Tag "NAK"

NAK wants us to eat more mushrooms

In June the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) organised a promotion campaign for retailers (Auchan, CBA, LIDL, METR O, SPAR, TESCO) and mushroom growers. Hungarian mushroom consumption is very low, 1-1.5kg...

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The sowing area of maize and wheat decreases

Maize and wheat were sown on almost three thousand less hectares of land this year in Tolna County. The sowing area of the autumn wheat fell by nine thousand hectares,...

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Agrarian Chamber: producers join forces to increase the competitiveness of the onion sector

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) aims to increase the competitiveness of the Hungarian dairy industry and to attract the attention of traders and consumers to the high quality Hungarian...

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In cooperation for the strenghtening of the Hungarian wine-growing sector

Two significant public bodies in Hungary are making their relationship closer: the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the National Council of Mountain Villages (HNT) have signed a strategic cooperation...

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About 30 percent less strawberries will be produced this year in Hungary

In Hungary this year, about 30 percent less strawberries will be produced due to frost damage – the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) told MTI on Friday. According to the...

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Agricultural Chamber: The new smart card facilitates administration

The new Smart Card on the Agricultural Chamber contains a lot of information that will make administration easier and faster – Süle Katalin, spokesperson of the National Chamber of Agriculture...

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The sowing has ended in Békés county

Sowing works were completed on more than 220 thousand hectares in Békés County. Based on the current expectations, a strong-medium yield is expected – the president of the Békés County...

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VAT reduction would be favorable for the bakery industry

It would be beneficial for the bakery industry if the Value Added Tax (VAT) on bakery products would be reduced, according to the proposal of the National Chamber of Agriculture...

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The first agri-rural development customer service office has opened

At the handover ceremony of the Agriculture and Rural Development Office on Friday in Hódmezővásárhely, Lázár János, Minister leading the Prime Minister’s Office said that the aim of the government...

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Frost damage mainly affected the apple trees in Zala

In Zala County, due to the stormy wind and cold, the frost damages mainly occured at apple plantations. Rape could be damaged as well, but this might be apparent only...

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The national hail mitigation system to be completed in a year

The national hail mitigation system will be completed for 1 May next year. The system will be operated by the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) – Győrffy Balázs, president...

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Chamber of Agriculture: 51 percent of the businesses are looking for skilled workers

51 percent of the food business enterprises are looking for skilled workers, 18 percent graduated workers, 7 percent are looking for higher education employees, and there is a 24 percent...

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The performance of the Hungarian food industry grew by 1.5 percent last year

The performance of the Hungarian food industry grew by 1.4 – 1.5 percent last year, exceeding the industry average. The value of production amounted to 2880 billion HUF after the...

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The Chamber of Agriculture this year will help in the submission of the single applications again

The National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) this year will also help in the submission of the single applications – the organization told MTI on Monday. The period for submission...

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Chamber of Agriculture: the Hungarian primeur vegetables to arrive earlier to the stores

From early April the Hungarian primeur vegetables will be available in the stores and markets throughout the country – the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) told MTI on Thursday....

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Brazil food scandal: the NAK urges strict trade regulations

The National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) expects strict trade regulations, due to the Brazil food scandal; therefore urges the development of a strict criteria sysrem to provide the safety of EU...

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The Agricultural Chamber Act may be amended

The National Assembly’s Agriculture Committee – with the majority vote of the MPs, with one abstention – scheduled the bill on the amendment of the Agricultural Chamber Act. For thr...

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Chamber of Agriculture: frost damages can be reported until 15 April

The farmers can claim compensation for frost damages until 15 April; the notification of frost damages will be no longer be possible after the deadline – the National Association of...

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The agricultural chamber helps with qualified tender writers

The Consulting Network of the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) provides assistance to about 400 thousand members in the selection of proposals, preparation, AND implementation. According to the information...

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The Chamber of Agriculture would build its service centers in each counties

The National Association of Agricultural Economics would build its service centers in each counties, which would give advices to farmers in different areas – the organization’s presidency spokesman told M1...

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The Chamber of Agriculture calls for the development of a national integration system

Because of the fragmentation of the agricultural sector it is necessary to build an integration system that is available at local, regional and national levels – Győrffy Balázs, president of...

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The Chamber of Agriculture issued eighty thousand fewer farmers’ certificates

Compared to recent years, the Chamber of Agriculture issued more than eighty thousand fewer farmers’ certificates. Süle Katalin Chamber presidency spokesperson told M1 news channel on Monday that the decline...

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Chamber of Agriculture: sectoral cooperation should be placed on new basics

The cooperation in agriculture should be placed on new basics. Integration should be made more attractive – Győrffy Balázs, president of the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) said at...

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Major frost damage in the autumn rape

Frost damages affected the winter wheat, winter barley and triticale smaller than expected, but the autumn rape suffered major frost damages in Békés county Kulcsár László, Békés county chairman of...

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The 21st Agricultural Expo in Pápa will be held in May

Professional Programs, hunting and fishing themed days are waiting for the visitors of the 21st Agricultural Expo in Pápa between 19 and 21 May. – the president of the National...

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FM: Hungarian farmers lost twice

The crisis on the pork and dairy market highlighted the fact that the Hungarian agriculture does not have enough storage and processing capacity, which is why the Hungarian farmers lost...

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The Chamber of Agriculture would reduce the VAT rate for cereals to 5 percent

The Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) suggests to reduce the VAT rate for cereals to 5 percent if the European Union does not allow reverse VAT payment after 2018. With this...

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The agricultural sector will be the winner of the digital transformation

The agricultural sector, the Hungarian farmers and food businesses should be the winners of the digital transformation – Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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The Russian embargo reduced the Hungarian agricultural exports with nearly a hundred million euros

The Russian import ban introduced in 2014 affected the Hungarian agri-food industry badly. During three years, the sector’s exports decreased by nearly one hundred million euros – Magyar Idők wrote....

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