Tag "ösztöndíjprogram"

Cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and the FAO continues to expand

Dr. Oszkár Ökrös, Deputy State Secretary, received Anping Ye, Director of South-South and Trilateral Cooperation (SSTC) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), at the Ministry...

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If we help each other, success will not be left behind!

For more than a decade, thousands of Hungarian farmers from here and across the border have been helping needy families year after year as part of the Bread of Magyars...

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„Ezt nem gondoltam volna” – Moldova György után szabadon

A 2002 és 2004 közötti időszak nagy reményekkel volt tele. Új tavaszt vártunk: öt évvel NATO-tagságunk elnyerése után azt, hogy 2004. május elsején felcsendüljön az Örömóda, és a tűzijáték feletti...

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It is justified to expand the joint scholarship program of the government and FAO

Oszkár Ökrös, Deputy Secretary of State for International Relations at the Ministry of Agriculture, and Beth Bechdolt, Deputy Director General of FAO, discussed the expansion of the joint scholarship program...

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Students from eleven countries received diplomas within the joint scholarship program of the Hungarian government and FAO

On July 6, 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture held its traditional event, the farewell party for the graduating scholarship holders. Students from Jordan, Georgia, Ghana, Ethiopia, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Nigeria, the...

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With training for sustainable development and mitigating migration

Our country provides agricultural knowledge that can be put to good use in everyday life to the future food and food professionals of developing countries. The problems must be solved...

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We help the food security of countries in need with scholarships

“Our country provides important agricultural knowledge that can be used on a daily basis to food professionals in developing countries. The problems must be solved locally, and with this successful...

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