Tag "növénytermesztés"

In 2023, spring frosts caused the most damage

Thanks to the adequate amount of precipitation and the high average temperature, the weather in 2023 was generally favorable for agricultural producers, so there were fewer damage incidents not only...

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KITE: despite the bad harvest, there is no need to expect an increase in the price of corn

Despite the poor domestic harvest, István Kovács, KITE’s crop trade business director, does not expect the price of corn to rise in the near future, after the harvest in Europe...

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Agrometeorology: you can make good progress with autumn work

In recent days, with the exception of the northeastern landscapes, the near-surface layer of the soil has dried up a lot, so it is possible to make good progress with...

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The producer price of fodder corn increased by nearly 40 percent

In Hungary, according to AKI PÁIR data, edible wheat was traded at an average producer price of HUF 78.4 thousand per ton without VAT and transport costs in the first...

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The producer price of red onion remains well below last year’s

According to KSH data, the yield of red onions in the last five years ranged between 38.5 and 58.2 thousand tons. In 2023, it produced 13 percent more red onions...

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The advance payment of agricultural subsidies begins today

The payment of advances for direct subsidies and individual rural development measures will begin on Wednesday, and farmers will be able to access HUF 321 billion by the end of...

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Compared to last year, the yield of corn fell by a quarter

The domestic corn harvest this year is expected to be around 5 million tons, 15-20 percent less than a year ago. In addition to the falling average yield, fungal infection...

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The government has opened all possibilities for young farmers

Within the framework of the EU and even in its domestic toolkit, the Ministry of Agriculture has long been making maximum use of all opportunities in order to create additional...

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The survey was made with the participation of thousands of farmers: According to the producers, it is also important to retain water

Hungary is still a “water superpower”, but the distribution of precipitation has now changed significantly both in space and time. Drought lasting several months, often followed by torrential rain and...

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Agrometeorology: the soil is sufficiently moist for autumn sowing

The soil is sufficiently moist for autumn sowing, and from the end of the week, in more or less sunny weather, it will be possible to make good progress with...

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The interests of Hungarian farmers come first in relation to Ukrainian agricultural products

The primary task of the Hungarian agricultural administration is to protect the interests of Hungarian farmers against Ukrainian agricultural products, which is why we will continue to maintain the import...

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Az előlegfizetési időszak november végéig tart

Thanks to the autumn works carried out in a timely manner, the sunflower harvest was completed by the first week of October, and the corn harvest is also nearing its...

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It has been revealed how much money farmers can expect during the advance payment period of direct subsidies

The Ministry of Agriculture has published how much advance support farmers can expect in connection with the direct support related to the 2024 uniform applications. The advance payment period is...

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Farmers can prepare to synchronize the data of the Unified Application and the eGN plot

This year, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) will once again enable the automatic loading and synchronization of the data of the Single Application in the electronic Business Journal...

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Getting to know good practices also helps producer organizations

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy – with the cooperation of FruitVeB and other professional partners – organizes a conference related to producer organizations operating in the fruit and vegetable...

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Even the smallest farmers can count on the government

Even the smallest farmers can count on the government, which is why they are announcing a simplified application for investment support for small agricultural plants – said the greyhound minister...

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Hungary must become self-sufficient in potatoes

Hungary must become self-sufficient in potatoes, the goal is to achieve this, the Minister of Agriculture announced on Friday in Kiskunhalas, Bács-Kiskun County. At the 10th Kiskunhalas Potato Days event,...

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This year’s drought also had a negative impact on the performance of the canning industry

The domestic canning industry was able to buy a medium sweet corn crop and a weak green pea crop this year. According to the overview of the National Chamber of...

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Transitional fine-tuning of the eGN operational codebase

Based on the feedback received after the previously implemented code library update, Nébih temporarily makes all previous and new operational elements both selectable in the electronic Business Log. However, for...

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Agrometeorology: deeper and deeper layers of the soil are filled with moisture

The autumn recharge of the soil has begun, moisture is reaching deeper and deeper layers, but at the same time, the weather becoming rainy again is hindering the remaining harvest,...

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The producer price of rapeseed rose by 11 percent

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the global production of rapeseed and canola may be 2 percent lower than a year earlier, reaching 87.6 million tons in...

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New operation code library and further improvements in eGN

Nébih’s specialists support the smoother handling of the administrative tasks of farmers with new developments. The modifications not only make the program easier to use, but also provide greater flexibility....

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The domestic supply of corn is ensured, there is no need to import

Most of the corn produced in our country has yet to be harvested, but some people – presumably in the interest of the market – are already predicting the need...

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The call for proposals entitled “Agri-environmental management payments” can be considered

The environmentally conscious production approach is increasingly becoming a part of the management of our time. Within the framework of the new Common Agricultural Policy Strategy Plan (KAP ST), the...

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Farmers’ competitiveness must be maintained

We must jointly represent our interests and speak together in Brussels in order to protect the competitiveness of farmers and the food security of the region – declared Minister István...

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The EU agricultural crisis reserve must also be opened to deal with summer drought and flood damage

István Nagy asked Janusz Wojciechowski, the Commissioner for Agriculture of the European Commission, to open up the EU agricultural crisis reserve for producers to compensate for summer drought and flood...

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Agrometeorology: the layer near the surface of the soil has dried out a lot, but it still has a good supply of moisture

The layer of the soil close to the surface has dried up a lot in the past week or so, but it still has a good supply of moisture, which...

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Agricultural policy plans that are easier to implement are key

Simpler, more flexible and easier-to-implement strategic plans for the future of the EU’s common agricultural policy are key for both member states and farmers, the Secretary of State for Agriculture...

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Subsidies encourage soil-friendly farming and professional research

The condition of our soils plays a decisive role in shaping environmental quality and has a significant impact on our health as well – said Anikó Juhász, the Deputy Secretary...

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Agrometeorology: sunny, dry weather helps early autumn work

Sunny, dry weather helps agricultural work in early autumn – read the agrometeorological analysis of HungaroMet Zrt. on Thursday. Cyclone Boris brought significant precipitation and cooling to the area of...

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