Tag "munkaerő"

There are still no people for agricultural tasks

Labor released by the difficulties of other sectors can only partially address the acute labor demand of agriculture. Among the laid-off workers, mainly those who already have experience in this...

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Tesco is looking for temporary workers

Help us provide food for everyone, ”the index quotes Tesco’s Facebook call. The company is likely to need new employees to help meet the increased demand due to the spread...

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AM: generation change in agriculture may give a new impetus

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) would encourage young farmers to take a more active role, partly through the vocational school network of the ministry and through support from the Rural...

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Those companies are making progress that recruit the most talented people

Our magazine interviewed László Békefi, country general manager of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország. There have been great changes at the company recently – product categories were extended and new managers fill...

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Workforce, trends and prices

The Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK) has conducted a survey with the participation of restaurant and confectionery owners and guests. It has found that young people’s salary expectations...

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A guaranteed minimum wage can come in tourism

Due to the permanently critical labor situation, guaranteed minimum wage in tourism could come next year: the employers initiate the introduction of the expected tens of thousands of higher basic...

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From the end of June, a new support helps to keep skilled workers in agriculture

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) has developed a new support scheme for the poultry and pig sector. The applications for support can be submitted to the Hungarian State Treasury from...

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Randstad Employer Brand Research 2019 – Will there be enough workers in retail trade and in the FMCG sector?

Várkert Bazár hosted the event where the results of the Randstad Employer Brand Research were presented for the sixth time. Jacques van den Broek, global CEO of Randstad was also...

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On average, the salary of 1,100 employees at Auchan increased by 9 percent from 1 April

On average, the salary of 1,100 senior and subordinate employees increased by 9 percent at the Auchan Retail Magyarország from 1 April. The company spent 325 million forints on new...

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Record number of Hungarians feel their jobs are stable

According to a joint survey conducted by BNP Paribas Cardif Insurance and Medián in May, more Hungarians than ever before, 71 percent are optimistic about the stability of their jobs....

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It is key to reward skilled workers and professionals

The latest Cofidis Loan Monitor survey has revealed that it is difficult for Hungarians to find specialist doctors (84 percent), electricians (82 percent), painters (80 percent) and home appliance repairers...

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MGYOSZ: a growing gap between employer expectations and the knowledge of students

There is a growing gap between the expectations of employers and the experience and expertise of graduates – Gablini Gábor, vice president of the Hungarian Association of Employers and Industrialists...

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Nearly half of the SMEs expect an increase in the number of employees

Optimistic mood is taking place in the domestic SME sector, according to UniCredit’s recent research, but each company considers that its own position is worse than the market sees them...

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Tourism Association of Lake Balaton: wages increased considerably, and the labor shortages can be handled

In the highlighted holiday area of Lake Balaton, wages have typically increased by 50 percent over the past two to three years, and labor shortages can be handled, the Balaton...

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Entrepreneurs of the Lake Balaton: wage demands are unrealistic

The start of the season is more difficult than ever before due to the lack of skilled workers and unrealistic pay demands at Lake Balaton, but due to rising earnings...

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ÁSZ: labor market indicators improved between 2006 and 2016

Labor market indicators improved significantly between 2006 and 2016 in Hungary: the number of employed increased by 10.7 percent, while the number of unemployed decreased by 26.3 percent, and the...

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The European Commission proposes more transparent and predictable working conditions

The European Commission has adopted a new proposal for a directive on more transparent and predictable working conditions, which supplements and updates existing obligations under which workers should be informed...

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SPAR to give 13th-month salary to workers

SPAR Hungary has decided to give employees a 13th-month salary, which will constitute an extra income for 13,000 workers before Christmas. Head of communications Márk Maczelka told that in 2016 the...

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Így harcol a McDonald’s a munkaerőhiány ellen

A nyár mindig a legforgalmasabb időszakok közé tartozik a gyorséttermekben, a fiatalok pedig egyre csökkenő számban jelentkeznek az ilyen típusú munkákra, így a Citi után most a McDonald’s is beállt...

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Gimme a five!

The Fittest Workplace Program is operating since half a decade. During this time, more than 80 companies and organizations filled over a total of over 10,000 questionnaires. Based on this,...

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Where did Hungarians’ work motivation go?

In November 2016 GKI Economic Research Zrt. conducted a representative survey with the participation of 987 companies, trying to find the answer to questions such as ‘Why are companies unable...

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The world has turned around in twenty years

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) conducted its annual Global CEO Survey for the 20th time. It revealed that in the last two decades not only the markets changed but also the opinion of...

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Our agri-food export to Greece has seen better days

Hungary used to export agri-food products in the value of EUR 150 million to Greece after our accession to the European Union, but our direct export has reduced by half...

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Workania: retailing has become the largest labor recruiter in Hungary

The demand towards sellers and salesmen, cashiers and warehouse laborers increased significantly in the retail trade so this industry has become one of the biggest recruiter in Hungary – according...

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The SPAR has opened a Recruiting Office

The SPAR has opened its first recruiting office in Budapest in the SPAR supermarket in the Nyugati Square. The SPAR, as one of the largest employer in Hungary decided to...

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It is understandable why there are no sellers in the Hungarian stores

The stores are looking for 55 thousand sellers in the EU countries. The labor shortage is an overwhelming burden in other EU countries as well. Most of the vacant positions...

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OKSZ: the mitigation of labor shortages would be necessary in the commercial sector first

According to the communication of the National Retail Federation (OKSZ),the OKSZ still believes that the government made the right decision in April, when restored the former rules on Sunday working...

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The trade association proposes to establish a fund to support the retention of labor force

The Hungarian National Retail Federation (MNKSZ) welcomes the fact that the government is examining the possibility to establish a fund to support the retention of labor force. The MNKSZ responded...

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The VOSZ also supports the contribution reduction ideas

The National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) also supports the idea of Varga Mihály, Minister for Economic Affairs about the contributions reduction proposal – the advocacy organization announced on...

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Robots will pack the fruit

Agricultural technology companies presented interesting novelties at Forbes magazine’s AGTECH conference this year, including a robot arm, equipped with ultra-soft manipulator that can replace human labor in the packaging of...

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