Tag "sertéshús"

The Nagykun-Hús Kft. in Kunhegyes produces herbal pork based products

The Kunhegyes-based Nagykun-Hús Kft. produces herbal pork based products – from a total of almost 630 million HUF – that in addition to digestive aids, also contain many of the...

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Current dietary trends aren’t favourable for the meat industry

According to Tamás Éder, president of the Hungarian Meat Industry Federation (MHSZ), told that 2018 is very likely to have been a relatively poor year for meat companies. What is...

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Magazine: Carrot’s price surged

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) revealed that on the 35th week at the Budapest Wholesale Market the price of carrot...

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American pork loses ground on the Mexican market

Washington has imposed 25 percent protective tariff on imports of steel products and 10 percent on the imports of aluminum products. Mexico decided to impose a 20 percent customs duty...

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(HU) Egyedi megoldások a sertésfogyasztás ösztönzéséért

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Hungarian pork can be delivered to Hong Kong and Georgia

Hungarian pork products can be transported to Hong Kong and Georgia. None of these countries will restrict the imports of Hungarian pork meat – the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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Agricultural Chamber: Hungarian pork is safe

The Hungarian pork is safe, even after the appereance of the African swine fever, as the strict animal health and food safety rules exclude the infection, and the virus that...

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This year’s pork campaign continued with the “Where the Pig sector is Heading?” conference

The “Where the Pig sector is Heading?” conference is organized as a part of the Consumer Promotion Campaign by the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC). Daróczi László, Managing Director of Agrármarketing...

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The spring fair of Hungarian flavours


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The Fair of Hungarian Flavors greets the Spring

The Fair of Hungarian Flavors that focuses on the most diverse hams and pork products will be held on 3 and 4 March. But of course, all the other Hungarian...

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Pork campaign

Every year the Agricultural Marketing Centre (AMC) organises product tasting campaigns in stores to promote the consumption of quality pork, with strong media support. Thanks to these campaigns, pork consumption is...

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Magazine: Pork and cheese prices increased the most in one year

In July 2017 consumer prices were 2.1 higher on average than in July 2016. Food prices grew by 3.3 percent – pork cost 12.7 percent more and we had to...

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Despite the VAT cuts, the price of pork increased

Pork has been significantly cheaper over the last year, so more and more people hear that there is nothing to do with VAT cuts because they can not lower the...

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Pork exports increased

Although the domestic pork exports rose sharply at the beginning of the year and imports only grew modestly, the competition continued to be sharp on the market between domestic and...

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The Agricultural Marketing Center encourages the consumption of high-quality pork

The consumers can taste high-quality pork between 11 and 29 April 2017 in two large retail chains, as well as in two rural butcher shop networks. The primary objective of...

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The EC expects a growth in the number of pigs in Europe

The European Commission expects a slow but steady increase in the European Union’s pig meat production from 2018 until 2026. According to the projection, the output will be around 23.9...

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A consortium develops plant breeding and feeding technologies in pig-breeding

The Bóly Zrt., member of the Bonafarm Group, the University of Kaposvár (KE) and the University of Debrecen (DE) will develop plant breeding and feeding technologies needed to produce outstanding...

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FM: Russia illegally banned pork from the European Union

Russia illegally banned pork from the European Union. The Russian pork import ban was not based on the relevant international laws – according to the World Trade Organization (WTO) –...

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European pigs are popular

According to the European Commission, the European Union sold 35 percent more pork (1.3 million tons) in the international markets in 2016 in the first four months, compared to a...

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The VAT cut on poultry meat to be built on the experience of the pork industry

The government expectations have been fulfilled in terms of VAT cut on pork; the impact of the lower tax rate occured in consumer prices that is why the government decided...

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That is how food prices increased in the past 10 years

On the basis of the data of the Central Statistical Office, penzcentrum.hu collected how food became more expensive in the past 10 years. Here's the list: Pork: 1000 HUF ->...

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The pork campaign continues

The promotion of the high-quality branded pork products continues after the Easter store tasting – Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said on Tuesday...

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Meat products have been developed in Törökszentmiklós that are suited to healthy diet

The Natural Meat Kft. developed frozen meat products that are adequate with healthy nutrition – the company told MTI. Through the development, such shaped, breaded, fabricated or semi-cooked, frozen poultry...

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The meat counter of another Auchan hypermarket has acquired the KMS trademark

After the previous six Auchan supermarkets, the department store’s meat counter in the Savoya Park also achieved an Excellent Hungarian Pork (KMS) trademark. Thanks to the comprehensive certification and rigorous...

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Falling chicken prices

The pig meat price index this year has been in the focus of attention, because VAT on pig carcase meat has been reduced to 5 percent in January. According to...

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Whitening pork sector, struggling industry

Éder Tamás, Societal, President of the Hungarian Meat Industry Association analyzed last year in light of the reduction of VAT on pork at the traditional Easter press conference of the...

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The price of tobacco and alcoholic beverages increased, pork prices declined further

In February, the consumer prices were on average 0.3 percent higher than a year before, and declined by 0.1 percent, compared to January – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced...

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Chilean market was opened to the Hungarian pork

Four Hungarian pork-processing plants will export pork to Chile in the future, thanks to the successful negotiation of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) and the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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Changes in the pig business

The changes in international prices and the domestic legislation changes can be strongly felt in the meat market. In January, the domestic producer slaughtered pig prices decreased by 4 percent,...

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The families save an annual ten thousands HUF due to the VAT reduction on pork

The VAT reduction on pork is resulted in 25 million HUF savings for the customers, so a family of four will save an annual ten thousands HUF – the Parliamentary...

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