Company and Personal News

The Bio-Fungi Kft. has expanded its manufacturing facility in Ócsa

The Bio-Fungi Kft. dealing with fungus growing expanded the production capacity of its plant in in Ócsa with a 900 million HUF investment – the K&H Bank which is the...

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The Fiwi-Hűt Kft. is building a meat processing plant in Tata

The Fiwi-Hűt Kft. is building a meat processing plant in the Industrial Park of Tata with a nearly one billion HUF investment. The investment will allow the company to double...

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Smurfs to move into the Tesco stores

Tesco has smurfed something again! Tesco’s Smurf domino collection promotion starts on 1 August. Customers will receive gift dominos after every 3000 HUF purchase, and can get extra dominoes if...

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A wide selection and low prices, Wellness Weekend and a trip to Disneyland is waiting for Auchan customers

Auchan prepared for this year's 30 thousand more school students: low prices, quality products and wide range of offers await the students and their parents. The Auchan prepares with a...

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New Cappy Pulpy Orange Drink – There's stuff in it!

Coca-Cola’s new product, the Cappy Pulpy Orange Drink conquers with orange fruit fiber and fine orange taste. Its uniqueness that it is such as fresh as fruit drinks, but contain...

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New executives at Unilever

From 1 August, Vörös Mónika will hold the HR manager position at Unilever. The newly appointed leader will manage the HR activities of four countries (Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and...

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Henkel awarded again

Henkel received another sustainability recognition: On 20 June 2013, the RobecoSAM – the sustainable investment fund specialist – handed over the “SAM Sustainability Awards” prizes for the second time. As...

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Taco Bell stops putting toys inside kids meals

Taco Bell became the first major restaurant chain that is stopping the industry tradition of placing cool toys inside kids meals, according to a statement released by the company. Taco...

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Meat factory of Kapuvár: another unsuccessful tender

The second tender for the asset elements of the Meat factory of Kapuvár ended with no results – Jendrolovics Pál Péter liquidator told MTI. According to his informations, interest occurred...

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Danone has increased its turnover and profits in the first half of the year

The French food group Danone SA in the first half of this year, has achieved sales of 11.06 billion euros in revenue, compared to the 10.45 billion euros of a...

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Four billion HUF technological development at the Nyíregyházi-Kenyérgyár Kft.

The Nyíregyházi-Kenyérgyár Kft. launches a 249 million HUF technology investment with the support of the EU – the company told MTI. The company announced, that they won 90 million HUF...

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The merger of Omnicom and Publicis will create the world’s largest advertising agency

A merger between France's Publicis and America's Omnicom has created the world's biggest marketing and advertising powerhouse, ending WPP's four-year dominance of the industry with an alliance vowing to hold...

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Pick on the Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix again

During this weekend's Hungarian Grand Prix, the logo of one of the most well-known, traditional domestic brand the Pick will decorate the Vodafone McLaren Mercedes race cars – the Vodafone...

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The Hungerit turns toward convenience products

The Hungerit Zrt. turns toward convenience, kitchen finished products. The Hungerit Zrt. was able to survive the crisis caused by the attack of Four Paws foundation, even  conquering new markets...

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The SPAR is Hungary's fifth-largest employer

According to the recently published 2012 company rankings, the SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. is Hungary's fifth-largest employer with thirteen thousand employees. According to the principles of the SPAR, which is...

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The promotion of the Hungarian melon has begun in the Tesco stores

This year, about a quarter more melon will grown on a 20 percent larger area in Hungary, than in 2012. The production of fruits provides livelihood for 10-12 thousands families...

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The Schobert family has stepped out of Norbi Update

Schobert Norbert and his wife Rubint Réka stepped out of the Norbi Update International Kft. – writes Napi Gazdaság. The company was founded in April 2010 by Schobert Norbert and...

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LEGO Group spent 4 years documenting that products meet world’s strictest safety requirements

Since 2008 more than 20 employees at the LEGO Group have had the task of verifying that over 2,000 raw materials used in LEGO® products satisfy the requirements of the...

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The profits of Unilever increased significantly

(HU) f...

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The rural Marks & Spencer stores to be closed

The Marks & Spencer (M & S) today announced to transform its business model in Hungary – the company told MTI on Thursday. According to their information, as the result...

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Zwack's message to shareholders

Zwack Unicum Nyrt. notifies Shareholders that according to General Meeting Resolution 6/2013.06.27. of the General Meeting held on 27 June 2013, 'The AGM approved the proposal of the Board of...

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Univer, on Facebook, too

Univer Product Zrt. has launched its Facebook-page, called Ételízesítő (Foodflavour). They feauture recepies, kitchen advices and offer interesting appications, and a number of witty pictures in order to entertain users....

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Csányi will invest billions into the food industry

Csányi Sándor ended the earlier speculations at today's press conference, where he officially announced, that he will invests the billions, that derive from his unexpected OTP share sales into the...

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Breadsticks made of Hungarian wheat is consumed even in Uruguay

This year, the Intersnack Magyarország Kft. uses 13.5 thousand tons of Hungarian wheat for its pastry products, in a value of 1 billion HUF. This is 0.5 percent of the...

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The first Paprika store in Moscow opened

A store offering Hungarian food products has opened its gates in Moscow, Russia on Wednesday. The store is called Paprika, and according to the plans, it is soon going to...

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Joy in the Sága kitchen – the prizeshow is over

The nationwide prizeshow of Sága Food has come to an end now. The competition took place from 6th May 2013 to 30th June 2013, and as a whole every day...

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Toyota Motor Hungary Kft., MVM Partner ZRt. Szentkirályi Ásványvíz in co-operation

Three international and domestic companies, all of them fond of environment-friendly solutions are working together in co-operation now to launch a series of Toyota Auris Hybrid Touring Sports in their...

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New client group lead at GfK

An experienced professional, Dr. Csépe Andrea arrives to GfK’s Healthcare Sector. A new client group lead has arrived in mid-July to GfK’s Healthcare sector, that is conducting medical research. The...

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McDonald's expects a difficult year

The world's largest fast food restaurant chain expects a difficult year. Due to the economic uncertainty, consumers are buying less, and less people eat outside their homes. Therefore, McDonald's has...

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Mineral water bottlers were built in the surroundings of Győr

After the opening of the mineral water bottling plant in Balf, two new mineral water bottlers will be built in the near future in Győr-Moson-Sopron county – Kisalföld wrote in...

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