Tag "ponty"

Carp fishing like you’ve never seen it before – Video of the day

Or how to turn carp into puli! Click on the image for the video!...

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Viharos vizeken a magyar halászat

A magyar haltermelőknek több nehézséggel is meg kellett küzdeniük az elmúlt évben. 2022 száraz és aszályos nyara elsősorban a dunántúli völgyzáró gátas tavakban okozott vízhiányt, de a sekély vizekben a „megszokottnál”...

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Carp is still the main character in the Christmas menu of Hungarians

In this Christmas season as well, domestic fish producers will delight consumers with high-quality domestic fish. Carp, which is still the favorite fish species of Hungarians, has a special role...

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Fish producers: the supply of fish will be plentiful at Christmas

The Christmas fish supply will be plentiful. The rainy weather favored the fish farmers, so they achieved better results this year than last year – the president of the Hungarian...

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Carp will be added to the Christmas menu this year

Fish prices have risen, but the increase in consumer prices is not greater than that of other foodstuffs. The cheapest way to get fresh fish is directly from the producers,...

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There will be no shortage of fish, but the price of carp is very high

There will be no shortage of Hungarian fish during the Christmas season, but carp will be much more expensive this year than a year ago. The domestic lake farms do...

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This is the price of carp this Christmas

Pénzcentrum found out what kind of fish season Hungarian customers can prepare for, in what quantity and at what price customers’ favorite fish will be available during the holiday season....

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This is how our fish dishes will be tastier: the breeding of native Hungarian fish species has been perfected

The complex development of the breeding technology of three indigenous Hungarian fish species, carp, perch and catfish, was realized with a European Union grant of nearly one billion forints, project...

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An illegal fish storage was uncovered by the fish guards on Lake Balaton

An illegal fish storage facility that had been operating for several years was uncovered by the fish guards of the Balatoni Halgazdálkodási Nonprofit Zrt. and the Nébih State Fisheries Service....

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AM: the Balaton fish received EU protection

Under the name “Balaton fish”, toothfish and carp received EU protection, the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI on Monday. It was emphasized that, as a result of the Geographical Indications...

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The season begins at the fish farms

These days, the lakes are being filled with fresh running water and soon the plantations are also underway. Of the fish species, it is no longer certain that carp promises...

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A significant part of the annual fish consumption can be attributed to Christmas

A significant part of Hungarian fish consumption traditionally falls during the Christmas period, according to expert estimates, fish producers sell about 40 percent of the total annual amount of fish...

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MA-Fish expects good fish production

Domestic fish producers can close a successful year, with a 3-5 percent increase, compared to last year due to favorable hydrological conditions and summer temperatures. The increase is not due...

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Winter harvest at the Hortobágy Fish Farm

The winter fish harvest is nearing its end in the lakes of the Hortobágy Fish Farm, and most of the fish are already in the wintering pools – the CEO...

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The breeding time of the carps was shortened to third

The researchers at the Agricultural Faculty of the University of Debrecen shortened the breeding time of carps to third – origo wrote after Debreceni Nap. The central specie of the...

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Nébih: you can go fishing for carp again

From Thursday one can go fishing for, carp, garda, domolykó and orfe, but fishing for walleye, catfish and compo is still prohibited – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih)...

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Carp installment has begun at the Lake Balaton

Balaton Fishery Management Company (BHN) started the spring carp installation into the Lake Balaton. Nagy Gábor, the company’s fishing industry leader told MTI on Thursday that 25-30 tons of carps...

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Autumn fish stocking has started at the Lake Balaton

Fifteen tons of carps were put into the Lake Balaton near Balatonlelle and Siófok on Monday. Szári Zsolt, CEO of the Balatoni Halgazdálkodási Nonprofit Zrt. (Lake Balaton Fish Management Company)...

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Three hundred tons of carp is deployed into the Lake Balaton each year

The Balaton Fish Management Company begins the spring fish domiciliations into the Lake Balaton. Now 60 tons of carps are leaking into the lake. Every year 300 tons of carp...

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Fish Farmers: carps are the most popular

Before Christmas the most sought fish is still the carp, however the consumers are increasingly looking for ready to cook fish fillets – the president of Mahal told MTI. Németh...

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The Hungarian consumers choose mainly carp for the Christmas menu

Fish and fried fish is part of the Christmas menu at the Hungarian households, The Hungarian consumers typically choose carp for the Christmas menu. The Catch it! campaign of the...

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