Tag "műhús"

Lab-grown meat: the future of sustainable food production or a dead end?

In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to laboratory-grown meats, which many believe hold the promise of sustainable food production. However, the innovative solutions raise a number of questions...

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Laboratory foie gras: authorization of the first laboratory protein product in the European Union is imminent

The European Commission has received a license application for the first protein product produced under laboratory conditions. A French startup, Gourmey, has applied to market its lab-grown foie gras product...

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NAK joined the call sent to the EU by EU agricultural interest representatives

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) has joined the Copa-Cogeca open letter, in which the EU’s agricultural producers and cooperatives are asking the president of the European Commission to...

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The issue of artificial meat and the fight against food waste will be the main theme of our presidency

The issue of artificial meat, the fight against food waste and animal welfare are also on the agenda of Hungary’s EU presidency, which István Nagy discussed in his office with...

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Cheap artificial meat available to anyone is coming to the stores

Meat production and the associated emissions are becoming more and more worrying, but at the same time, laboratory meat production can be a potential solution to the problem. According to...

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The Hungarian government bans artificial meat, elsewhere it is seen as salvation

The Hungarian government has engaged in another culture war, this time against artificial meat. According to the planned measure, Hungary would be the second country in the world to ban...

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The production and trade of artificial meat was banned

Italy is the first in the European Union to say no to the production and distribution of so-called cultured meat and products derived from it, with a vote held on...

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Artificial meats can also be expected to gain popularity in Hungary

Due to climate change, depletion of natural resources, mass migration, epidemics, and the Russian-Ukrainian armed conflict, the world’s food economy has reached a turning point. The listed factors, as well...

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Artificial meat against climate change

The emissions of greenhouse gases from agriculture could be spectacularly reduced – experts say, if people would consume meat produced in the laboratory – agrarszektor.hu wrote. A serious portion of...

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