The beginning of the future
At the end of each year we take a moment to look back on the past months, but right after this we already look to the future, casting our eyes on the new challenges. This year has been an unusual one just like 2020, the shadows of which have darkened 2021 too. We can’t even see all the consequences of the past two years yet.
What we are experiencing now – a high inflation rate that seems to stay, skyrocketing ingredient prices, slowly rising consumer prices, increasing services and logistics costs – came suddenly just like the pandemic. The waves are slowly growing into a tsunami and we still can’t tell what the next year or two will bring.
This year’s Trade magazin issues and programmes are already behind us. Let’s look forward to the next year. We have planned next year’s magazine issues and programmes. In February we are going to start the year with Trade Marketing Club’s ‘I Love Trade Marketing’ conference. March will be the month of the biannual Sirha Budapest trade show, where we will be present with our Future Store Innovations stand. April will bring a Trade Marketing Club meeting and the Promotions conference. In May we are going to host the Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year award ceremony and our Business Dinner. There will be another Trade Marketing Club meeting and barbecue in June, already preparing for the Business Days conference in September, where will present the Symbol of Sustainability and StarStore – Év Kereskedője awards. November: the year’s last Trade Marketing Club meeting and the POPAI POP Awards ceremony. You can also expect new things from us next year – both programmes and topics.
We hope that 2022 will be a successful year and the FMCG market will come to the end of a lucrative year 12 months from now. As for the pandemic, we don’t know whether we can leave it behind by then or we will be in the middle of yet another wave – but perhaps it won’t really matter, we will get used to it and it will become part of the new market environment.
Stay with us next year as well, read Trade magazin, watch the Future Talks with Szilvia Krizsó podcast and we hope to see you at our programmes! Trade magazin wishes you a successful 2022! //
Best regards, Zsuzsanna Hermann, Editor in Chief
The above article has also been published in Issue 2021/12-01 of Trade magazin.
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