Tag "Y-generáció"

Millennials and Gen Zs drive surge in demand for RTD iced coffee

The demand for iced and specialty coffee beverages is experiencing a significant uptick, largely driven by Millennials and Generation Zs, according to a recent report by GlobalData. “This cohort has...

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There is a lack of financial awareness among the youngest customers

Financial awareness can only be said of a narrow group of 14-18 year olds. In addition, every second young person thinks that they still have time to deal with their...

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Bor – tudatosan és ösztönösen

Kinek, milyet, hogyan eladni – ezek a bormarketing alapproblémái is. E számunk boros mellékletében (100–114. oldal) bortermelők és kereskedelmi láncok képviselői elemzik az ital piacát és értékesítési lehetőségeit, HoReCa rovatunkban marketingkérdésekről,...

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This year is all about values: food and drink trends in 2023

Plant-based food: ups and downs According to Forbes, the 10% drop in meat substitute sales, together with the price of shares in Beyond Meat falling from USD 108 to 12,...

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FMCG workplaces with a domestic production base lead in the career choice ranking of young people

According to a survey carried out by Zyntern.com, the job portal of the Z and Y generations, agricultural and economic sciences are among the top 5 industries among career choosers,...

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Well-chosen hygiene products provide not only safety, but also take you closer to your sustainability goals

During the pandemic high-level hygiene requirements became part of the lives of both partners and employees. At the same time more and more people are worried about climate change, and...

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Magazine: The forgiver and the punisher – generational differences that manifest in shopping

Clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst Annamária Tari specialises in studying generations, and she is an expert on generations Y, Z and Alpha. She has been researching emotional life and personality change...

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Tech savvy millennials: How many tech terms do they know?

While Generation Z have been hailed masters in all things ‘technical’, can the same be said about millennials? With many of us working from home, many millennials they are now...

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Consciousness and experience

In 2020 Péter Andrusch won the ‘Restaurateur of the Year’ award of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI). How long have you been in the restaurant business? – I stared...

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Organic young shoppers

The latest research by Packaged Facts claims that members of generations Y and Z like organic and natural products the most. They think these products represent a higher quality. Even...

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This is how the families of 25-34 year olds are shopping

Euromonitor International has published a report, titled ‘Millennial Parents: Transforming Family Life’. It contains the results of a global survey on the habits of Generation Y – 25-34 year old...

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PwC: flexible work schedule is the most important for the Hungarian Y and Z generation

Flexible work, stability and basic pay are the most important workplace choice factors for future employees – PwC Hungary’s survey reveals. The deatails of the survey were sent MTI on...

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Magazine: What I don’t have, you bring to the table

On 5 September the members of Trade Marketing Club and POPAI Hungary Association gathered in the BKIK building. The event’s title was ‘X, Y, Z in a different way: How can...

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Magazine: Do-it-yourself marketing!

Instagram’s launch 9 years ago gave great momentum to food photography. According to a US survey made in 2017, 69 percent of consumers that belong to Generation Y pick up...

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Magazine: Generation Y is coming – and they want everything at once

As the purchasing power of Generation Y – consumers born between 1980 and 1995 – is growing, various aspects of sustainability are becoming more and more important. So that FMCG companies...

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Spirit in stand up pouch

After wine, cold brew coffee and energy drink being sold in bag-in-box format, spirits are now marketed in stand up pouch bags. Many buyers from Generation Y and Z don’t associate...

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Y generation to outnumber X soon

A huge change to come in the labor market within a couple of years: the X-generation workers currently represent the largest proportion on the labor market, but after 2025, their...

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Accenture survey: this year, the Y generation is spending the most money on Christmas shopping

According to Accenture’s survey, this year US buyers will spend more on Christmas shopping than last year during, and the Millennium (Y generation) will spend the most. The members of...

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Magazine: Young shoppers economise and want physical stores to stay

According to the results of the Cetelem Panorama 2018, a survey conducted in 17 European countries, optimism returned to Europe. Rated on a scale of 1 to 10, respondents gave...

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Members of Generation Y use gadgets 11 hours a day

The so-called Millennials – members of Generation Y – use various digital devices 11 hours a day, revealed a survey conducted by Nielsen in the United States. It turned out...

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The Y generation consume a variety of digital devices 11 hours a day

The members of the Y generation (also known as the Millennium Generation) spend up to 11 hours a day with a variety of digital devices – according to the survey...

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