Trade Marketing Spring

Dóra Hajnal
client service director
At the 26 April meeting of the Trade Marketing Club (TMC) Dóra Hajnal, client service director of Nielsen analysed the Hungarian FMCG market in a comprehensive fashion. She told that the positive economic environment had a beneficial effect on the sector. In 2017 the consumer confidence index went above the pre-recession level. A premiumisation process is happening in the FMCG market. Channel-wise discount supermarkets and drugstores have strengthened their positions.

János Kui
head of geomarketing
GfK’s senior product consultant – geomarketing János Kui revealed in his presentations that the Hungarian purchasing power growth was the 5th biggest in Europe at more than 10 percent and EUR 655/person/year.

Rita Csillag-Vella
client service director
The company’s client service director Rita Csillag-Vella spoke about the effect of demographic changes on various consumer age groups and their motivations and habits. International market research data have shown: it isn’t enough anymore to categorise consumer groups based on their age only and define trends this way.

Norbert Hovanyecz
managing director
SuperShop managing director Norbert Hovanyecz revealed that the dynamic sales growth of 2017 had a positive influence on both promotions and loyalty programmes.
For the TMC meeting on 7 June members gathered in the garden of Villa Rosa for the traditional summer barbecue. The programme started with presentations, though.

Richárd Lévai
social media expert
RG Stúdió
Richárd Lévai, social media expert of SG Stúdió shed light on how social media and Facebook can support sales and how these platforms help brands in taking buyers to the shops. He underlined the fact that in today’s fully digital world there is no point in separating offline and online marketing. There is a smartphone in the pocket of every consumer that can show where they are going, what they are interested in and what they are watching.

Csaba Kuritár
CEO/creative director
Tricky Communications
Csaba Kuritár, CEO and creative director of Tricky Communications shared 8 factors that can make a digital promotion successful and talked about those fundamental elements that are very important in planning promotional campaigns. He stressed the importance of a mobile-focused media mix. After the presentations participants had fun at the barbecue, which was sponsored by Szentkirályi-Kékkúti, PICK Szeged, Sole-Mizo, Univer and Essity this year.//
Ágnes Csiby, Ildikó Kátai, Zsuzsanna Hermann
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