Tag "mezőgazdaság"

K & H: in comparison to the challenges little money is spent on R & D activities in agriculture

Hungary only spends 1 percent of its GDP on agricultural research and development (R & D) activities. The number of participants in the agri-vocational trainings are low as well as...

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One thousand seven hundred farmers reported frost damages so far

Until Monday 1700 farmers reported spring frost damages, on a total of about 9,200 hectares, but this number is likely to increase even more – the Deputy Minister of State...

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Chamber of Agriculture: there is a need to extend the deadline for the submission of the single applications

There is a need to extend the submission deadline of the EU's agricultural support application, because compared to last year’s 132 a thousand applications, this year only 120 thousand applications...

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Chamber of Agriculture: accurate data on the frost damages will be available at the end of May

Accurate data on the frost damages and on the fruit and vegetable crop failure rate will be available at the end of May – the leader of the Horticultural Department...

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The KSH is preparing for another agro-economic structural census

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) is preparing for another agro-economic structural census called “Agrárium 2016” between 15 May and 15 July this year. The census aim to track the changes...

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Czerván György: the frost damages to be mitigated from the 24 billion HUF of the compensation fund

24 billion HUF can be found in this year’s compensation fund – Czerván György, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture told M1 news channel on Thursday. The farmers...

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The Free Trade Agreement may potentially jeopardize European agriculture

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) can have a major impact on farming and food production in the European Union – the Friends of the Earth Europe and the...

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The Growth Loan Program is the engine of agriculture

The Hungarian National Bank’s (NBH) Growth Loan Programme (NHP) is behind the growth of Hungarian agriculture – according to the analysis of the Atradius credit insurance company. The market leader...

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Czerván: the sheep and goat sector has a high importance in Hungary

The importance of the sheep and goat sector goes beyond the agricultural sector's role in Hungary. In addition to its economic significance, the social impact also has to kept in...

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Budai Gyula: Hungary interested in relieving the Russian embargo

Hungary interested in relieving the Russian embargo, in partial releases of the embargo involving agricultural products – Budai Gyula said on Wednesday in Szentes. Budai Gyula Ministerial Commissioner told at...

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Conference on the Carpathian Basin Food Production

Hungary aims to contribute to preserve the national identity of Hungarians living abroad by improving the economic conditions – Fazekas Sándor said at the opening of the conference of the...

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The Chamber of Agriculture would extend the village consultant network beyond the border

The Chamber of the National Agricultural Economics (NAK) made a proposal to extend the village consultant network beyond the border at the Carpathian Basin Hungarian Farmers Co-ordination Forum (KEF) –...

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Maize seed is cheap due to oversupply

Changing climate, rapidly rotating hybrid varieties, low crop prices and austerity constraints hampered the spring maize seed selection, but this year due to the excess in supply one can bargain...

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FM: Hungary is committed to reduce food losses

Hungary is particularly committed in the reduction of food losses – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said at the Organization for Economic Cooperation...

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Vegetables drive production prices in agriculture

In January 2016 agricultural production prices increased by 4.8 percent from the level of January 2015. This rise was driven by the price of vegetable products increasing 10.5 percent. Livestock/products...

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FruitVeB: the current weather does not cause major problems for a while

The current relatively warm weather does not cause problem for a while in the cultivation of vegetables or orchards – the Chairman of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation...

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The Mafia has infiltrated the food industry

The Mafia has infiltrated to the Italian agriculture and food industry. the mafia’s last year's revenue from the Italian agriculture and food industry was more than 16 billion euros –...

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The performance of the agricultural sector can be increased by 30 percent

With the maximum utilization of the European Union and domestic resources, the performance of the agricultural sector can be increased by 30 percent. The performance of the agricultural sector last...

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The Stihl increase its sales revenue

The annual turnover of the Hungarian subsidiary of the Stihl agricultural machinery manufacturer exceeded 6 billion HUF in 2015 after the 5.87 billion HUF of the previous year. This year...

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Chamber of Agriculture: 24-25 thousand HUF greening support per hectare

The European Union (EU) greening support is about 24-25 HUF per hectare for the farmers who fulfill the conditions. Győrffy Balázs, president of the Chamber of the National Agricultural Economics...

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Several billion HUF to be allocated to agricultural marketing

The agricultural marketing program for the next three years is ready. The government would allocate the program with a total of about 6-7 billion HUF from domestic and EU funds....

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Agricultural trade surplus was over three thousand million euros

Horticulture is a strong, stable branch of the Hungarian agriculture. Horticulture gave about one-sixth of the annual agricultural output last year – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture said at the...

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Further support for the grape growers

The Agriculture and Rural Development Office awaits the support claims for vineyard restructuring and transformation from April. According to the 142/2012. (27 Dec) Ministry of Rural Development (VM) decree, support...

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Fertilizers became much more expensive

The fertilizer distributors sold 1.5 million tons of fertilizers directly to farmers in 2015. The sales volume was eight percent higher than a year before. The fertiliser prices have risen...

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Two hundred thousand primary producers were given cards

This year, slightly more than 200 thousand primary producer received 158 thousand primary producers’ cards between 1 January to 21 March. Süle Katalin presidency spokesman for the National Association of...

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Luxury hutch with support

According to the communication of the Agriculture and Rural Development Office, a non-refundable grant is available to compensate commitments which go beyond the requirements of the animal welfare standards. Claims...

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Agrisk.hu: crop insurances become comparable

The crop insurances become comparable, by using the damage simulator, developed by the Agrisk.hu crop insurance portal – the agricultural insurance portal told MTI on Tuesday. According to the information...

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A decision was born in Brussels on the temporary reduction of EU milk production

The European Union backed temporary cuts in milk production on Monday, in an emergency move intends to tackle excess supply. The overproduction of milk has been a problem since the...

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Japanese are interested in the Hungarian agricultural products

Serious interest was shown towards the Hungarian agricultural products in Japan – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture told at a press conference in Budapest. He added that the negotiations he...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices increased in January by 4.8 percent

In January, agricultural producer prices increased by 4.8 percent higher, compared to a year before. The increase is due to the 10.5 percent increase in the prices of crop products,...

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