Tag "vidékfejlesztés"

Economic development is the basic priority of agricultural policy

The strategic plan of Hungary’s Common Agrarian Policy offers tangible solutions to the challenges facing agriculture – stated the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for agriculture and...

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Ministry of Agriculture: autumn works should be planned according to the new rules

As of this fall, it will be possible to farm according to the new rules, in accordance with the growing EU green expectations, but within the framework of the agricultural...

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Many tenders are helping to renew domestic animal husbandry

Farmers have already concluded tenders worth almost HUF 1,600 billion thanks to rural development funds, said Zsolt Feldman, State Secretary for Agriculture and Rural Development of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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NAK: The Hungarian countryside is the country’s economic reserve

The Hungarian countryside is the country’s economic reserve, which ensures food supply even in the most difficult times, the president of NAK said at the Saturday farmers’ congress of the...

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LMP: the development of rural infrastructure is a priority in the programme of the opposition alliance

The development of rural infrastructure, including inferior road networks, is a key focus of the government programme of the opposition alliance United for Hungary, the leader of the LMP parliamentary...

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AM: model park forest planted in Ács

With the plantation of 20,000 native saplings, a new park forest was born in Ács. The afforestation implemented with the support of the Rural Development Programme as part of the...

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Brussels’ position on promotion programmes is unacceptable

It would be completely unacceptable and would set a dangerous precedent for the future if the European Commission banned the promotion of the consumption of agricultural products such as wines...

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(HU) Kövér: a disznóvágás a magyar élet egyik ünnepe

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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AM State Secretary: increased government support is a historic opportunity for the countryside

It is a historic opportunity for the Hungarian countryside that the government will supplement EU funds with the highest possible proportion of budgetary resources, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the...

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Minister of Agriculture: irrigation is a public interest

By significantly increasing rural development resources, we encourage farmers to implement technological developments that allow them to adapt flexibly to the challenges caused by insufficient rainfall, Minister of Agriculture Nagy...

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AM: the second phase of the Renewable Countryside, Renewable Agriculture Program starts

In 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) will announce new applications in the amount of 527 billion HUF within the framework of the Rural Development Program, Minister of Agriculture Nagy...

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AM Secretary of State: the government has increased teh co-financing of the rural development program to 80 percent

The government has increased co-financing for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) rural development program from 17.5 percent to 80 percent, the state secretary, responsible for agriculture and rural development said...

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Almost 3,000 billion HUF for rural development for this and next year

During the transition period, this year and next, almost 3,000 billion HUF will be available for rural development from EU funds, with budget co-financing – the Deputy State Secretary of...

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The countryside can develop through good examples

Increasing the productivity of the food economy is a key issue for which it is absolutely necessary to support digitization and the application of the latest technologies – Erdős Norbert,...

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Minister of Agriculture: The government spends more than four thousand billion forints on the development of the Hungarian countryside

Through the rural development pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the government can spend a historically large amount of 4,265 billion HUF on the development of the Hungarian countryside,...

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AM: additional agricultural support can be applied for in three stages from the end of June

From the end of June, a total of 25 billion HUF additional agricultural support will be available to treat the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic. On can apply for...

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Another four calls for proposals have been launched in the Hungarian Village Program in a value of 16 billion forints

Another four calls for proposals have been published on kormany.hu in the Hungarian Village Program with a budget of 16 billion forints – government commissioner responsible for the development of...

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Magazine: Common Agricultural Policy 2020: development, the new generation and worries

HG Media and Haszon Agrár Magazin organised a conference in May, titled ‘In focus: Common Agricultural Policy 2020’. Hungary’s agricultural output was 3.6 percent bigger in 2018 than in 2017...

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The Hungarian village program has started

The Hungarian Village Program has been launched on Wednesday with two applications for the use of public spaces – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. Gyopáros Alpár, government commissioner responsible for the...

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There is a great opportunity for the Hungarian food and wine sector

The recently opened rural development EU proposal – which provides 50 billion HUF support to help to increase the added value and to increase competitiveness – is beneficial for both...

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Ministry of Agriculture has decided on more than 1,300 billion HUF so far in the Rural Development Program

More than 1,300 billion forints have been decided in the Rural Development Program so far, supporting 176,000 applications – the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI on Saturday. The ministry wrote...

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The amount of the Farm Development Program has doubled this year

The total amount of the Farm Development Program was doubled compared to last year to 2.4 billion HUF in 2019 – the Deputy Minister State of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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Nagy István: reduction in rural development funds is unacceptable

The European Commission’s proposal to reduce Hungary’s rural development resources after 2021 by more than 26 percent is unacceptable – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said at the Agriculture and...

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A program package for young people to encourage rural life

The Young Hungarian Farmers ‘Association (AGRYA) launches a program package called “Rural Life, Young People in the Countryside” which is realized from 16 million HUF, including support from the Ministry...

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports Hungarian honey production

Hungarian beekeeping plays a major role in rural development, the preservation of the rural population and the maintenance of ecological balance – the Minister of Agriculture said on Sunday in...

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AM: the quality of Hungarian wine is at European level

Hungarian wine is a high quality product at European level, and the government wants Hungarian wine-making companies to better compete with their Western counterparts – the Deputy Minister of State...

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The Ministry of Agriculture announced rural development tenders in a value of about 63 billion HUF

With a budget of about 63 billion forints, three new rural development calls for proposals have been announced by the Ministry of Agriculture (AM). The proposals serve the support of...

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Ministry of Agriculture: rural development tenders are popular

Rural development tenders are popular; further calls for proposals are expected this year – Kis Miklós Zsolt, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told M1 news channel...

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AM: the construction of mushroom houses and cold stores is supported with 18 billion forints

About one hundred and eighty agricultural enterprises build or develop both mushroom houses and cold stores from 18 billion forints support. Both figures will continue to grow in the future...

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A further 21 billion HUF was decided in the Rural Development Program

Within the Rural Development Program, decision was born about the support 634 applications in a value of more than 21 billion forints in June – Kis Miklós, Minister of State...

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