Tag "Tesco"

Agreement at Tesco – 12.5% wage increase and 25% cafeteria increase for nearly 9,000 employees

In the 2024/2025 fiscal year, it will invest HUF 5.6 billion in the wages of its employees working in stores and logistics centers, which will increase by an average of...

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Returnable bottles will be available from Easter, which can cost more money abroad

From April, you can expect significant changes in Hungarian retail, as bottles with a deposit fee appear on the shelves. According to the legislation, from the first of July, it...

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Nébih: Tesco has withdrawn TS Ruszli products in various packages from circulation

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) drew attention to the fact that Tesco has withdrawn TS Ruszli products in different packages from the market due to inadequate cleaning, evisceration...

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The food industry is also desperate because of the houti issue

In recent years, there has been increasing tension in the Red Sea region due to the armed attacks on ships by Yemeni Houthi terrorists. In recent times, escalating tensions in...

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New Hungarian HR director at the head of Tesco

Tesco has appointed a new HR manager in Hungary. On January 1 of this year, Norbert Túróczi took over the position from Barbara Szigeti, who continues her work as HR...

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Together, Nestlé and Tesco collected more donations for the needy than ever before

As a result of their joint campaign last year, Tesco and Nestlé are supporting the work of the Hungarian Food Bank Association with HUF 16 million. As part of the...

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There could be a serious shortage of goods in Europe because of the Houthi terrorists in Yemen

The tensions in the Red Sea region and the ship attacks carried out by Houthi terrorists in Yemen can have a serious impact on the FMCG market. Keeping seafarers on...

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The winners of Tesco’s game can shop for free in a total value of more than HUF 60 million

Tesco is starting the year with a large-scale raffle, during which shopping vouchers worth more than HUF 60 million will be drawn among a total of 4,205 winners. The five...

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StarStore – Év Kereskedője 2023: Átadtuk a díjakat

A Trade magazin idén már 9. alkalommal hívta versenyezni a Magyarországon bejegyzett székhellyel rendelkező értékesítési pontokat és üzletláncokat. A rangos verseny díjátadására a szakma legnagyobb konferenciájának, a Business Daysnek gálavacsoráján került...

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Almost one and a half times the amount of the previous year’s donation was collected in Tesco before Christmas

The largest fundraising team in the country supports the year-round work of the Ecumenical Aid Organization with another HUF 85 million to help the needy. The amount was collected through...

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New Year’s Eve firework sales are popular

After the Christmas frenzy, discount champagnes, hot dogs and lentils are lined up on the shelves in most stores, since New Year’s Eve is upon us. It is worth paying...

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90 éves a Lactalis – Családi vállalkozásból globális siker

Hogyan lett az 1933-as alapítás óta a még mindig francia családi tulajdonban lévő cégcsoport mára a világ legnagyobb tejipari vállalata? A tudatos növekedési stratégia mellett a kezdetek óta a magas hozzáadott...

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Együtt hajóztunk (2. rész)

Szeptember 25–29. között Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban gyűlt össze a Trade Flotta közel 1100 fős hajóhada, hogy a Business Days konferencia keretében számba vegyék az elmúlt időszak viharait, zátonyait, és...

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Application helps deliver food to those in need

he cooperation between Munch, Tesco and the Food Bank helps to reduce food waste and provide direct support to the needy. As a result of the digitized solution, more than...

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Tripartite cooperation for a fairer distribution of food

More than a thousand packages distributed to the needy through the charity project of Munch, Tesco and the Food Bank. Munch, Tesco and the Magyar Élélmiszerbank Egyesület launched a revolutionary...

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Tesco is recalling hazelnuts and Penny-Market almond guts

Tesco Globál Zrt. is recalling a hazelnut product due to the possible presence of a pest, the National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) announced on its website on Friday. In...

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4,790 kg less carbon dioxide emissions thanks to the latest climate protection cooperation between Mars, Tesco and Waberer’s in Hungary

To reduce the carbon footprint of its suppliers’ activities Mars has partnered with two major companies in Hungary. This move is in line with its mother company’s Net Zero Roadmap...

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Tesco supports the inclusion of people with disabilities throughout the year

The World Day of People with Disabilities, celebrated on December 3rd, also draws attention to the importance of accepting differently abled people in the workplace. At the same time, Tesco...

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Tesco launches new vegan brand

Tesco will launch a plant-based brand called Root & Soul, despite a slowdown in vegan food sales across the sector. The supermarket has applied to register the trademark name with...

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Discounted Christmas preparations with Tesco

As Advent approaches, children and adults alike start the countdown to the holidays. However, while the younger ones are treated to the “How much more sleep until Christmas?” is concerned...

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The amount of Christmas food donations at Tesco increased by 44 percent in one year

134 tons of food donations were collected in the non-perishable food collection campaign of the Magyar Élélmiszerbank Egyesület last weekend in Tesco stores, 44 percent more than last year. This...

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Nébih: Tesco recalled natural almonds and flax seeds

Natur has recalled almonds and flaxseed from Tesco Globál Zrt. due to the possible presence of pests and pesticide contamination above the limit value, the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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This is the easiest way to help the needy at Christmas

From Friday to Sunday, the biggest food collection campaign of the year will take place organized by the Magyar Élélmiszerbank Egyesület. A total of 6,500 volunteers will collect the donations...

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Együtt hajóztunk (1. rész)

Az Anglia legyőzésére küldött Spanyol Armada 1588-ban 130 hajóból állt – ehhez képest 2023 szeptemberében Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban közel 1100 fős „hajóhad” gyűlt össze az idei Business Days konferencián....

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Lidl is standardizing the price of its vegan and meat products

The German Lidl health product in order to unify the prices of vegan and meat products, but this change is not expected in Hungary for the time being. The reason...

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A higiénia elhanyagolása ellen fogott össze az Unilever és a Tesco

Az Unilever a Kimberly-Clarkkal, az Essityvel, a Haleonnal és a Tescóval összefogva igyekszik a higiénia elhanyagolása ellen tenni az Egyesült Királyságban. Október 3-áig a négy vállalat egy-egy higiéniai terméket (sampont,...

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More paid holidays at Tesco for under 35s and additional paid leave for carers

Tesco has further expanded its range of family-friendly measures. In order to create a work-life balance, the department store chain gives all employees a minimum of 25 days of paid...

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Tesco has extended its anti-inflation safety net

According to the data of the Price Watcher, the cheapest chicken breast fillets have been available at Tesco since August. In order to reduce the expenses of the customers, the...

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Tesco has introduced a quantity restriction again

According to the data of Árhielő, recently the cheapest place to buy chicken breast fillets is Tesco, which is why many people have bought this product in recent months. Due...

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The Consumer Goods Forum Launches #TooGoodToWaste Education Campaign

The Consumer Goods Forum’s Food Waste Coalition of Action has launched a new food and waste education initiative, #TooGoodToWaste, which seeks to encourage firms to inspire consumers to reduce household food...

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