Tag "pálinkafőzés"

Agroinform.hu: this year’s fruit harvest promises a good brandy season

This year’s fruit harvest promises a good pálinka season, the professionals expect a more favorable year than the previous one, after last year’s decline, this year’s volume is expected to...

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Pálinka is part of our national identity and culture

Pálinka is one of the trademarks of Hungarians, which has been a true national treasure for centuries, unites us even in the storms of history and unites our nation –...

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The art of making pálinka: our national heritage remains competitive with training

In Hungary, brandy brewing is not only an economic activity, but also a deep-rooted cultural heritage. Pálinka, as an inseparable part of gastroculture, preserves knowledge and tradition spanning generations. However,...

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Good brandy requires dedication

For years, we have increasingly noticed that the quality of brandies is also increasing, which is very important feedback for us – stated dr. Olga Beáta Felkai, Deputy State Secretary...

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A good brandy is a real economic value

Hungarian brandy has achieved success for itself, and it is no coincidence that it is considered the number one Hungarian brandy, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy at the award...

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Pálinka – before and after COVID

László Mihályi, president of the National Council of Pálinka (PNT) summarised the pálinka situation of 2020-2021 for our magazine. On average 80 percent of the sales of commercial distilleries is...

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NAV: pálinka brewing will be tax-free again this year

With a quantitative restriction, pálinka brewing will be tax-free again this year, and its administration will hardly change – the National Tax and Customs Board (NAV) told MTI. The private...

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Tállai András: pálinka cooking may be tax-free next year

The more than ten-year struggle for the Pálinka War of Independence ended with a Hungarian victory. The European Union amended the relevant regulations, so pálinka brewing may be tax-free again...

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Hungary successfully stood for home brandy brewing

Hungary has consistently advocated tax-free brewing for its own purposes, and this can now be achieved at the EU level as well, András Tállai, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry...

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Magazine: Spirits 2019

Extending the public health product tax (NETA) to spirits in 2015 entailed a 20-30 percent price increase in the category. Sales were also affected negatively by the law that allowed...

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There is a growing demand for homemade pálinka

Initiatives to produce certain quantities of concentrated beverages exempt from tax could be on the agenda again in the relevant forums of the European Union – Tállai András, Minister of...

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The government will continue to take action to exempt the distillation of pálinka

The government is taking action in every forum of the European Union (EU) to re-exempt the production of pálinka – Tállai András told Magyar Nemzet. The parliamentary Minister of State...

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An illegal pálinka maker was found in Baranya

Hundreds of liters of distillate and thousands of liters of mash, as well as high-volume pálinka making machines were found by the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) in an...

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We continue to stand up to the tax exemption for home-made pálinka

Hungary still does not support the taxation of home-made pálinka cooking, and at every forum stands for the European Union to allow tax exemption for the production of fruit distillate...

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Pálinka cooking can be tax-free again

In May, a decision could be made in the European Union on the initiative on the exemption of home-made pálinka – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. – The suggestion is also...

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More and more people are cooking pálinka at home

Hundreds of people bought the equipment needed for making home-made pálinka last year, so nearly 24,000 cauldrons have been registered by local authorities in recent years – Magyar Idők wrote....

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Free pálinka cooking will be celabrated in Füzér on Saturday

Free Pálinka Day will be celabrated for the ninth time in Füzér, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County on Saturday – the organizers told MTI. The event is connected for the third time with...

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Pálinka brewing will be legal in Slovakia from own-produced fruit

In Slovakia, it will be legal to brew pálinka from own-produced fruit. The proposal of the Hungarian-Slovak Now-Bridge party was approved by the coalition government on Wednesday – TASR Slovakian...

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Home-made pálinka was really popular last year

The distilleries produced 8.8 million liters of fifty percent pálinka, while many have decided to produce their own pálinka at home with their own pots – Magyar Idők Online wrote....

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Serving home-made pálinka at events

Then Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) has asked the Pest County directorate of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) to give their opinion on the rules of serving home-distilled...

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The Pálinka of the Year 2017 is made of cherry

In line with the traditions of the past years, the country's best pálinka distilleries will prepare their joint product. The unique blending can be tasted by the audience during the...

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Illegal pálinka distiller and drugs were found near Lakitelek

Plants, suspected to be drugs and more than a thousand liters of alcohol products and equipments were found by the finance guards on a farm near Lakitelek. Némedi Varga Éva...

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