Posts From trademagazin

Wal-Mart would expand in Russia

Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer network would purchase the Kopeyka, Russian retail company – reports Bloomberg. The OAO Trade House Kopeyka belongs to the Russian billionaire businessman, Nikolai Tsvetkov, who...

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Hundred million HUF fine for Lidl and for Penny

Lidl was fined 155 million HUF, while Penny Market for 109 million HUF, for unfair distributor practices. In addition to those that mentioned above; investigations are ongoing against six other...

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Hungarian pig breeders cannot compete with the cheap Dutch import

According to the National Federation of Agricultural Cooperators and Producers; the pig breeders are in critical siztuation. They cannot compete with the cheap Dutch imports and do not receive market...

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The CBA will not raise its prices because of the crisis-tax

The CBA cahain will not raise its prices because of the crisis-tax; They hope, that due to the personal income tax reduction a surplus will remain in the pockets of...

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GURU received Golden Effie

The ceremonial handing over of the Effie prizes, was held at the gala evening in the National Theatre, where the Pöttyös GURU received Golden Effie. In 2010, the most prestigious...

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The red sludge disaster caused nearly 400 million damage to the Coop subsidiary

Due to the red sludge disaster one plant of the Somló group completely destroyed and several damages occurred at further four sites. Coop employs more than 500 people in and...

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New product on the market: GURU Christmas packages

GURU is about to launch a brand new product for the holidays: 8 mini Gurus wrapped up in a special Christmas gift box. The new product will reach the stores...

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(HU) Magyar Édességgyártók Szövetségének elnöke rostgazdag kekszeket ajánl

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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VisitBritain and British Airways jointly launch a campaign

UK national tourism agency VisitBritain and British Airways have launched a new campaign, emphasising the emotional allure and authenticity of attractions that can be found across Britain. The promotion, aimed...

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Tesco Ability Park: Together for a better understanding of people with disabilities

The joint roadshow of Tesco and the Ability Park launched with the participation of hundreds of the schoolchildren of Szeged. The roadshow travels around the country in the scope of...

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Parragh: in the end the consumer pays anyway

To ensure fiscal balance there was no other choice – said Parragh Laszló, chairman of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, over the crisis tax measures notified by Orbán...

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Three good wines, three good goals, three good men

The 3×3 Duennium charity auction has been ended. More than one million forints had been gathered from the auction of the three wines, that had a 50,000 HUF starting price....

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Benefactor Week from 11 October – Stand ups and Korda concert are waiting for the donors

The Benefactor Week is the unique initiative of the Children Nutrition Foundation. It will be organized for the third time in 2010. In the scope of the event, in the...

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Kométa supported the families of Kolontár with salami

The Kométa'99 Co. offered food donation for the Kolontár-based victims of the red sludge.  The Szemerey Trans transported the donation to the site for free. The Rt Kométa'99 could not...

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Trend2 became a regional center

The 22 thousand square meters Trend2 wholesale fashion center added beauty care to its palette as a new profile. The Trend2wholesale fashion center gives the opportunity to nearly two hundred...

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GKI:Tributes and battles in the budget

The new government announced new temporary tax and impositions, excessing the 2.5 percent of the GDP. Special tax will hit the banking, energy and telecommunications sectors for three years, as...

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A new Hungaricum on the shelves of Coop

The buyers can purchase a new Hungarian product, the so-called Pálinka of the Kings in the stores of Coop. The Coop Group has always paid particular attention, that the vast...

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A new crisis may come – said Nouriel Roubini

The professor who predicted the global economic crisis has stated that probability of the double-bottomed recession is 40 percent. The chanse of a newer recession increased from 35 percent to...

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CBA and the Real can get away from a serious crisis tax

The announcement of the Prime Minister about the crisis taxes did not caused a surprise, since it is already part of the official communication of the past few days. The...

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Sealed Air: retailers in the scope of Consumer' Goods Forum Marketing Forum 2010

The Consumer' Goods Forum Marketing Forum 2010 will take place in Lisboa on 2-4th November 2010, sponsoered by Seal Air. The Forum’s Store Tour Programme is unique in that participants...

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Prakiker is providing the disabled with helpers in all Hungarian stores

Praktiker was the first store in Hungary to provide the disabled with assistance two years ago, and now the company gives this chances for all those in need in every...

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Hangya Cooperation is back now

Hangya was established in 1898 and then soon has turned into a significant part of the country's rural economy. Now the cooperative company is back: the New Hangya Alliance was...

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Effie 2010: Competition of effective adverts

The Hungarian Section of the Advertising World Federation and the Association of Hungarian Communications Agencies organized the effective advertising competition the EFFIE for the ninth time in 2010. Tender could...

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New hungaricums: gooseliver and goosefeather

Gooseliver and goosefeather are going to be hungaricums soon, according to a new legislation – Poultry Product Council (BTT) and the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) announced. The new legislation...

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New wine and cuisine book is out now!

A new book by Gábriel Őszy-Tóth is out now, its title is “That's the way winegrowers are cooking”. The book features 80 famous Hungarian wines of 14 wine-regions, and a...

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Hungarian-Austrian wine presentation in London

The best wines of the two countries were presented simultaneously to English wine experts in London on Tuesday– contains the communication of one of the organizers. The professional workshop was...

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Hungary is last in green investments in the region

Yesterday about 250 professionals participated at the Green Energy Investment Forum 2010. The Green Energy Investment Forum 2010 was Hungary's first green energy-focused investment conference. According to the financiers there...

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New cage EU standard cages will cost 20 billion for the Hungarian egg producers

At the end of the week the Egg Festival will be held in Siófok, where one can learn everything about the “most simple canned” food. But there is not much...

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Poor harvest is expected

There is not any Hungarian wine region, which could be fully satisfied with the harvest this year – said Csaba Horváth, the Secretary-General of the National Council of Wine Communities...

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Decreasing mall building mood in Eastern Europe

According to the datas of the Austrian RegioData research company; Compared to the peak of 2007, the number of mall-building projects in the Southeast, and Eastern European region may decrease...

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