chocolate brands annually.The Russia's chocolate market is valued at 250 billion rubles ($10.2 billion) with a...

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OBI is Going to Extend in Romania and Slovakai

With more than 500 stores OBI is the undisputed No 1 in the German market and one of the leading European DIY retailers, overall sales worth was EUR 5.8 billion....

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New Business Environment Rating system by Coface

Complementary to Country@ratings, a new rating is thus available that reflects business environment quality by 150 country.  On the occasion of its annual country risk conference, Coface forecasts slower world...

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From industrial place to retail center at the former Zalahus plant

With 35-40 million euros investment a shopping center ring by green parks, playgrounds and car parks will be built by Convergence Capital Ltd. The construction works started in second half...

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Henkel Awards for research and technology invention

Finally, eight interdisciplinary project teams were chosen to receive the coveted prize.  The jurors of the Research/Technology Invention Award 2007 found it no easy task to pick the winners among...

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Espresso and cappucino are the most popular coffees

According a research by Valdo Café Hungarians drink coffee because of taste and its impact, most of use think coffee is unhealthy. Compatriots enjoy coffee mostly at home, daily once...

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