Tag "WHC Csoport"

WHC: The employment of atypical workers in the market environment with a shortage of labor entails a significant opportunity

Hungary has an exceptionally high employment rate within the European Union, however, the labor shortage greatly complicates the situation of companies. The employment of atypical workers and third-country nationals can...

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Survey: two-thirds of Hungarian companies have a CSR or ESG strategy

Hungarian companies are committed to social responsibility (CSR), but they are far from providing real solutions for the effective management of social and environmental problems, according to joint research by...

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The WHC Group and the Hungarian Ecumenical Aid Organization have concluded a strategic agreement

The WHC Group and the Hungarian Ecumenical Aid Organization (MÖS) concluded a three-year strategic cooperation agreement, the purpose of which is to create opportunities and strengthen social solidarity. The contract...

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MI will transform nearly five times as many jobs as it will eliminate

The Hungarian labor market is currently under the combined fire of various trends. Generation Z young people have completely different needs than their predecessors, and due to inflation, many are...

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Almost half of Hungarian Generation Z youth would take up a job abroad

Despite the economic slowdown, the Hungarian labor market is still tight, the unemployment rate was 3.9% in April, which is considered low. The Hungarian economy is still short of workers....

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Chatbots, automation and paperlessness – the Hungarian WHC Group is also at the forefront of HR digitization at the European level

The Hungarian WHC Group has been using professional artificial intelligence solutions in its communication processes for years. A few months ago, the company introduced its latest chatbot, which facilitates the...

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A third of employees are worried about the livelihood crisis

Companies not only have to deal with rampant inflation and skyrocketing utility bills in the deteriorating economic environment, but they also have to pay more attention to their employees than...

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WHC Group: for the time being, there is no noticeable decline in temporary employment

According to recent news, even at the highest levels of the government, unemployment is expected to rise sharply in the coming period, but there is still no sign of this...

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Workers from 15 distant countries can now come to Hungary under simplified conditions

Employment in Hungary remains at a record level: in June 2022, the average number of employed persons exceeded 4.7 million people. At the same time, the labor shortage is a...

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One of the most pressing problems of the Hungarian economy is the lack of labor, the solution may be the employment of third-country workers

Thanks to a new government decree since July last year, workers from eleven non-EU countries can now come to Hungary on concessional terms. The relevant provision is expected to be...

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(HU) Jelentős munkaerőhiánnyal küzdenek a Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyei gyártócégek

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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As a result of the acquisition, WHC will become one of the largest HR players in Central Europe

The 100% Hungarian-owned WHC Group has acquired a majority stake in Heads Adriatic, one of the dominant HR companies in the Adriatic region. The WHC Group, founded in Zalaegerszeg in...

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The WHC Group is expanding in Veszprém

There are currently almost 50 investments in Veszprém County that were decided by the companies involved during the pandemic. Their total value reaches 50 billion HUF and they contribute to...

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Employee engagement has plummeted and a significant exodus has been launched as a result of the epidemic

Kincentric’s measurements show that the overall level of employee engagement fell globally in the second quarter of 2021, after the first wave of the pandemic was still in the opposite...

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Employment at peak, labour shortages return in several areas

The economic recovery following the virus crisis is noticeable in the labour market: according to the latest CSO data, employment at record levels and, based on whc group’s own experience,...

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WHC: companies resumed 40-60 percent of their previous production after the first wave of the pandemic

In recent weeks, a certain level of reorganization has already been felt in the domestic labor market following the first wave of the pandemic. On average, 40-60 percent of previous...

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