Tag "recesszió"

Gergely Suppan: the recession is clearly over in Hungary

The recession is clearly over in Hungary, from now on the only question is the rate of growth – said the leading economist of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM)...

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Gebrüder Weiss Kft.’s HUF 10 billion investment in the future of logistics

Gebrüder Weiss Kft.’s new HUF 10 billion investment was handed over: a 10,000 m2 logistics complex equipped with state-of-the-art technologies with a transfer warehouse and a logistics high-rise warehouse, as...

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K&H: recession fears among large companies

The K&H corporate growth index, which indicates companies’ expectations, remained unchanged at 0 points in the third quarter, but the macroeconomic outlook deteriorated considerably. In the short term, nearly half...

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Restaurants in the western part of the country (also) close one after another

Many restaurants in Western Hungary have still not been able to reopen, and the series of closures is still taking its toll. The waves started last April in Győr-Moson-Sopron county,...

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Resilience, refinancing and recession risk – this is expected in the fourth quarter

Markets have so far proved resilient to the prospect of a recession, but whether this will continue to be the case is far from certain. The last quarter of the...

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The food industry is booming

The government’s goal is to protect Hungarian families and pensioners even in the economic situation affected by the sanctions, and to prevent recession and reduce inflation to single digits by...

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GFM: the volume of investments also increased significantly in the field of agriculture

According to the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), in the first quarter of 2023, the amount of investments decreased by 2.8 percent on an annual basis. The result...

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The population’s solvency improved slightly in the first quarter

The population’s ability to pay has improved slightly compared to the last quarter of 2022, but we still see an 86 percent drop year-on-year. The latest solvency data predicts a...

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Focus group research: there is no deep recession yet, the market is just “reorganizing” itself

According to experts, the construction industry, which was “diluted” due to the decrease in the desire to invest, is now returning to normality, according to Wavin’s recent focus group research....

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Márton Nagy: the inflation data are in line with the government’s expectations

The inflation data for March are in line with the government’s expectations, inflation peaked in January and then started to decrease, Minister of Economic Development Márton Nagy told Világgazdaság on...

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Hungary’s largest baking plant was handed over in Hatvan

Hungary’s largest baking plant was handed over in Hatvan on Tuesday; at the handover of Lipóti Tóth és Társai Zrt.’s new 20 billion HUF plant, the finance minister emphasized, among...

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Analyst: if the food price freeze continues, it could be a big problem

Ákos Zsoldos, Portfolio’s macro analyst, was a guest on Tuesday’s episode of Portfolio Checklist, where he talked about the serious consequences of the food price freeze....

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EY: A mild recession, but a sluggish recovery awaits businesses

Companies in Europe have to face a short and mild economic downturn, which is, however, only followed by a slow recovery, reads the international study by EY. The Central and...

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This is how CEOs would mitigate the effects of the crisis, according to the PwC survey

The majority of Hungarian business leaders expect a clear slowdown in the growth of the world and Hungarian economies in 2023, however, they feel that the situation of the domestic...

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Intrum: We will avoid a deep crisis, but a protracted recession and credit crisis may come

Based on the solvency report of Intrum and GKI, the financial situation of Hungarian households is not expected to improve significantly in 2023 either, although the crisis will not be...

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Márton Nagy: In 2023, we will avoid the recession!

Despite the increased economic challenges, a recession must be avoided, and the Hungarian government’s goal is for the country to achieve 1.5 percent growth in 2023 after the 4.5 percent...

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Nearly a third of domestic companies plan to reduce staff in the first quarter

In the first quarter of 2023, 32 percent of domestic employers plan to reduce their workforce, while only 22 percent predict expansion. According to ManpowerGroup’s Labor Market Forecast, published today,...

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According to a research, company managers would avoid the recession with company acquisitions

Every second leader plans to acquire a company within a year, and sustainability will be critical to maintaining competitiveness, according to the global research of the international consulting company EY....

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Despite the crisis, luxury items such as Moët Hennessy champagne are selling very well

Recession here or there, the demand for luxury goods continues to grow. A great example of this is the increased interest in Moët Hennessy champagne. “Demand is so high that...

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Retail sales in the Czech Republic decreased in September

In September, in an annual comparison, retail sales in the Czech Republic decreased by 5.6 percent after the 8.1 percent drop in August, the Czech Statistical Office announced on Tuesday...

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According to the KPMG 2022 CEO Outlook research, leaders of large global companies stick to long-term goals

According to the KPMG 2022 CEO Outlook, eight out of ten CEOs of the world’s largest companies expect an economic downturn in the next 12 months. However, half of the...

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K&H: The expectations of large companies are at a low point

With minus 15 points, the K&H large company growth index, which shows the expectations of large domestic companies, reached its lowest value so far. The companies are pessimistic regarding their...

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Atradius: a new type of crisis and recession is expected in the Hungarian economy next year

In its usual autumn analysis, credit insurance company Atradius expects the domestic economy to shrink by 2023. According to the study, Hungarian GDP will still be positive this year, but...

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The retail traffic in the neighborhood also dropped significantly

Retail sales in the Czech Republic fell by 8.8 percent year-on-year in August after a 7.9 percent drop in July, the Czech Statistical Office announced on Thursday in Prague. The...

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Analysis: the central bank base rate rose to 13%, the cycle of interest rate hikes is over

The central bank base rate rose to 13% more than expected from the previous 11.75%, the Monetary Council also raised the overnight deposit interest rate to 12.50% and the one-day...

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Next year, the world economy as a whole may sink into recession

Players in the global corporate sector now see almost a half chance that the world economy will sink into recession in the next year, according to the September global survey...

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US economy proves strong enough ‘to keep recession at bay’

Despite two consecutive quarters of decline, the U.S. economy still does not appear to be in a recession and remains unlikely to enter one this year, National Retail Federation chief economist...

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The German economic researcher DIW indicates the approach of a recession

The business cycle barometer of the German economic research institute DIW Berlin continued to deteriorate in July, suggesting a recession in the third quarter. Based on the report sent to...

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(HU) Gazdasági válság van Kínában, mert nincs infláció

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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IWH: Shutting down Russian gas supplies would cause a recession in Germany

Shutting down Russian gas supplies would push Germany into recession, but the effects would vary regionally, according to a study published Tuesday by the IWH Economic Research Institute. According to...

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