Tag "szántóföld"

This year’s drought also had a negative impact on the performance of the canning industry

The domestic canning industry was able to buy a medium sweet corn crop and a weak green pea crop this year. According to the overview of the National Chamber of...

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The average price of arable land per hectare rose to over two million forints last year

MBH Agricultural Land Index: vineyards and orchards cost the most in 2023. Last year, the average price of arable land per hectare rose to more than two million forints, although...

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The NAK Szántóföldi Days were successful again this year

The NAK Szántóföldi Days and Agricultural Machinery Show–Mezőfalva on June 5-6, 2024 took place again with great interest. At the country’s largest arable exhibition, the organizers focused on presenting sustainable farming...

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The irrigation plant of Talentis Agro Zrt., built with 1.7 billion forints, was handed over

The government will give farmers all the help they need to adapt to the challenges of climate change and to increase the cultivation of crops with greater added value –...

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More than 60 percent of the planned sowing work has already been completed

According to operational reports assessing the state of agricultural work, the planned sowing area for spring-sown field crops in 2024 will be around 1.9 million hectares. Farmers completed 63.7 percent...

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With rising grain prices, it is not worth sitting on stocks

Cereal prices are rising on the European futures markets, so domestic farmers should pay attention to concluding the appropriate contracts and selling their stocks, said Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary...

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The European Commission would simplify the obligations and administrative burdens of farmers

The European Commission is proposing a number of short- and medium-term measures to reduce the administrative burden on EU farmers, the Brussels body informed on Thursday. Among other things, the...

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“Changing climate, adaptive soil and water management!” NAK is launching a series of national events entitled

The National Chamber of Agriculture is launching a series of national events on agricultural practices related to the preservation of water in the landscape. The “Changing climate, adaptive soil and water...

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A priority goal is to improve the soil condition

Improving the condition of the soil and increasing the water retention capacity is a priority policy goal, which is supported by the new Common Agricultural Policy with more tools than...

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Syngenta presented an online hybrid selection solution for blackboards

Syngenta’s latest digital development, the Cropwise Seed Selector, has arrived in Hungary. Through the online hybrid selection platform based on the data of several decades of weather and tens of thousands...

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In heavily infected areas, anti-pox products can be used in conjunction with treatment, but in higher doses

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) amended the use permit of Pocok Tox MAX and Rodent Stop rodenticides in view of the serious pest situation affecting several regions of...

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This year, GOSZ-VSZT is also helping farmers with objective variety test results

The national post-registration trial of winter wheat and winter cabbage rape has come to an end. The organizers published the results of the objective survey in 2023 in summary publications for...

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The price of agricultural land rose by almost 10 percent last year

The amounts to be paid for agricultural land in Hungary continued to rise in 2022, and the price increase accelerated to more than nine percent after 8.5 percent in 2021...

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A quick, simple solution for the pre-financing of agricultural subsidies at MBH Bank

MBH Bank has expanded its offer with a product that enables the pre-financing of agricultural subsidies within the framework of Unified Applications within days. The main advantage of Agricultural Factoring...

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A man has been charged for dumping more than a ton of fish carcasses on farmland

The Berettyóújfalu District Prosecutor’s Office has charged a man with the crime of violating the waste management regulations against a man who dumped the dead fish carcasses in the fishpond...

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Takarék AgrárTrend Index decreases further

On a 48-point scale, the Takarék AgrárTrend Index dropped to 29.5 points in the last quarter of 2022. Compared with the previous quarter, the decline was 0.1 points, and the...

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Inspiration, science and innovation – this is how the future of the organic farming industry is shaping up

On February 28, 2023, the Ecological Agricultural Research Institute (ÖMKi) organized the Ecological Farming – Sectoral Conference for the fourth time, which this time was hosted in Kecskemét, at the...

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MATE and Fino Food Kft. developed health-protecting dairy products.

Health-protecting dairy products were developed by the Kaposvár campus of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) and Fino Food Kft.; the food produced as a result of...

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Rules for preserving the productivity of our soils in the KAP

In the new EU support period between 2023 and 2027, the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP) offers Hungarian farmers a variety of options and choices – stated the State Secretary of...

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The autumn sowing works in the fields are slowly being completed, such a result is expected

The domestic sowing work, which lays the foundation for the 2023 crops, is progressing at an appropriate pace and will essentially be completed by the middle of November, Minister of...

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The arable area increased by 32 thousand hectares compared to last year

The size of the agricultural area is 5 million 81 thousand hectares, almost 55 percent of the country’s area, the arable area increased by 32 thousand hectares in one year,...

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(HU) Felfelé ívelő pályán az ökológiai gazdálkodás Magyarországon

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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