Tag "mezőgazdaság"

KSH: agricultural producer prices continued to rise in August

In August, agricultural producer prices prices rose by 3.2 percent, compared to the same period of last year, representing a 0.6 percent increase in the prices of plant products and...

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Kiwi can be grown in the Mura area

In the area of Mura, the former vineyards and semi-detached real estates offer to produce kiwi as one of the recycling possibilities – the Minister of State of the Ministry...

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A record potato yield was harvested in Székelyföld

The biggest potato production after 1989 was harvested in Székelyföld. In Kovászna county 28 tonnes per hectare, while in Hargita County 26 tonnes per hectare was the average yield. Könczei...

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The support of cattle breeders was increased by nearly 10 billion HUF

Regarding to the significant over-demand, the Prime Minister’s Office decided to increase the original 20 billion HUF budget to 29.6 billion HUF and the applications of 552 cattle breeders were...

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FM: the Visegrád and the Baltic countries have stood up for the preservation of EU agricultural subsidies

The Visegrád and Baltic countries jointly agreed to maintain a strong, two pillar common agricultural policy (CAP) on Monday in Luxembourg at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting – the...

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Disadvantaged regions can become the engine of developing economies

Disadvantaged regions can become the engine of developing economies. These regions have significant growth potential in food production and other related industries, according to a recent summary of the Food...

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The giant pumpkin record may be over 900 kilograms

A man from Utah who has loved giant pumpkins since childhood is trying to set a state record for the second time with a nearly 907-kilogram gourd he’s been tending...

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Csányi Sándor is expanding the Bonafarm Group with a new company

Csányi Sándor, Chairman and CEO of OTP, integrates the Pápa-based Agroprodukt Zrt. into the Bonafarm Group. The company has recently become the businessman’s interest. The structure of the Bonafarm Group...

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The Russians expect record grain production

According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, in Russia, this year, about 130 million tonnes of record crops are expected – origo.hu wrote. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin evaluated the grain...

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Irrigation alleviates the risks of extreme weather

The importance of irrigation was discussed by the Minister of Agriculture at Kisújszállás on the occasion of the Tisza Valley Conference on Saturday. Fazekas Sándor said that irrigation has a...

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The harvest of sugar beet goes well

This year’s sugar beet harvest is proceeding well, both the producers and the processors can look forward to a good season, however due to the cessation of sugar production in...

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Fazekas: the pig sector is a strategic area of agriculture

The pig sector is a strategic area of the Hungarian agriculture, which is also indicated by the fact that the sector’s support increased from the 6 billion HUF of 2010...

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Future belongs to triticale

The man-bred grain, the triticale, combines the qualities of wheat and rye – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The crop can be grown in economically in poorer soil quality areas and has high...

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One of the key elements of plant production is plant species experimental activity

One of the key elements of crop production is plant species experimental activity, as the biological basic is the safety of cultivation for agriculture and forestry – the Minister of...

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Brutal drought caused 100 billion HUF damages to the corn

This year’s summer heat caused up to 100 billion HUF damages to the corn producers – agrarszektor.hu wrote. According to the harvest results so far, yield is more than 2...

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This year, the autumn wheat varieties were tested by VSZT and GOSZ

The seed experiment work of the Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (VSZT) and the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ) has been closed in 2017. Farmers have summarized...

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The yield of corn and sunflower is smaller this year in Békés county

Due to the droughty summer, yields of both crops are lower than usual – the Békés County Harvest Coordination Committee determined at its meeting. Adamcsik László, a member of the...

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FruitVeB: there is still a large reserve in the Hungarian vegetable and fruit sector

In the Hungarian vegetable and fruit sector there are large reserves. The Hungarian production level is only 30-40 percent of the production level of Western Europe, competitiveness can be achieved...

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Farmers can apply for consultancy support again

Farmers can apply for subsidized consultancy support again this autumn – the president of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) announced on Thursday at a press conference in Budapest. Győrffy...

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Czerván: less corn is expected to grow this year

This year, less corn is expected to grow. The yield per hectare is below the record level of 2016, the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said...

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Rural development projects were announced in a value of almost 1000 billion HUF so far

The Rural Development Program (Vp) announced applications worth 969 billion HUF, about two-thirds of the 1300 billion HUF budget – the Minister of State of the Prime Minister’s Office in...

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Enterprises acquired new agricultural machines in a value of 77 billion HUF

The Hungarian companies acquired new agricultural machines in a value of 77 billion HUF in the first half of this year, which is an increase of 40 percent in annual...

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The European Soy Declaration was presented in the European Parliament

Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) and a representative of the German agricultural ministry presented the European Soy Declaration at the meeting of the...

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FM: The Hungarian-Vietnamese agro-industrial cooperation is deepening

There is a strong Vietnamese interest in Hungarian agricultural machinery. The cooperation between the two countries is intensifying in the area of poultry farming and food security – Fazekas Sándor...

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KSH: 7.2 million tons of grain cereals were produced this year

This year, 8.7 percent less, 7.2 million tons of grain cereals were produced in a 10 percent smaller area, compared to last year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced...

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Resinous types of fruit can be produced without the need of genetic modification according to the expert

Due to the development of biotechnology, resistant genes can be produced without genetic modification. Because of the appearance of previously unknown pathogens, there is a need for new breeds –...

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Czerván: a turnaround in the financing of agriculture

There is growing evidence that there has been a turning point in the financing of agriculture, credit growth continues to grow in the sector – the Minister of State of...

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Collaboration to increase protein crop production

Strategic agreements were signed by organizations interested in agricultural research to make soy and other protein crops more efficient, in the framework of the National Agricultural Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK)...

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Sunflower production is good, but it is worth to store the crop, due to the low prices

In the second week of September, the harvesting of sunflower seeds has begun. According to the data so far, crops will not be outstanding because of drought, but due to...

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Agrarian expert: new impetus for agricultural investments

Agricultural investments have been further boosted: in the first half of the year the value of agricultural investments grew by 30 percent – Fórián Zoltán, senior agricultural expert of the...

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