Tag "NMS Hungary"

What does 2025 hold for the Hungarian population?

NMS Hungary’s representative survey of 520 people asked the Hungarian population about their expectations for 2025. 62% of respondents aren’t satisfied with their current financial situation. This article is available...

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Sustainability on the shelf: what do shoppers think about packaging and the environment?

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/11 In a representative survey NMS Hungary asked 535 people how environmentally aware they consider themselves to be. 87% of respondents...

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Does returnable drink packaging strengthen the drive for sustainability?

Gradual climate change is causing social, cultural and economic changes in our daily lives that are constantly shaping our consumption. One of these new domestic regulations that consumers are already experiencing...

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Lunch is waiting on the shelf

A new generation of modern semi-prepared foods and ready meals is emerging, and manufacturers are responding quickly to new demands in healthy eating, sustainability, alternative proteins and exploring foreign cuisines....

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Comfort above all

Convenience products are prepared, semi-prepared or ready-to-cook foods that make cooking easier or simpler. NMS Hungary wanted to know how the consumption of convenience products has changed over the last...

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Health in everyday life

A healthy lifestyle means different things to different people, and it isn’t specifically limited to eating. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/5 Our representative survey of...

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Personalisation is the keyword in retail this year

Personalisation, artificial intelligence (AI), and sustainability – these are the keywords that are unanimously mentioned in almost all the trend forecasts that analyse the prospects and opportunities for retail in...

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First “Flexi Forum” organised

According to a national survey by Danone and market research agency NMS, Generation Z is the most open to substituting dairy and meat products with plant-based alternatives and to considering...

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Hogyan változtatta meg a lakosság vásárlási szokásait az infláció?

Alig van olyan háztartás Magyarországon, amely az elmúlt években ne kényszerült volna változtatni élelmiszer-vásárlási szokásain. Az NMS Hungary idén május és augusztus között több olyan online kutatást is végzett, melyben...

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Amikor túl nehéz a szatyor… – Elvárások és tapasztalatok az online élelmiszer-vásárlás során

A pandémia alatt hatalmasat nőtt az élelmiszert online (vagy online is) vásárlók aránya, azonban a növekedés mára lelassult. Vajon miért választják inkább a hagyományos élelmiszerüzleteket még azok is, akik egyéb termékeket szívesen rendelnek...

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Fenntarthatóság: elmélet és gyakorlat

A környezet védelme, a fenntarthatóság elérése mindannyiunk közös ügye, és a kutatási eredmények azt mutatják, hogy szerencsére ezzel a magyar lakosság is egyetért. Amellett, hogy a vállalatoktól is elvárja, hogy...

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Is environmentally conscious shopping really eco-friendly?

In our new 500-respondent consumer survey, we were trying to learn about the latest consumer opinion and habits related to environmental consciousness and sustainability. This article is available for reading...

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Magazine: Eat smartly! – An overview of health-conscious eating

Our company has conducted a representative, 500-respondent online survey in its Hungarian National Panel about the healthy eating trend, and how it influences people – are they willing to make...

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Magazine: Optimistic investors in the SME sector

The latest market research of Magyar Bankholding and NMS Hungary focused on the planned and realised investments of SMEs with a minimum sales revenue of HUF 300 million. From the...

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It’s not just in agriculture that investments are catching up

Almost half of the larger companies have made significant investments worth at least HUF 10 million in the past two years, according to research conducted by Magyar Bankholding on small...

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Magazine: Shopping from your sofa

Our company analysed the popularity of online shopping, using the Hungarian National Panel’s representative online survey – with 500 respondents. It turned out that 28 percent of Hungarians shop online...

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The financial situation of the population also favours discount chains

Over the past year, the epidemic has brought many changes to the lives of the Hungarian population, but the change in the financial situation has affected all areas. In its...

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Magazine: Light at the end of the tunnel?

More optimistic expectations In a Hungarian National Panel representative survey with 800 respondents, we examined what consumers think about the year ahead of us. It turned out that 54 percent...

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Is innovation the new hope?

In mid-October a Hungarian National Panel representative survey with 800 respondents tried to find out whether the pandemic changed how consumers view new innovations. In spite of the fact that...

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Magazine: Pandemic puts pressure on sustainability efforts

Sustainability and environmental protection matter to more and more consumers, but how did the COVID-19 pandemic affect this trend? We compared the results of an online survey conducted in the...

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High-quality dietary supplements for a healthy life

Since March vitamins, immune boosters and sleep aids have been the top dietary supplements. Quality is now more important for consumers than quantity. Assortment manager Ferenc Zabán told our magazine...

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People’s perception of the pandemic situation week by week

By early March the coronavirus pandemic, which had seemed to be so distant before, turned our world upside down. When the government took the first special measures, NMS Hungary and...

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After a difficult semester, the population expects the income situation to turn better from autumn

For the fifth week in a row, NMS Hungary has been continuously measuring the sentiment of the population of the panel member countries, including Hungary, about the pandemic situation and...

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Less luxury, more health?

In an 821-respondent representative survey, NMS Hungary was trying to find out what Hungarians are expecting from the year ahead of us, and how their expectations can influence their shopping...

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