Tag "tudomány"

New flavors have been identified by Australian researchers

A possible seventh flavor, carbohydrate has been identified by Australian researchers who are trying to reveal how this flavor is related to the consumption of starchy foods. “This is typically...

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Future belongs to triticale

The man-bred grain, the triticale, combines the qualities of wheat and rye – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The crop can be grown in economically in poorer soil quality areas and has high...

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It will be a real sensation to find the super-tomatoe

Scientists are working on cultivating tomatoes in an experimental plantation in Israel, which can produce high yield, with a 90 percent lower water consumption. Unusually drought-tolerant types of tomatoes are...

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Bananas in danger

One of the most popular fruits of the world is endangered by an aggressive mushroom specie, complete extinction is in the pile, but fortunately there is still hope – penzcentrum.hu...

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Scottish malt whiskey is the best with water according to Swedish scientists

It is a question that has divided whisky lovers for centuries: does the true aficionado add a dash or water, or drink the spirit neat? Now, a team of Swedish...

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Peanut allergy treatment ‘lasts up to four years’

An oral treatment for peanut allergy is still effective four years after it has been administered, a study has found –BBC News wrote. Children were given a probiotic, with a...

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Artificial intelligence tells you what foods are made from which raw materials on the basis of photographs

US scientists have developed an artificial intelligence that explores what kind of raw materials are used to study a food photo. The aim of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT)...

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Fazekas Sándor: there is a great interest towards the Hungarian agricultural research results

There is a considerable interest towards Hungarian agricultural research abroad; Not only in the neighboring countries but also in Central Asia – for example towards the new Hungarian wheat varieties...

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A new sour cherry variety can fulfill our daily vitamin C intake

We can fulfill our daily vitamin C intake with a recently introduced Hungarian sour cherry variety, the Pipacs 1. The breed of the Hungarian Horticultural Propagation Material Nonprofit Ltd. is...

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A genetic selection was caused by milk

Today it is well-known that milk consumption causes unpleasant symptoms (inflammation, abdominal cramps, diarrhea) in the absence of lactose-decompensation. According to the geneticists, once everybody was lactose-sensitive, the question is...

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Agraricultural Chamber: early apricot species can be important range extenders

The early apricot species can be important range extenders, therefore early species were showcased to the farmers by the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Horticulture Directorate of the...

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Strawberry harvester robot was invented

It was believed for a long time that strawberry harvesting will not be ever mechanized. However, a robot under test can help the growers. It can replace 30 seasonal workers...

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The VSZT and the GOSZ test autumn wheat and maize in their experiments

The Seed Alliance Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (VSZT) and the National Association of Cereal Producers (GOSZ) are testing autumn wheat and maize in their experiments. The tests aim to...

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Food production consumes underground water reserves with a dramatic pace

Food production consumes underground water reserves in many parts of the world, such as the pace of nature could replace it – BBC reported the findings of a new study....

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Driverless tractors to come in a few years

The Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote an article (“The farmer thinks the tractor steering”) about the automatic agricultural machinery. The tractors and combine harvesters are able to calculate the optimal route and...

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The University of Kaposvár investigates the effects of a toxin polluting corn

The research of the University of Kaposvár investigates the endangering effect of the most common contaminant of corn (fumonisin mycotoxins) on the population. The institution is in collaboration with the...

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Robots will cultivate a farm

We are at the beginning of a new industrial revolution that will transform agriculture radically. Automatic disconnectors, autopilots and drones are only the beginning, because the first parcel of land...

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Students reproduced a 5000 year old beer

The beer recipe was discovered by Stanford archaeologist Li Liu and a team of researchers on the inside portion of a piece of pottery found in a Chinese cave. The...

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Europe’s unique soil quality research center will be established

The internationally recognized researchers of the Eötvös Loránd University’s Faculty of Sciences (ELTE TTK) and the Hungarian Academy’sf Agricultural Sciences Research Centre (MTA ATK) will create a new strategic R...

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Three-quarters of the crop depends on pollination by animals

In the world, one and a half billion jobs and the existence of the three-quarters of the crop depends on pollination by animals, so if we do not stop the...

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Drought-tolerant plants are more and more important

The drought is one of the worst consequence of climate change, which could adversely affect the crop as well. The key objective of plant breeders is the creation of varieties...

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Using the electronic cigarette helps smokers kick the habit

E-cigarettes 'help more smokers to quit. The rise in popularity of e-cigarettes in the UK may have resulted in more successful attempts to quit smoking, according to UK researchers –...

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Scientists may found the substitute for cocoa beans

Those who are addicted to chocolate will be happy; scientists may have found a way to solve a potential impending shortage of cocoa – privatbankar.hu wrote. Scientists may have found...

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Obesity due to insufficient nutrition is the most serious nutritional problem in the world

Obesity caused by insufficient nutrition is the most serious nutritional problem in the world – according to a new global report. According to the latest Global Nutrition Report 2016 the...

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Robot farmers in Japan

Human-like robots and self-driving tractors are the future to replace the agricultural labor force in Japan – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The reason is that the Japanese farmers are getting too old...

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Ultrasound may help in the production of the perfect chocolate

Professor Imogen Foubert from the KU Leuven Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems explains: “Cocoa butter crystallises as the liquid chocolate hardens. Five types of crystals can be formed during...

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Experimental grape varieties perform well

The experimental grape varieties of the Vine and Wine Sciences (BRC) of the University of Pécs are performing well: Three out of the four plants are resistant to major fungal...

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Climate change: the science will rescue the wine-growing regions

Without Merlot, the Bordeaux wine region would be like Tokaj without Furmint. How the world's best-known wine regions will adapt to the impacts of the climate change without losing their...

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The NASA would grow potatoes on Mars

The experiment, led by the International Potato Centre (CIP) and NASA, is a step towards building a controlled dome on Mars capable of farming the hardy crop -the abc.net wrote....

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Corn hybrids were tested at eleven locations

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board and the National Association of Grain Producers organized the post-registration kind experiment of corn for the ninth time. Polgár Gábor, director of...

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