Tag "Vidékfejlesztési Program"

We continue to strengthen our country’s self-sufficiency

The Hungarian government stands behind all investments that support the further strengthening of our country’s self-sufficiency – declared Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for the...

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Potatoes became the determining factor of food

The foundations of our agriculture are now stable, as the well-thought-out and consistent measures of the past 13 years have made it clear that the government views Hungarian agriculture as...

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Actors in the fish farming sector can apply for several billion forints

With great interest, a professional day was held in Kecskemét for the actors of the fish farming industry, at which both interest organizations and farmers were represented. György Zsolt Papp, Deputy...

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They were engaged in the cultivation of berries in Fertőd

Although the size of berry fruit plantations has decreased in recent decades, according to the researchers, the cultivation of these crops, be it raspberries, currants or even blackberries, still has...

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Producer cooperation in wine production

The wine industry can only be successful in the long term with cooperation and integration, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy declared on Friday at the Győr-Moson-Sopron County Wine Competition and...

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Safety of supply is the biggest priority

Promising results This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. Dr Beáta Felkai, deputy state secretary of food chain supervision at the Ministry of Agriculture gave an interview...

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New protection of origin rules are coming in the Nagy-Somlói wine region

The regulations for the protection of origin in the Nagy-Somló wine region are changing, only the name Somló will remain in use – Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced at...

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Feel free to eat local fruits

The responsible and conscious decision in all areas is to consume seasonal, i.e., domestic fruit harvested at the time of natural ripening, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy. The head...

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Another two thousand beekeepers will receive support in the bee animal welfare program

The “Bee Animal Welfare Support” tender published within the framework of the Rural Development Program will provide assistance to almost two thousand beekeepers in the amount of HUF 2.7 billion,...

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The rules for keeping the management diary have changed

In the case of several calls for tenders previously published within the framework of the Rural Development Program, the rules related to the management of the management diary have been...

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In the case of dairy products, we also have to think in terms of a supply chain

We are examining the possibility of supporting those branches of the food industry for the next calls of the KAP, which typically process domestic raw materials, and the supply chain...

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A record amount is available for the development of agriculture

In connection with the payment of subsidies awarded in the Rural Development Program, the Hungarian budget provides 750 billion forints this year, of which 386 billion forints have already been...

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports new investments worth more than HUF 171 billion

Thanks to the 80% national additional funding, the government has supported agricultural and food industry investments worth HUF 1,300 billion from 2021, in addition to this, another 400 projects will...

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The government is preparing to pay a record amount in agriculture this year

In the second half of the year, the schedule for the new calls for tenders for rural development will be prepared and the first tender opportunities are expected at the...

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Optimizing energy use is a key issue in agriculture

The optimization of production processes and energy use in agriculture has become a key issue in the recent period, which requires capital, but pays off, which is why supporting this...

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New winners in the tender for the support of small agricultural enterprises

The Ministry of Agriculture has recently decided on another HUF 8 billion subsidy for small agricultural enterprises. With the current decision, we have already awarded more than HUF 80 billion...

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The new pig farms of FirstFarms Hungary Kft. were handed over

The new pig farms of FirstFarms Hungary Kft. were handed over on Friday. The eight billion HUF investment was implemented by the Danish-owned company in Telekgerendás and Pusztaföldvár in Békés...

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Hungarian agriculture achieved the 5th highest efficiency improvement in the EU

Despite all the difficulties, since 2010 Hungarian agriculture has shown the fifth largest improvement in efficiency in the European Union – said the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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The AM extended the tenders for irrigation development

The Ministry of Agriculture has once again extended the extremely successful calls for tenders called “Development of the agricultural water management sector” and “Support for the cooperation of irrigation communities”...

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The agricultural logistics center in Jánoshalma was handed over

The agricultural logistics center opens up new opportunities and new paths not only for farmers, but also for the Hungarian food and processing industry – said the Minister of Agriculture...

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It is recommended for all producers to use agricultural insurance

Due to the more extreme weather affecting agriculture, it is worth taking out agricultural insurance to manage risks that complicate production, for which farmers can apply for support in the...

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It is important that customers recognize the advantages of domestic products

A priority goal is to make domestic fresh and high-quality food available to everyone at an affordable price, stated Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible...

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The ice damage mitigation system is an indispensable element of the farm

In the European Union, Hungary is the only country with a highly developed agricultural risk management system based on several pillars, even in a continental comparison, which can provide assistance...

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AM: the call for tenders supporting joining the quality system has been published

Between March 1 and August 31, agricultural producers can once again apply for support in connection with joining the European Union and national quality systems – the Ministry of Agriculture...

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The payment of agricultural insurance premium subsidies begins

The effects of climate change, which can be felt in everyday life, but especially in farming, or last year’s drought situation on a historic scale, emphatically draw the attention of...

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AKI: HUF 517 billion were paid for agricultural and rural development subsidies

HUF 516.7 billion were paid for agricultural and rural development subsidies until September 30 last year; 64.8 percent, HUF 334.9 billion, of the disbursed support came from European Union funds,...

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Subsidies are constantly coming to the farmers

In the framework of the Rural Development Program, almost HUF 400 billion in subsidies were paid to farmers this year, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy. The head of the...

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HANGYA held a conference on the future of producer cooperation

In order to prepare for the CAP cycle between 2023-27, a conference was organized by HANGYA Szövetkezetz Cooperation to learn more about the plans for measures affecting producer communities. At...

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Everyone can be a winner of the new Common Agricultural Policy

Our country has reached a good compromise with the Commission of the European Union regarding the distribution of the funds coming to our country in the next period of the...

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Development is also the key to success in agriculture

In order to increase the efficiency of the agriculture and food industry and remain competitive, the further, wide-ranging modernization of the sector is essential. The actors of the agrárium understood:...

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