Tag "zöldségtermesztés"

Labor shortage affects Hungarian vegetable production

The lack of labor force is a growing problem in the fruit and vegetable sector, which can now have a negative impact on the quality of crops as well –...

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Vegetable experiment in Antarctica

Antarctica’s nonstop winters make it impossible to grow food outdoors. Fruits and vegetables are instead shipped long distances from overseas, just a few times per year -businessinsider.com wrote. But in...

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Agricultural Chamber: the production value of horticulture can be doubled

The production value of the Hungarian horticultural industry is about 400 billion HUF annually, which can be increased by up to 800 billion HUF through modernization, rationalization of regulation and...

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Robotized vegetable production to come

An American company establishes a “vegetable factory” in a settlement of California’s Silicon Valley, where they will produce salad and herbs under the supervision of a robot system. The robot...

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FM: the development of vegetable and fruit growing is an important task

The development of vegetable and fruit growing is an important task – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said on Friday in Bősárkány, Győr-Moson-Sopron County. Nagy...

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FruitVeB: the producers harvest 420-440 thousand tons of vegetables from glass houses annually

The farmers harvest 420-440 thousand tons of vegetables from glass houses annually from 2500-2600 hectares area – Ledó Ferenc said. Ledó Ferenc, Chairman of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional...

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Ten billions HUF investment to exploit the thermal water in Tura

A small power plant generating electricity and a giant vegetable production greenhouse is under construction in Tura, Pest County for the utilization of the local thermal water. The preparatory works...

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FruitVeB: the current weather does not cause major problems for a while

The current relatively warm weather does not cause problem for a while in the cultivation of vegetables or orchards – the Chairman of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation...

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Smart minifarms in containers

We usually see freight containers on trains or cargo ships, but soon we will see containers in the cities as well. Companies like Freight Farm are creating super-intelligent mini farms...

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FruitVeB: the current weather does not cause major problems

The current weather – relatively warm and rainy – still does not cause major problems in the cultivation of vegetables or orchards – the Chairman of the Hungarian Fruit and...

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Farm from a Box

The Farm from a Box helps the Third World communities, or natural disaster hit villages to produce the most important products – agraszektor.hu wrote after blog.syngenta.hu. The Farm from a...

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That is how community gardens operate

Peppers, tomatoes and basil in the shadow of the block of flats. After Budapest, community gardens are created in more and more rural settlements. How we can create blooming small...

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Vegetable production in soil-free system

A covered farm was set up in the US without soil, that can serve as an example that crops can be produced economically even in cities – agrarszektor.hu wrote. According...

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The Most Beautiful Kitchen Garden program continues

The number of municipalities has doubled since the 2012 start of the Most Beautiful Kitchen Garden program. So far 180 municipalities have joined this year. The deadline expires on March...

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