Tag "szamóca"

FruitVeB: strawberry crop will be better this year

Winter and spring frosts did not cause any material damage to the strawberries in Hungary this year. The farmers, like in the years of favorable yields, can harvest about 15,000...

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About 30 percent less strawberries will be produced this year in Hungary

In Hungary this year, about 30 percent less strawberries will be produced due to frost damage – the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) told MTI on Friday. According to the...

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Do not expect lower strawberry prices

The price of strawberries will not be cheaper in June. Currently it is around 1000-1400 HUF per kilo. Due to the severe frost damages, about 30 percent of the yield...

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The April cooling caused havoc in the orchards

Due to the past few weeks’ morning cool downs a massive damage have occurred in the orchards. Mostly strawberries have suffered in the frost. The bad weather at the end...

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