Tag "Nagy István"

Nagy István: Florists may be open in the markets

Although the flower shops had to close due to the tightening of protection measures, the flower stands on the market could still be open – Minister of Agriculture Nagy István...

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Continuous and secure domestic food supply

Even during the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, the domestic food supply is continuous and secured – Nagy István Minister of Agriculture said. The Minister emphasized that the new...

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AM aims to make the most of natural resources

The aim of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoD) is to make the most of the opportunities provided by natural resources in Hungary and to use renewable energy sources in a...

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Nagy István: new tender will help to modernize horticultural plants

A new tender with a budget of 30 billion HUF will help to modernize horticultural plants. The support applications can be submitted from Monday – the Minister of Agriculture announced...

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Nagy István: choosing Hungarian products strengthens the country’s economy

By choosing Hungarian products, customers will strengthen Hungary’s economy, ensure the livelihood of families and also contribute to climate protection – Minister of Agriculture Nagy István said told M1 news...

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Nagy István: The irresponsible attitude of the European Commission may endanger the payment of agricultural subsidies in 2022

It is also clear to most Member States and the co-legislator, the European Parliament, that there is no realistic chance that the new Common Agricultural Policy will be launched in...

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Who buy a domestic product strengthens the Hungarian economy

The purchase of Hungarian products will strengthen the Hungarian economy, protect Hungarian jobs and ensure the livelihood of many thousands of Hungarian families, the Minister of Agriculture said in Lajosmizse...

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Minister of Agriculture: the impact of the crisis on the Hungarian food economy

The role of safe food supply has increased, and the emergency situation is also strengthening consumer awareness. According to Dr. Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture that is why it is...

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Minister of Agriculture: we still don’t know the real fallbacks of coronavirus

Every day, new losses are caused to Hungarian agriculture by trade and other restrictions due to the coronavirus epidemic, but effective control and the restart of the economy reduce the...

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Nagy István: the number of producer markets increased by two and a half times

Thanks to government subsidies, the number of local producer markets has increased by two and a half times between 2012 and 2019, from 117 to 298 – the Minister of...

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Nagy István said in Berlin that the efficiency of agriculture worldwide need to be increased to feed a growing population

The efficiency of agricultural production needs to be further improved to secure food supplies as the world’s population grows, but resources continue to dwindle – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture...

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Nagy István: beekeepers will receive 25 percent more support from 2020

As part of the national apiculture program, beekeepers will receive 25 percent more funding from 2020 – Nagy István Minister of Agriculture said in Gödöllő on Sunday. At the 11th...

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European beekeeping is in crisis

European beekeeping is in crisis, so the European Commission must investigate the reasons for the decline in bee colonies and make a proposals to treat the crisis – Nagy István,...

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Generational change entails many tasks In agriculture

Thirty years later, agriculture has come to generational change, giving many young farmers and legislators a lot of responsibilities, as the Minister of Agriculture said in his presentation at the...

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Nagy István: Hungarian agricultural technologies can be used to develop African agriculture

Hungarian agricultural technologies can improve the agriculture of the African countries, which, besides economic and social impacts, can contribute to adaptation to climate change, the Minister of Agriculture said in...

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Nagy István: Pepper growers can count on the help of the Hungarian government

The paprika producers in Kalocsa can count on the help of the Hungarian government in processing, marketing and improving and increasing the role of paprika on the markets – the...

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Nagy István: agriculture provided more than half of the national economy’s foreign trade surplus in the first half of the year

The Hungarian agricultural economy has undergone spectacular development in recent years, and its productivity and profitability have also increased significantly. Thanks to this, every year it makes a significant contribution...

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Nagy István: there is 60 percent higher production potential in Hungarian agriculture

Hungarian agriculture has 60 percent more production potential than today – the Minister of Agriculture said at the opening ceremony of the 32nd Bábolna Farmers’ Day on Thursday. Nagy István,...

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Nagy István: strategic goal is to establish a domestic soybean processing plant

A domestic processing plant would serve the domestic preservation of the soy produced in Hungary and the whitening of the sector, therefore its establishment is a strategic goal – Nagy...

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Nagy István: agriculture will be able to produce more safely and competitively next year

The expanding agriculture budget will allow safer and more competitive production in 2019, the agriculture minister said at a press conference in Budapest on Thursday. Nagy István stressed that from...

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Nagy István: Digital Agriculture Strategy means a change of era in agriculture

The development of Hungary’s Digital Agricultural Strategy (DAS) will mark a turning point, and the measures contained therein will promote the digitalisation of Hungarian agriculture and increase its competitiveness –...

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Nagy István: grants and programs help increase the competitiveness of beekeeping

The Hungarian beekeeping program, the honey promotion campaigns, and the Year of Pollinators announced this year are all intended to boost the competitiveness of the sector and increase the efficiency...

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Nagy István: to maintain the EU agricultural budget a joint action by the region is needed

The EU agricultural budget for the next seven years should not be reduced, even by increasing the contribution of individual countries, Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said on Friday in...

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Nagy István: everything is ready to start harvesting

Everything is ready to begin harvesting – Nagy István Minister of Agriculture said in Dunakiliti, Győr-Moson-Sopron on Sunday. The Minister added that they expect results exceeding expectations, because they expected...

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Nagy István: greenhouse is a serious resource for domestic vegetable production

Greenhouse is a serious resource for domestic vegetable production, and through the Rural Development Program and other subsidies, nearly ninety-one hectares of greenhouses will be built by the end of...

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Nagy István: the seed sector produces 180-190 billion HUF value per year

The seed sector of Hungary produces goods worth 180-190 billion forints annually, half of which is exported directly, and the market expansion of recent years shows that there is a...

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Nagy István: The development of the vine and wine sector is important in many ways

The development of the vine and wine sector is not only a cultural but also a serious economic and social interest, where more than 40,000 farmers in Hungary are currently...

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Nagy István: the future of the countryside is in the hands of young farmers

The future of the countryside is in the hands of young farmers – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said at the Friday Conference of the Young Farmers Association of Hungary...

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Nagy István: 2019 will be the year of construction in agriculture

Mezőhegyes is exemplary from the point of view of the history and future of Hungarian agriculture, Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said on Tuesday at a press conference held in...

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Nagy István: the Hungarian mangalica products conquer the world market

The Hungarian mangalica products conquered the world market from Singapore to Canada. They are present among others in Japan, the United States, Brazil, but also play a role in our...

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