Bird flu has also reached the Csongrád-Csanád county

The bird flu epidemic is spreading rapidly in our country: the presence of a highly pathogenic bird flu virus has already been identified in the county of Csongrád-Csanád by the...

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Highly pathogenic bird flu was identified in two more counties

This time, the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) confirmed the presence of a highly pathogenic bird flu virus in the counties of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén and Bács-Kiskun. The competent...

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Hungarian winemakers can count on government support in the future as well

Zsolt Feldman, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for agriculture and rural development, gave a presentation on the state of the grape and wine industry, the new wine...

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Inspection of propagating materials at the Ónod fair

On November 2, Nébih held an on-site inspection with experts from the county government offices at the National Animal and Exhibition Fair in Ónód, during which, in addition to the...

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Kösz 2023-2024

In October the semi-final of the 9th Public Sector Catering Competition (KÖSZ) 2023-2024 took place at the Metro Gastro Academy. 12 teams qualified from this autumn round of the competition –...

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The highly pathogenic bird flu also appeared in the county of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg

In a new area, in the county of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, the presence of a highly pathogenic bird flu virus was confirmed by the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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An outbreak of bird flu has been confirmed in the Hajdú-Bihar county of Nébih

The laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) confirmed the presence of a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in the county of Hajdú-Bihar. The liquidation of the affected stock...

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Farmers receive help in the fight against the vole invasion

In addition to the autumn rainy weather, Nébih’s latest decision can also help protect against field voles, which are proliferating in an increasingly large area of the country. The authority...

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In heavily infected areas, anti-pox products can be used in conjunction with treatment, but in higher doses

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) amended the use permit of Pocok Tox MAX and Rodent Stop rodenticides in view of the serious pest situation affecting several regions of...

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Nébih: poultry must be kept closed again in seven counties due to the risk of bird flu

Due to the increased risk of bird flu, the national chief veterinarian Szabolcs Pásztor ordered the compulsory confinement of commercial poultry in high-risk areas, the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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The national veterinarian once again ordered the compulsory confinement of poultry

Due to the increased risk of bird flu, the national chief veterinarian Dr. Szabolcs Pásztor ordered the compulsory confinement of poultry kept for commercial purposes in high-risk areas. In the...

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Nébih: METRO recalled Morbier cheese

METRO Kereskedelmi Kft. has recalled Morbier A.O.P. cheese because it may contain Escherichia coli bacteria, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI. The agency asks customers not to...

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The Chamber of Agriculture promotes the consumption of local products

Hungarian farmers produce quality food all over the country, and by buying a higher proportion of local products, consumers can help rural producers to get to the market quickly, the...

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Local products must play a prominent role

With local products, the transportation route of food can be reduced, and the producer, the processor and the consumer are not only physically “close” to each other, but a relationship...

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African swine fever is getting closer to Hungary’s southern border

In the middle of October, the presence of African swine fever (ASP) in domestic pig herds was confirmed in the Eszék-Baranya county in Croatia, bordering Hungary. Since the start of the...

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Bluetongue has appeared in several European Union countries

The bluetongue epidemic broke out in the Netherlands in September 2023. At the beginning of October, Germany and Belgium, among the previously exempt member states, announced the appearance of the disease...

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NAV: unmarked food, cigarettes and alcohol were also found in a Romanian van

A Romanian driver whose van was stopped at Hegyeshalom by the staff of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) received a fine of almost one million forints; unmarked food,...

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Every fifth kilogram of food ends up in the bin: how much do you contribute?

The No Leftovers program of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) announces the assessment of household food waste for the fifth time. From October 16, the office is waiting for...

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The first autumn seasonal food chain inspection starts on October 16

With the intention of creating a tradition, for the first time this year, dr. Márton Nobilis is the state secretary responsible for the food industry and trade policy. The unusual...

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With excellent quality against hunger

How can we fight hunger and promote sustainability with quality food and a full stomach? Many would immediately say no. But the answer is simple: with awareness. On October 16, World...

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Nébih: Coop honey puddings were recalled by the manufacturer

Due to product deterioration within the shelf life, Urban Édesipari Kft. (Budapest) recalled several Coop honey puddings from the market, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) pointed out in...

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He organized a nut presentation for Nébih and NAK Pölöske

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) held a nut presentation in Pölöske on September 28. During the presentation, possible solutions to the...

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The e-GN practice interface is available

The National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) has developed a practical interface for the electronic management log (eGN). The development is a great help to farmers in log keeping: it...

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A Nébih a balatoni vendéglátóhelyekről

A Nébih nyári szezonális ellenőrzéseinek sorában a turisztikai szempontból nagy jelentőségű, balatoni vendéglátóhelyek is kiemelt figyelmet kaptak. A vizsgálatok fókuszába az éttermek ellenőrzésére jellemzően a higiéniás állapotok, az alapanyagok nyomon követhetősége,...

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The authority liquidated illegal poultry stocks

The competent government office conducted an inspection on a livestock farm in Bács-Kiskun County due to suspicion of illegal animal husbandry. The animal health experts liquidated the herd of unknown...

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Another step towards sustainability: Hungarian households waste less and less food

We waste 24 kg of food per person every year, according to the fourth waste survey carried out by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih). The results of the survey,...

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A more balanced nut crop is expected this year than before

Farmers on domestic walnut plantations are confident of a good harvest this year. After last year’s drought, a significant improvement in the quantity and quality of the harvest is expected. However,...

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Nébih: Hungarian households are wasting less and less food

According to the fourth waste survey conducted by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih), food waste in Hungarian households has decreased by 27 percent since 2016. The results of...

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The operation of a slaughterhouse in Csongrád-Csanád County was suspended

The operation of a slaughterhouse in Csongrád-Csanád county has been suspended due to serious hygiene problems found during an on-site inspection, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) informed MTI...

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Current and frequent questions are answered in eGN’s new, modified filling guide

Taking farmers’ needs into account, Nébih has updated the instructions for filling out the electronic farming diary based on the most common questions, and also expanded the collection of frequently...

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