Tag "mezőgazdaság"

The irrigation development tender of the Rural Development Programme to be amended

In order to effectively implement projects aimed at increasing the irrigated land, the Rural Development Programme’s rural water sector applications to be amended. The submission of grant applications will be...

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Agricultural producers expect favorable market turnaround this year

The agricultural producers expect favorable market turnaround this year. Mild optimism can be experienced in the agricultural sector – the survey of the Agribusiness Index reveals. The Agribusiness Index which...

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Depressed cereal prices

This year's wheat harvest is virtually completed in Hungary. Due to bad weather, farmers are still working on the fraction of the harvested area. However, the producers are dissatisfied with...

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Many rural municipalities are participating in the sample program

Throughout the country, more than 1,200 municipalities are participating in the agricultural sample program that helps rural employment. Across the country currently 1,285 municipalities are involved in the agricultural sample...

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Above average rainfall in July: the compensation fund will be paid next March

In July 20-80 mm more rain fell than as usual, the soil’s moisture content is over 60 percent on average. In the last few days and today, fierce thunderstorms have...

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Agricultural Chamber of Commerce: farmers' cards will be cheaper

The new card-based farmers' cards will be made later, but their production will cost only about half as previously planned – Süle Katalin, presidency spokesman for the National Association of...

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Distillate support is available

The publication of the Agricultural and Rural Development Office has been released over the support in the 2016/2017 marketing year. According to the communication of the Agricultural and Rural Development...

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Potato producers may receive production-related support from 2017

If Brussels accepts, 2017, the potato can enter into the support circle so willingness to produce may increase in Hungary – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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Domestic products are more popular even if they are more expensive sometimes

Despite the news of crop losses shortage in the orchards and vegetable gardens, the supply of imported vegetables significantly reduced on the 27th week at the Budapest Wholesale Market. In...

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The number of cows sent to slaughter more advanced in Europe

The milk producers of the countries joined to the EU later certainly hope for resolving the crisis of milk overproduction. According to Eurostat, the slaughtering of cows increased by six...

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Wheat harvest has been completed

Wheat harvest almost completed in the country. Due to bad weather, the farmers are still working on 1-2 percent of the area – the President of the National Association of...

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Csányi Sándor reorganizes his companies

Csányi Sándor OTP-leader simplifies the ownership structure of the KITE Mezőgazdasági Zrt. (Kite Agricultural Ltd.) – Világgazdaság Online wrote. More than 78 percent of the agricultural integrator giant will have...

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One hundred percent subsidized loans to farmers who were affected by spring frost damage

Those farmers whose lands were hit by frost in April this year may claim for an up to 500 thousand HUF interest rate and cost-free credit per hectare – the...

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Less melons may be imported this year

After the previous years, this year's market was more favorable to producers, but the fruit will be more expensive than last year – Népszabadság Online wrote. Oravecz Tamás, president of...

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The farmers need to prepare to convert the support system

One of the biggest challenges in the coming years is to help farmers to prepare for the significant transition of the support scheme after 2020. One of the most important...

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KAVOSZ: the frost-affected farmers can also receive full support

After the farmers who suffered ice damage, those agricultural enterprises suffered frost-damages can also benefit from the full support under the Agricultural Széchenyi Card (ASZK) scheme – the KAVOSZ Zrt....

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More winter wheat grown this year in Zala county

More winter wheat was grown this year in Zala county: Winter wheat was grown on 12 thousand hectares. The average yield was 5.9 tons, compared to last year’s 5.2 tons...

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Laws amended in favour of the agri-food sector

Recently the Hungarian parliament modified several laws in a way that the agri-food sector benefits from the changes. For instance upon the proposal of NAK and the Association of Hungarian...

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FM: compensation fund should be enough to treat the damages of this year

By next March, 24 billion HUF will be available in the compensation fund, which is likely to be enough to treat this year’s damages – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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Roundtable discussion at the Free University about the agriculture trade opportunities

The improvement of foreign trade results in agriculture can be expected from the growth of highly processed products – the speakers of the roundtable discussion emphasized. The roundtable discussion was...

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The farmers in Romania are encouraged to form cooperaties

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis published the law amendment on Thursday – the Romanian president's office announced. The Romanian Parliament adopted the amendment of the 2004/566 law at the end of...

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FAO Report: dry areas of the Earth should be handled with special attention

Special attention should be paid to the dry areas of the world, because climate change will further strengthen the negative effects of droughts, desertification and land degradation – the report...

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OTP plans to increase share in the financing of agriculture

Instead of the present 16-17 percent, OTP Bank plans to increase its share to 20 percent in the financing of agriculture by 2020. The bank prefers the crop farming segment...

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Barley was domesticated on the current territory of Israel

On the basis of genetic analysis of 6,000-year-old seeds found in the Judean desert, an international team of researchers believes that barley was domesticated on the current territory of Israel...

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The EU approves another 500 million euros market support package for the milk producers

Phil Hogan EU Commissioner responsible for Agriculture announced a new 500 million euros market support package to help the milk producers – Czerván György, Minister of State told at a...

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The harvest is expected to be completed by the beginning of August

Farmers in the country expect to complete harvest by the beginning of August, if the weather remains favorable and no rain occurs – the President of the National Grain Producers...

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The annual wheat requirement is already in the warehouses

Already twice of Hungary's annual wheat requirement is in the warehouses – the deputy chairman of the National Association of Grain Producers told M1 news channel on Saturday. Petőházi Tamás...

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Pininfarina to design Zetor tractors

The tractors are no longer just simple machines, but also a kind of status symbols: internal technical content and external appearance is important as well – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The Zetor...

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The stocks of leased agricultural machinery expanded

The stocks of the leased agricultural machinery continued to expand, in this year's first quarter. In case of the new and used agricultural machinery, the financed stocks reached 79 billion...

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Forty billion HUF for the development of the wine industry

The Prime Minister's Office published a forty billion HUF call for proposals to support the wine industry – the Minister of State of the Prime Minister's Office announced on Tuesday...

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