Tag "OTP"

OTP: the arable land market contracted last year as well

The arable land market narrowed further in 2023: in 29 percent fewer transactions, 3 percent less arable land changed hands than a year earlier – according to the latest OTP...

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OTP Mobil: We know that changing passwords is critical, but we still don’t do it

According to a recent survey, although three quarters of the population believe that passwords used on online platforms should be changed at certain intervals, one third of them do not....

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Giga application strengthens the food delivery market

The catering industry market seems to be finally normalizing, and according to the forecasts, even a minimal recovery can be expected in the summer period. “The economic crisis that began...

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Agricultural experts: the world’s food economy has reached a turning point

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The OTP Group continues to expand in Albania

OTP Bank has successfully closed the purchase of Alpha Bank Albania, thereby further expanding the OTP Group in Albania, OTP announced on the website of the Budapest Stock Exchange on...

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According to OTP analysts, the Romanian economy is expected to grow by 4 percent this year

Analysts at OTP Bank Romania say growth in the Romanian economy will slow this year due to high inflation, stagnant real wages, slowing global growth and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but...

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OTP establishes a joint venture in China

OTP is establishing a joint venture in the People’s Republic of China with a 15 percent stake in consumer lending, and the partners signed agreements on June 2, 2022, OTP...

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OTP: electronic payment turnover grew by more than 30 percent

The turnover of electronic payments increased by 32.61 percent and the number of transactions by 32.13 percent on an annual basis in the first quarter, OTP Bank informed MTI. It...

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Nagy István: agrarian stability is an issue

The events of the last few months confirm that agriculture is the decisive pillar of Hungarian economic and social stability, said Minister of Agriculture Nagy István at an Agrár Gala...

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E-payment is popular after the post-pandemic reopening too

E-payment solutions remained popular after the easing of the coronavirus pandemic related restrictions – data from OTP Bank illustrates this very well. Since 1 January 2021 every online cash register...

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OTP Mortgage Bank: farmland became 5 percent more expensive last year

Last year, the average price of arable land in Hungary increased by 5 percent: the average price per hectare increased from 1,593 million HUF in the previous year to 1,673...

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There has been a significant increase in Szép-card top-ups

According to the data of service providers, the Szép card top-ups increased significantly. Payments at OTP jumped to 1.5 times the previous year by May, and at K&H Bank by...

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Magazine: Digitalization in banking: fast, safe, convenient

Budapest Bank, MKB, K&H Bank and OTP shared their experiences in the Instant Payment System with Trade magazin. All four banks agreed that the operation of the instant payment system...

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OTP survey: The majority of respondents liked home office

The months-long home office has ended: most people are already going to work – penzcentrum.hu wrote. Workers are more sensitive to health security than ever before. A quarter of the...

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The main owners of the Portfolion Green Fund and the Nagis Group have signed an agreement to acquire the majority control of the Nagisz Group

On 25 June 2020, the PortfoLion Green Fund belonging to the OTP Group and the individuals exercising indirect majority control over Nagisz Zrt. signed an agreement on the indirect purchase...

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AM: the preferential loan requested by farmers exceeds 54 billion HUF

About 3,000 farmers have already applied for preferential loans in the Agrár Széchenyi Card Plus scheme, which helps with working capital financing, worth more than 54 billion HUF, Feldman Zsolt,...

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The Széchenyi Card Program is renewed

New loan schemes of the Széchenyi Card Program will soon be available at OTP Bank as well. As part of the government’s measures to mitigate the economic effects of the...

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Spendings by SZÉP cards set a record

SZÉP card spending was set at a record level, in the first eight months of the year – based on card issuer data sent to MTI. The OTP SZÉP card...

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Agricultural output reached 2,720 billion HUF last year

Agricultural production has grown spectacularly in recent years, with output of the sector reaching 2,720 billion HUF in 2018 and only 1,686 billion HUF in 2010, making Hungary the strongest...

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Climate change provides both tasks and opportunities for the economy

Climate change gives not only an additional task, but also opportunities for businesses and the economy in general – OTP Bank says in an analysis based on research by the...

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It will be mandatory to use a security code for online purchases from autumn,, and customers need to take action as well

It will be mandatory to use a security code for online purchases from 14 September within the European Union, and customers must activate the services at a branch, online banking...

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OTP launched Apple Pay


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Success stories of farmers featured in the OTP Agrár campaign

After Szarvasi Mozzarella and Pankotai Zrt., it is now Lipóti Bakery’s turn to star in the OTP Agrár communication campaign, which was launched last June and explains why agri-food businesses...

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Producers have to adapt to the new challenges of fish farming

The new challenges for fish farming have to be adapted by the European Union and Hungary, and besides the economic benefits, the development of fish farming in Hungary would result...

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Demand towards the SZÉP cards increased further

The financial institutions issuing the Széchenyi Rest Cards (SZÉP-card) are experiencing increasing interest towards the construction – Világgazdaság Online wrote. In the last months of the year, the increase in...

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Nine-tenths of the SZÉP card owners took over their contracts from OTP in time

January 5 was an important deadline for OTP SZÉP cardholders. According to the law that came into force last May, only cardholders who have concluded their contracts with the issuer...

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GKI: Hungarian agricultural entrepreneurs are cautiously optimistic

Hungarian agricultural enterprises are looking forward to the new year with cautious confidence, expecting a favorable general food demand and for the favorable evolution of economic regulation, but the economic...

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SZÉP card spendings accelerated because of the long weekends

The SZÉP card spendings accelerated during the long weekends of autumn – according to the data of the financial institutions responding to the question of Világgazdaság. According to the information...

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The proportion of conscious food buyers in Hungary is low

The proportion of truly conscious buyers who consider product value such as premium quality, Hungarian origin, fair trade and packaging more important than price is low in Hungary is low,...

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